Kamalla Harris wants Medicare for all

Good thing you won't be paying for insurance, since you'll now need the money to pay for your new tax bill.
I never cried about the taxes I paid in the 90's. Know who did? Republicans

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

Do you know who else would have been great presidents? Gore and Hillary
The only thing Dimocrats "care" about, is getting you drunk on their government programs. This is how they will be controlling your life!
Stop drinking the coolaid bro! Have a serious conversation.

I'm an open book here about my finances. But I know so little about everyone elses. Maybe you're a coal miner. If so, vote for Trump. Maybe you're a small business owner who hires illegals. Vote for Trump

Then that's robs America of ambition, hardworking and progress. When the government just hands everything to everyone then many of them just sit around sucking the tit.

There is a reason why America went from nothing to the major world super power in record time. When america was 400 years old we had to help countries thousands of years old. We rose to the top faster than any other country, so why would you want to change the things we had to do that? But that's all people want now for some reason, is to change things that have been proven to work the best.

Orero is an insanely popular cookie that built an empire. What happens if they suddenly just say "we need to change everything to stay popular" well they would be the 7th best selling cookie in no time.

Our country only began it's decline in the past 10 years when we decided we would up end everything that got us here.

Giving everyone Medicare is another example of changing a successful system for absolutely no reason. We didn't need to do that the past 100 years and people did just fine on the whole

Yep, damaged care.

A film based on the experiences of Dr. Peeno, called “Damaged Care” and including a scene showing her denying a patient’s heart transplant, will have its world premiere on Capitol Hill on Friday, May 10. Laura Dern (“Jurassic Park”) plays Dr. Peeno. Dr. Peeno testified before Congress in May of 1996 about her heart transplant case and has been outspoken about the right to health care ever since.

“As a physician working for Humana, I denied a young man a heart transplant that would have saved his life, and thus caused his death,” testified Dr. Peeno. “No person or group has held me accountable for this, because, in fact, what I did was I saved a company a half a million dollars.”

I like to needle Humana reps.
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One of the top 5 private healthcare companies in the nation with a 94% rating on Medicare and Medicaid programs with a 4 star rating or higher -- 61% in a 4.5 or higher rating and an average star rating of 4.4. Thank you
This no longer happens dip shit. I retired from Health Insurance.
I bet you're glad you did retire. I decided to stay one more year and now rethinking that as all the MAPD companies are changing or dumping some of their plans for 2025. I in the process of calling many clients and telling them they're going to receive a letter early next month informing them of changes and that they would have to make another election for next year instead of just letting it roll over. I can't explain anything else yet, as you well know and if I could I do not know the summary of benefits in the plan they will probably pick.
For the Dems, Medicare = Single Payer. Shitty idea.

Expand the Medicare - Medicare Supplement - Medicare Advantage system to all, with some tweaks. Government & Free Market Capitalism working together to innovate. Provider contracts would have to change. Networks would have to be patched up. We need to upgrade the billing system (again). Age-band it so it costs less. Maybe means test it.

Our "system" right now -- whether it's the ACA or the even shittier mess we had before -- is a bad joke. This is what happens when the two parties are too childish and afraid to collaborate and innovate.

What's "wrong" about someone having no money? Things happen to all of us, and there are programs in place to help folks get back on their feet.....as long as they want to.
Not my job to fund them forever.

Countries with government funded universal healthcare spend a fraction of the money American spend on healthcare.

In addition to being substantially cheaper than your for-profit system, life expectancy in the USA is declining well life expectancy in the rest of the world continues to rise.

As is so often the case, American pay MORE for everything when the for profit people get involved and get less in return.
For the Dems, Medicare = Single Payer. Shitty idea.

Expand the Medicare - Medicare Supplement - Medicare Advantage system to all, with some tweaks. Government & Free Market Capitalism working together to innovate. Provider contracts would have to change. Networks would have to be patched up. We need to upgrade the billing system (again). Age-band it so it costs less. Maybe means test it.

Our "system" right now -- whether it's the ACA or the even shittier mess we had before -- is a bad joke. This is what happens when the two parties are too childish and afraid to collaborate and innovate.

Our system provides basic medical care for every person in the nation, including all doctors office visits, testing, hospitalizations and surgeries. Supplemental insurance covers the things that our basic health insurance doesn’t cover such as prescriptions, semi private hospital rooms, and dental.

Everyone wants healthcare that is good, fast and cheap. It doesn’t exist. You can have two out of the three, but you cannot have all three.

The USA healthcare, which is good and fast, is the most expensive healthcare in the world and a large percentage of your citizens have no coverage whatsoever. And your life expectancy is declining, despite all the money, payout for healthcare.

Furthermore, co-pays discourage Americans from using their medical system until they are in dire medical emergencies. This means that people don’t seek treatment until they are much much sicker.

This notion that after paying $12,000 for health insurance that patients have to have some “skin in the game” or they’ll abuse their coverage is asinine they already have $12,000 worth of “skin in the game”.

Canada has healthcare which is good and cheap but it’s not as fast. If you have a medical emergency, you will be treated immediately. But for “elective surgery” there’s triage and a waiting list.

Canadians and Europeans, all of who were functioning under similar systems live longer and healthier lives. Smart people adapt to our healthcare systems and it’s limitations.

Our system for focuses on prevention and early treatment when it’s cheaper and more effective.
Instead of squandering hundreds of billions of dollars, our useless politicians could have given us a cheap, socialized healthcare plan; alongside with the standard healthcare we have in America. (The rich don't want socialized healthcare and the average person can't afford the system we have...so we need 2 systems.) People that can't afford America's unaffordable healthcare could get their appendix out before it bursts.

If they need a heart transplant, then go work 3 jobs and save up for 6 years to pay for it. The socialized plan would be for basics to keep it viable. But the American healthcare system is so greedy they don't want to lose a penny and would never accept a 2nd option. Plus, our politicians are absolute nincompoops and could never run a socialized healthcare system anyway.

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Lol! The white guy doesn't need help.

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Countries with government funded universal healthcare spend a fraction of the money American spend on healthcare.

In addition to being substantially cheaper than your for-profit system, life expectancy in the USA is declining well life expectancy in the rest of the world continues to rise.

As is so often the case, American pay MORE for everything when the for profit people get involved and get less in return.

Countries with government funded universal healthcare spend a fraction of the money American spend on healthcare.

Rationing, no research, old meds, less equipment, fewer doctors and long waits are cheaper.
I never cried about the taxes I paid in the 90's. Know who did? Republicans

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

Do you know who else would have been great presidents? Gore and Hillary
everyone cries about taxes bobo....and how old were you then?...
Rationing, no research, old meds, less equipment, fewer doctors and long waits are cheaper.
I was never refused any treatment that my GP deemed necessary. There is plenty of research done in those countries. meds are the same, subject to approvals. The pharmaceutical lobby is not as prevalent. Our agencies tend to take more time before approving drugs. Number of doctors is largely a negotiation between the medical boards and the provinces. Wait times are determined by urgency of care.
I was never refused any treatment that my GP deemed necessary. There is plenty of research done in those countries. meds are the same, subject to approvals. The pharmaceutical lobby is not as prevalent. Our agencies tend to take more time before approving drugs. Number of doctors is largely a negotiation between the medical boards and the provinces. Wait times are determined by urgency of care.

There is plenty of research done in those countries.

Really? Any new drugs that come to mind?

Our agencies tend to take more time before approving drugs.

I'll bet. Not just safety, but does the government want to pay for them?

Wait times are determined by urgency of care.

And supply and demand.

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