20 Lies Harris Told last night at the debate

Yup, the entire segment needs to be shown for context.
Trump did say it......didn't he?

I know, I know, there's more, but are you denying he said it?
Point is........

He also said "Stand Back and Stand By". Who was he talking too Rawley?
You know it was the Proud Boys and you KNOW what he said.
So go ahead and put your spin on "Stand Back and Stand By."
This ^^^ is NOT condemning the Proud Boys or White Supremacy.
Stand Back and Stand By is an ORDER to be ready on my command.

Trump also said cray things like "Fight Like Hell" while in the same speech used the words "Peacefully and Patriotically". Yup, those are conflicting statements, why does trump do this.
As PROTECTION, so he can always claim......sure, but I said this too.
This list is bullshit. None of these are lies. Campaign and debate rhetoric, sure. The only thing she lied about straight up about was the unemployment rate Trump left when Biden and she took office.

And I don't see that on your list. :)

See #11 dipstick. And yeah, they were all lies. Stop trying to put lipstick on a PIG.

Still waiting on the list of states where you can't get an abortion.
Can a woman get an abortion in South Carolina?

You are pretty easy to defeat.
Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 11.09.12 AM.png
Yup, the entire segment needs to be shown for context.
She lied. "Let's remember Charlottesville, where there was a mob of people carrying tiki torches, spewing antisemitic hate, and what did the president then at the time say? There were fine people on each side.

He didn't say the "mob of people carrying tiki torches, spewing antisemitic hate" were "fine people" He expressly denounced those people.
Yup, the entire segment needs to be shown for context.
Trump did say it......didn't he?

I know, I know, there's more, but are you denying he said it?
Point is........

He also said "Stand Back and Stand By". Who was he talking too Rawley?
You know it was the Proud Boys and you KNOW what he said.
So go ahead and put your spin on "Stand Back and Stand By."
This ^^^ is NOT condemning the Proud Boys or White Supremacy.
Stand Back and Stand By is an ORDER to be ready on my command.

Trump also said cray things like "Fight Like Hell" while in the same speech used the words "Peacefully and Patriotically". Yup, those are conflicting statements, why does trump do this.
As PROTECTION, so he can always claim......sure, but I said this too.
She lied. "Let's remember Charlottesville, where there was a mob of people carrying tiki torches, spewing antisemitic hate, and what did the president then at the time say? There were fine people on each side.

He didn't say the "mob of people carrying tiki torches, spewing antisemitic hate" were "fine people" He expressly denounced those people.
She didn't lie.
He said it.
Why are you denying that he said it?
It certainly was.
Then trump tried to Run From It, knowing how damaging it is.
Why did trump speak about what the Heritage Foundation was creating and later say he has NO Knowledge of it at all. He's a LIAR, that's why.
The Trump administration and the Herotage foundation are different entities. Harris’ claim is that project 2025 is Trump’s platform.

That’s false, it’s a lie. I know you hate Trump, but you can’t suspend facts just to protect your installed candidate.
She didn't lie.
He said it.
Why are you denying that he said it?
He said it of those who were there peacefully to discuss or oppose statues.

He made that clear in his quote. He specifically denounced the bad people.

The media and Democrats just chopped the quote, misinforming people like you to believe disinformation.
Boy! You a special kind of stupid aren't you?
Those weren't "independents."
They were carefully selected MAGAt cultroaches tasked with providing the narrative that you are parroting now.
Aren't you just a good little sheeple.

Roll in it Mikey....your days are numbered.

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