20 Lies Harris Told last night at the debate

This list is all true, we don't need Harris what Trump says we've all see him say this on videos

You are too stupid and lazy to find out for yourself. You just swallow what they feed you.

The list of lies is just that....a list of lies.

Put down the bong and pull your head out of your ass.
It will do the exact same thing as a sales tax if you put a one dollar tariff on a product it will cost the consumer one more dollar. Trump ,the piece of shit ,said the the country/company that you tariff will pay for it and not the purchaser. Now that is one hell of a bigger lie then calling it a sales tax. Tariffs and sales tax is a way to tax the poor and middle class . It's the hate party doing exactly the only thing they exist for , free ride for the ungodly wealthy. Transfer all the new wealth of this country into the hands of the people who need it and deserve it the least. Fuck them. They demand it all and pay their right wing politician to make law so it all goes to the golden few at the top , then fuck them.
You’re free to arguewhere she’s not lying on these
She wasn't lying on any of them. It's your side lying about the supposed lies, really badly.

Let's start with the first.

For example, Trump loveslovesloves project 2025. His people designed it. It's a big big lie to claim he has nothing to do with it.

Trump lied, Harris didn't. And the whole nation saw it. And that's why the Trump cult is howling in humiliation, and turning their lie-machine up to "11".
She wasn't lying on any of them. It's your side lying about the supposed lies, really badly.

Let's start with the first.

For example, Trump loveslovesloves project 2025. His people designed it. It's a big big lie to claim he has nothing to do with it.

Trump lied, Harris didn't. And the whole nation saw it. And that's why the Trump cult is howling in humiliation, and turning their lie-machine up to "11".
6. Trump called Nazi's at Charlottesville "Very fine people" (False: he denounced them, and called peaceful protestors of both sides of statue issue as very fine people)

She wasn't lying on any of them. It's your side lying about the supposed lies, really badly.

so, you're one of the MORONS that still believes Trump included Nazis and White Supremacist in his 'very fine people on both sides' comment, after the numerous times it's been debunked?
This list is bullshit. None of these are lies. Campaign and debate rhetoric, sure. The only thing she lied about straight up about was the unemployment rate Trump left when Biden and she took office.

And I don't see that on your list. :)
You are of course full of rancid shiiite
She wasn't lying on any of them. It's your side lying about the supposed lies, really badly.

Let's start with the first.

For example, Trump loveslovesloves project 2025. His people designed it. It's a big big lie to claim he has nothing to do with it.

Trump lied, Harris didn't. And the whole nation saw it. And that's why the Trump cult is howling in humiliation, and turning their lie-machine up to "11".
You are a liar, plain and simple, but you are paid to lie so good job, maybe there is a bonus
so, you're one of the MORONS that still believes Trump included Nazis and White Supremacist in his 'very fine people on both sides' comment, after the numerous times it's been debunked?
No, it hasn't been debunked. That's a biglie your side tells.

Remember, I can read, so I know Trump was specifically referring to the white supremacists. It's right there in the transcript. Just because your side lies about it, that doesn't change the facts.

If you can't read ... then no wonder you're part of the Trump cult.
No, it hasn't been debunked. That's a biglie your side tells.

Remember, I can read, so I know Trump was specifically referring to the white supremacists. It's right there in the transcript. Just because your side lies about it, that doesn't change the facts.

If you can't read ... then no wonder you're part of the Trump cult.
My gosh you are just an ass of biblical proportion, he didn't say it in the context you are making up!
No, it hasn't been debunked. That's a biglie your side tells.

Remember, I can read, so I know Trump was specifically referring to the white supremacists. It's right there in the transcript. Just because your side lies about it, that doesn't change the facts.

If you can't read ... then no wonder you're part of the Trump cult.
. then no wonder you're part of the Trump cult.
It HAS been Debunked, numerous times,

and you sit in the back row during your Special Ed classes.
So I'm supposed to believe you over my lying eyes?

Remember, I'm not in a cult, so I don't roll that way.
7 years, and you're still repeating debunked propaganda.

I wish I could say I'm sorry for you,

I'm not.

But I also don't have to put up with your idiocy.
I don't care what it is used for , a one dollar tariff on a given product will increase the charge of that product by one dollar. and when it is a product that is mostly consumed by the poor and middle class , then it becomes a tax on the poor and middle class. It a lot simpler then that,forget the tarriff and increase the tax on the people who need it the least and deserve it the least , the wealthy. It is exactly like a national sales tax , it is so the poor and middle class pays for it. The wealthy have gotten fat of their free ride for the last 45 years . now for the next 45 years we will turn that around and move the wealth in the hands of the poor and middle class. And instead of the poor and middle class watching from the side as the ungodly wealthy get that much more ungodly wealthy. Instead for the next 45 years we will watch the rich sit and watch while the workers and the needy get their turn at the bucks. Screw them. They don't earn it deserve it of need it.
And a one dollar corporate tax on a given produce will increase the charge of that product by one dollar, right?

You clown are all for taxing the bajeebus out of EVIL CORPORATIONS, but what you are really doing is raising the cost of goods on the consumer. Why do you hate the little guy?
No, it hasn't been debunked. That's a biglie your side tells.

Remember, I can read, so I know Trump was specifically referring to the white supremacists. It's right there in the transcript. Just because your side lies about it, that doesn't change the facts.

If you can't read ... then no wonder you're part of the Trump cult.

Even far leftwing Snopes says you are a lying sack of vermin shit, mamooth

No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'​


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