Project 2025

I’ve read plenty about it and it is terrifying to Democracy.

It’s so fucked up that Trump is clai mo one he knows nothing about it even though he’s on video thanking them for hatching it
You may have read plenty about it from liberals, but you haven't read it.
Project 2025 is the left's new boogeyman.
Not sure how you can project this 'Agenda' as anything but a Right Wing Playbook, intended to be used by the NEXT conservative President. It says so, right here, in writing.
Screenshot 2024-07-28 at 11.21.25 AM.png
You were told to be afraid of it, so you're afraid of it.
You were told to DENY it and turn it into a 'left wing propaganda' thing, so you attack the left on what is CLEARLY a right wing agenda.

You own it.
Quit with the deflection and denial.

project 2025.png
I heard a little bit about this from the biased left-wing media. They obviously are biased and a disgrace to the country. With their bias coverage of the BLM riots compared to January 6, for example

Anyway, I briefly looked at project 2025 The project 2025 is not at all racist from what I’ve seen. They actually want to eliminate racism including anti-white racism. They want to criminalize pornography. They want to Make abortion illegal.

There are some things I might disagree with like taking some of the funding away from Medicaid and Medicare.

Also Christian values would play more of a role in the government which is something that’s not controversial. It’s always played a part in our countries history and we are a Christian majority country. Realize that many of the charitable groups in the world are Christian based.

The lying and bad politics from Democrats is hopefully going to end. I bet some of them never even read what project 2025 is about. Apparently, Mr. Trump does not endorse project 2025 but maybe he should. Democrats make Project 2025 out as if it is something from the devil and it’s once again something they blatantly lie about. Please just educate yourself on the project itself,

Putting a Women, who also is black in front of the women hating bigoted hate group the right calls a party , has at this point buried Shitpants , he is done, it's over for him ,all we have to deal with now is Trump asking his hate group to kill for him, and they definitely will , he has no choice in his mind because if he can't take over the country now it is jail for him, and there is no way for him to get around it. and as a nation every patriots has to stand against MAGA killing their neighbors because Trump wants them to. So who would make the best vice president candidate against a women hating, bigoted Homophobic MAGA party . They can't even control their hate now it spews out like popcorn at the local movie theater. Yup Buttigieg. Theirs not one MAGA hater that can even hold a intelligent conversation with Harris or Buttigieg. Harris and Buttigieg will bury anyone they can put up in front of them to deal with any issue in this country, The truth delivered by them or combating the lies spewed from the hate of MAGA. . Trump is over but the patriots in this country have to put MAGA in the same shitter that we just put Trump in.
Not sure how you can project this 'Agenda' as anything but a Right Wing Playbook, intended to be used by the NEXT conservative President. It says so, right here, in writing.
View attachment 985830
This is MAGA driven, MAGA being by far this countries and it's democracy biggest threat and enemy. There is not a party closer to the NAZI party then MAGA and there has never been a presidential candidate closer to Hitler then Trump. His words are literally taken from the ,mouth of Hitler himself.
If by that you mean point out the obvious truth that neither the GOP nor the Trump Campaign have claimed P2025 as their agenda and, in fact, have an agenda unrelated to P2025, then sure.

Stop lying.
Simple Question(S).
1). Is putting the 10 Commandments in the Classroom in Project 2025?
2). Has Trump supported putting the 10 Commandments in the Classroom?

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