Project 2025 Chief debunks all the Democrat lies.

Again...rinse..and repeat...adnauseum. :)
You know what? You're right....On everything, ever....I think I will from here on out, denounce my entire life of Republican, conservative support, to come on over to the Democrats, and support child grooming, pedophilia, unnecessary wars, strangling inflation, nation killing immigration, violence against the Republican's, killing babies in the womb, business killing policy, higher taxes, racial division, green new deal, electric car mandates, record credit card debt, education turning out indoctrination instead of actual education, political prisoners, flag burning, apathy toward American decline, gaslighting, etc....

It all sounds great...What an easy way to live....No responsibility for the failures that arise from these policies and more...Congrats, you won..../sarcasm.
You know what? You're right....On everything, ever....I think I will from here on out, denounce my entire life of Republican, conservative support, to come on over to the Democrats, and support child grooming, pedophilia, unnecessary wars, strangling inflation, nation killing immigration, violence against the Republican's, killing babies in the womb, business killing policy, higher taxes, racial division, green new deal, electric car mandates, record credit card debt, education turning out indoctrination instead of actual education, political prisoners, flag burning, apathy toward American decline, gaslighting, etc....

It all sounds great...What an easy way to live....No responsibility for the failures that arise from these policies and more...Congrats, you won..../sarcasm.

Since we're here. What else frightens you? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Since we're here. What else frightens you? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You're in open forum stupid....Which means I can comment on ANYTHING you say....Get it?

And you're damned right the things I listed scare the hell out of me, not for myself, but for my grandchildren...Tell me, of the list as long as my are I posted here, what wouldn't scare you?

This is why we fight against your America killing agenda....It's destruction....For a pipe dream...
You're in open forum stupid....Which means I can comment on ANYTHING you say....Get it?

And you're damned right the things I listed scare the hell out of me, not for myself, but for my grandchildren...Tell me, of the list as long as my are I posted here, what wouldn't scare you?

This is why we fight against your America killing agenda....It's destruction....For a pipe dream...
C'mon. Tell the truth. What keeps you up at night?
Hopefully not the Deep State. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You should be scared for your grandchildren. I don't want to see a country that you've completely shot to hell because of your longing for a "simpler" time that's long past its expiration date.

Ok, I'll play. Let's go through your list.

"I think I will from here on out, denounce my entire life of Republican, conservative support, to come on over to the Democrats, support child grooming, pedophilia, unnecessary wars, strangling inflation, nation killing immigration, violence against the Republican's, killing babies in the womb, business killing policy, higher taxes, racial division, green new deal, electric car mandates, record credit card debt, education turning out indoctrination instead of actual education, political prisoners, flag burning, apathy toward American decline, gaslighting".

  • Unnecessary wars - Last ones I remember were Iraq and Afghanistan...started by who? Now, they were continued, but it took a Democrat to actual bring an end to them.
  • Nation killing immigration - Address immigration. Both parties. If the last administration hadn't gutted the asylum process and had they not shot down any attempt to reform the system, you might have an argument here.
  • Business killing policy - Oh, you mean like fucking up the response to a worldwide pandemic, costing millions of job and shuttering hundreds of thousands of businesses? As well as a sweetheart tax cut and disastrous tariff increases??? Those kind of "killing" policies"?
  • Higher taxes???? - On who? The wealthy?, Corporations? Just on the biggest swath of money producing class.
  • Strangling inflation - Brought on largely by said response to worldwide pandemic. Still not quite recovered. Slowly and better than it was, but still not great.

Let's see, the rest is just a recycled laundry list of alt-right whining. Please, credit card debt climbs. Especially in the wake of the pandemic.

And I don't see any concern for your grandchildren over affordable housing, livable wages, and yes, climate change.
Hopefully, we won't leave an Earth covered in water. Then everyone has to become Costner. :)
Time to move onto the next hoax. This one is dead.

It is a well-reasoned and wholly American document to begin to restore America back to the people.

No Conservative will deny it. Unlike the left, we don't run away from our values just to win an election.
These two clowns seem to be denying it.
Nostra believes it is a "Hoax"
and SassyIrishLass believes this (R) written project is somehow a Deep State piece of misinformation.
You're wasting your time, their masters have told them otherwise and they're destined to keep repeating the talking points they have been spoon fed
It's a blueprint.
And I wasn't aware there needed to be any "fairness" doctrine in government. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
That's what we have free and fair elections for.

I'm sorry, how is government not accessible for conservatives? In 2017, they controlled all three branches
and got...what done? :)
So, you haven't read the document at all. Or you'd know it isn't about the election.
Time to move onto the next hoax. This one is dead.

The guy in charge of Project 2025 dismantles one by one all the Democrat lies about it. Most importantly, the lie Trump has anything to do with it.

He adds: “But here, with Project 2025, a lot of what people say is not actually in Project 2025.”

He adds: “But here, with Project 2025, a lot of what people say is not actually in Project 2025.”

The Heritage Foundation attorney notes that some corporate media outlets and left-wing activists have claimed the group is looking to cut social security, for instance. However, Dans counters, stating: “We don’t even have a chapter on social security. That’s not even in the [policy] book.”


Addressing left-wing attacks claiming the group is plotting an authoritarian takeover, the Project 2025 director meticulously picks apart the propaganda. “The federal government right now has 2.2 million full-time workers,” Dans argues, adding: “The president appoints a sliver—4,000. If you do the math, that’s one to 500. That’s not exactly an army.”

“But to be clear, it really is wanting the president to be back in charge of the executive branch. Why is that?” Dans posits to the Pool and his co-hosts, telling them: “Because we vote for the president, and it’s ultimately about putting us [the American people] back in charge. This is really a plan to restore democracy.”

He emphasizes that the goal is to make the executive branch accessible to those who want to put in the work and make the government better. “It’s a call for conservatives, libertarians, really people who just don’t accept the status quo and think we can do better to get into government,” Dans says.


According to Project 2025, the federal government—as it has increased in size and become more centralized in Washington, D.C.—has lost touch with the average American’s needs and concerns.

“We see here in Washington that it’s not really representative of the whole. You have a very cosmopolitan group. The typical federal worker votes on the order or 95 percent for the Democrat Party,” Dans argues before continuing: “So you’re already going into a building where the people are ideologically opposed to your agenda, and how do you manage that.”

He relates his own experience facing bureaucratic dysfunction and internal opposition from career government employees during the first Trump presidential administration. “What we’re doing really is demystifying the process to get to Washington,” Dans says, adding that Project 2025 is “…a recruiting tool to say this government is yours as much as it is anyone else.”


Pushing back against the Democratic Party and their corporate media allies’ misconceptions regarding a mythical fourth ‘administrative state’ branch of government, Dans cautions that power has been wrested from the people and placed instead with unelected bureaucrats.

“And that’s what we’re really working with. Trying to basically say this whole system, this whole progressive architecture, this whole matrix, was built for the express reason of taking government and power out of the hands of the people and putting it in the hands of a group of so-called experts,” Dans contends.


Settling the most common false claim by the corporate media and the left, Dans firmly says the group has no relation to former President Donald J. Trump or his 2024 presidential campaign. “The number one lie that they tell is that this is Trump’s Project 2025. It is not,” Dans tells Pool. He adds: “So we started this up three years ago… and it was a coming together of the conservative movement.”

Again, the Project 2025 director emphasizes that the goal of the group is to serve as a “mechanism to get good people to Washington”.

Lawsuits! Many lawsuits! Billions in defamation lawsuits!!!

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