Chain Rection: The Impact of Race, Rights, and Taxes on American Politics

That is what I mean by "gloating."

Thank you for mistaking me for a Jew.
History is history... pointing it out isn't gloating.

Taking the wrong message from it is.

The Zionists are like abused children who go on to abuse someone else.

You are not looking at me to see that. You are looking in the mirror.
Naw, guy, if we both went down to the hood and expressed our opinions, only one of us would get out without an ass-kicking.
Naw they harm small Palestinian children.
The parents of those children should move to where their children will be safe.

I will give the Palestinians credit for one thing. Nearly all of their children are legitimate, unlike the children of your pet minority.
Naw, guy, if we both went down to the hood and expressed our opinions, only one of us would get out without an ass-kicking.
If that is true it demonstrates that your opinions can only be defended violently. My opinions can be defended with facts and reason.
If that is true it demonstrates that your opinions can only be defended violently. My opinions can be defended with facts and reason.

No, guy, it shows your opinions are not welcome in polite society.

The parents of those children should move to where their children will be safe.
They are where they have been for hundreds of years, unlike the European Squatters.

"Oh, look, this book with talking snakes says this is mine."

Okay, show me a talking snake, and I'll believe you.

I will give the Palestinians credit for one thing. Nearly all of their children are legitimate, unlike the children of your pet minority.

Yes, we have you usually obsession with other people's sex lives or your lack thereof.
Yes, we have you usually obsession with other people's sex lives or your lack thereof.
If illegitimacy is an acceptable life style, as you maintain, the unmarried parents of illegitimate children should be financially responsible for those children, the ways the parents of legitimate children are.
If illegitimacy is an acceptable life style, as you maintain, the unmarried parents of illegitimate children should be financially responsible for those children, the ways the parents of legitimate children are.

okay, by that logic, then deadbeat dads should be responsible for their 'legitimate' children that they abandon.

Polite society respects opinions that are fact based, rational, and politely expressed.
Then go say the shit you say here in public, let me know how it works out for you.


Okay, so mocking you is fun and all, but let's get back on the topic here.

You made a claim that because Democrats don't spend enough time sucking up to awful racist white people, that is why awful racist white people have left the Democratic coalition.

Except... they were never really IN the coalition. White people have voted majority Republican in nearly every election from Lincoln to Trump. The only exceptions being 1964 (where Goldwater was too nuts for anyone to vote for) and FDR's four terms (where the Republican Party had been so degraded that by 1936, it only held 17 senate seats and 85 house seats.)

What keeps Democrats afloat is that people of color support them. 90% of blacks, 70% of Hispanics and Asians.

You cherry pick a few elections without considering the other factors, such as awful candidate (McGovern and Mondale) or issues that drove up GOP numbers (such as fear of the USSR or Terrorists).
Then go say the shit you say here in public, let me know how it works out for you.

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No one should be punished for telling the truth.

You rely on force. I rely on facts.

Eventually people will get tired of enforcing what they know to be lies about average, but durable racial differences in ability levels and behavior.
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You made a claim that because Democrats don't spend enough time sucking up to awful racist white people, that is why awful racist white people have left the Democratic coalition.

Except... they were never really IN the coalition. White people have voted majority Republican in nearly every election from Lincoln to Trump.

That is not true at all. Until 1965, when the Voting Rights Act and the Immigration Reform Act were passed into law, 90% of Americans were white. Most Negroes were not allowed to vote. Nevertheless, the Democrats won quite a few elections.

If you really majored in history in college, you would know that.
okay, by that logic, then deadbeat dads should be responsible for their 'legitimate' children that they abandon.
I certainly think so. You are so defensive when I bring up the topic of illegitimacy, that I suspect that you have begat at least one illegitimate child who has been raised on welfare.
No one should be punished for telling the truth.

You rely on force. I rely on facts.

Eventually people will get tired of enforcing what they know to be lies about average, but durable racial differences in ability levels and behavior.

Guy, we don't live in a society that respects intelligence. Look who is running for President.

You'd get your ass kicked for being a douchenoodle, not for being "right".

That is not true at all. Until 1965, when the Voting Rights Act and the Immigration Reform Act were passed into law, 90% of Americans were white. Most Negroes were not allowed to vote. Nevertheless, the Democrats won quite a few elections.

If you really majored in history in college, you would know that.

Well, um, no, this is where you are a little confused, as usual.

First, back in the day, Indians were counted as White instead of Asian (or "Oriental") and Hispanics were counted at white as well.

Democrats won elections because minorities put them over the top. Certainly in 1960, where Kennedy won by a whisker. Certainly in 1948, when all the racists voted for Strom Thurmond.

I certainly think so. You are so defensive when I bring up the topic of illegitimacy, that I suspect that you have begat at least one illegitimate child who has been raised on welfare.
Naw, my little soldier always wore his helmet.

Should point out that when I was younger, I would have been stupid enough to marry a woman for an unexpected pregnancy, which would have been really stupid.
Naw, guy, if we both went down to the hood and expressed our opinions, only one of us would get out without an ass-kicking.
What you are saying is that if I went to a black slum and told a black ghetto thug that blacks have a high rate of violent crime, he would refute me by beating me up.
What you call "stupid" I call "honorable."
Nope, it would be stupid. Marrying someone you don't love because of a pregnancy, would have been horrible.

Thankfully, we have abortion now, so that isn't a problem.

What you are saying is that if I went to a black slum and told a black ghetto thug that blacks have a high rate of violent crime, he would refute me by beating me up.

Um, yeah. He's also beat you up if you questioned his parentage.

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