Kamalla Harris wants Medicare for all

Countries with government funded universal healthcare spend a fraction of the money American spend on healthcare.

Rationing, no research, old meds, less equipment, fewer doctors and long waits are cheaper.

BULLSHIT!!! These are the LIES Big Medicine tells you to keep you wasting your money on a failing system. 1.2 million dead Americans from covid is as much a failure of your health care system as it is a failure of the Trump Presidency.

The federal government asked the provinces to stock up their hospitals and care homes, and the hospitals reported their needs to the province. The province provided the info to the federal government and Trudeau bought PPE. Trudeau bought the PPE.

There is NO rationing of care, and we get all of the newest meds, at much, much cheaper prices than you do. We don't have "fewer doctors". If you need surgery NOW, you will get it. It's call "triage".

Last but not least, people in countries with universal goverment funded medical care live longer, healthier, and more productive lives than Americans, whose life expectancy has been declining for nearly a decade now.
BULLSHIT!!! These are the LIES Big Medicine tells you to keep you wasting your money on a failing system. 1.2 million dead Americans from covid is as much a failure of your health care system as it is a failure of the Trump Presidency.

The federal government asked the provinces to stock up their hospitals and care homes, and the hospitals reported their needs to the province. The province provided the info to the federal government and Trudeau bought PPE. Trudeau bought the PPE.

There is NO rationing of care, and we get all of the newest meds, at much, much cheaper prices than you do. We don't have "fewer doctors". If you need surgery NOW, you will get it. It's call "triage".

Last but not least, people in countries with universal goverment funded medical care live longer, healthier, and more productive lives than Americans, whose life expectancy has been declining for nearly a decade now.

There is NO rationing of care,

No long waits?
everyone cries about taxes bobo....and how old were you then?...

I was fresh out of college. My first professional gig. The owners, all Republicans. They're a big reason I'm pro labor, liberal and Democrat. Companies renigging on promises they make to sales people. Taking big accounts that I landed and making them "house" accounts and not paying me my 15%. Assholes. That's okay they lead miserable lives. They got money but if you want to find the owner, it won't be at home with his family. He's at the strip club divorced. How sad huh? He's like Trump. Raw dogging whores.

Anyways, Pete and I never made more money that we did at this place. Pete got the city of Detroit to buy from him. That city is SHADY! To do business in the city you have to grease palms. Anyways, I don't want to ramble. I sold $600K a year. Making $90 in the 90's. I NEVER complained. Pete however made 3 times as much as I did and cried all the time about the taxes he had to pay. It's sad. It's sick. Someone who hits the lotto then complains about the taxes.
everyone cries about taxes bobo....and how old were you then?...

Seriously, I don't even look at what taxes I make.

My brother who is an independent who leans right, never complains about taxes. Why would a guy who has $15 million dollars complain about the economic system in which he lives? If he did, that would make him a right wing Republican dick who doesn't appreciate how he got to where he is.
There is plenty of research done in those countries.

Really? Any new drugs that come to mind?

Our agencies tend to take more time before approving drugs.

I'll bet. Not just safety, but does the government want to pay for them?

Wait times are determined by urgency of care.

And supply and demand.

Given that Toronto General hospital cracked the DNA code, hundreds of drugs to treat multiple diseases are coming out of that research, including drugs for cystic fibrosis.

Insulin was discovered in Canada. Doctors Banting and Best GAVE the drug to the world, retaining no rights or royalties for themselves.

Open heart surgery was pioneered in Canada.

Canadians, Dr. James Till and Dr. Ernest McCulloch, are also behind creating the first clonal method to identify stem cells and applied their technique to stem cell research – a major milestone in the scientific community.

Dr. Tak Wah Mak discovered T-cell receptors, their structure, function and how they’re produced. This was a major step in cancer immunology.

There, B.C. has become a global success story in combatting HIV/AIDS and it’s because of HAART, or highly active antiretroviral therapy.

In British Columbia, they developed a cocktail of three drugs – taken daily – first implemented in 1996 to stop HIV from progressing into AIDS and to extend life expectancy and reduce HIV-related deaths.

Yeah, and it would have been great if we would have had a candidate that would have penned her down with those questions, instead of rambling on about shit like the size of his crowds at his rallies.
He brought up what he could, but that was the job of the moderators.
For the poor, there’s Medicaid. I know a girl pregnant with her fifth illegitimate child, and she’s of course planning to put the baby on Medicaid as well. And she herself has been in Medicaid since she was pregnant with her first, as a teen. That means her family of six will all be on Medicaid.

P.S. None of the four different fathers pay a cent in child support. They are off the hook because taxpayers provide the support.
I was fresh out of college. My first professional gig. The owners, all Republicans. They're a big reason I'm pro labor, liberal and Democrat. Companies renigging on promises they make to sales people. Taking big accounts that I landed and making them "house" accounts and not paying me my 15%. Assholes. That's okay they lead miserable lives. They got money but if you want to find the owner, it won't be at home with his family. He's at the strip club divorced. How sad huh? He's like Trump. Raw dogging whores.

Anyways, Pete and I never made more money that we did at this place. Pete got the city of Detroit to buy from him. That city is SHADY! To do business in the city you have to grease palms. Anyways, I don't want to ramble. I sold $600K a year. Making $90 in the 90's. I NEVER complained. Pete however made 3 times as much as I did and cried all the time about the taxes he had to pay. It's sad. It's sick. Someone who hits the lotto then complains about the taxes.
so you love it when they tax you?....i bet you are ecstatic when they raise them....
There is plenty of research done in those countries.

Really? Any new drugs that come to mind?

Our agencies tend to take more time before approving drugs.

I'll bet. Not just safety, but does the government want to pay for them?

Wait times are determined by urgency of care.

And supply and demand.
First, a lot of research is done by university. And recently, off the top of my head, the COVID vaccine is out of Germany.

In Canada, the government pays for drugs for some people (In Ontario, they pay for seniors). The drug needs to be approved and not off-label. They may not pay for expensive drugs if cheaper alternatives exists.

Every encounter I've had was predicated on urgency of care.
Seriously, I don't even look at what taxes I make.

My brother who is an independent who leans right, never complains about taxes. Why would a guy who has $15 million dollars complain about the economic system in which he lives? If he did, that would make him a right wing Republican dick who doesn't appreciate how he got to where he is.
so im right in the above post....
Medicare for all means MEDICAID for all, which of course is an inferior service.

That’s what happened with socialism: you bring the middle clsss down to s poorer level. In the case of Medicare for all, this means that the seniors who have worked for 40 years, who got educations so they could have lucrative careers, and thus paid in to the system, as the “takers” who already are getting food stamps and housing subsidies.

The end result is that seniors, at the point in their lives where they need more medical care, will see a big drop in quality. And after four decades paying in for it.
You pay for it by taking the insane insurance premiums and co-pays and using that. And less of it.
We have that NOW, and the system is going broke. So let’s quadruple the number of people on it, and go broke faster?

Nope. Working age adults can buy health insurance through their employers, and retirees get the benefit of reduced-cost Medicare in their senior years.
We have that NOW, and the system is going broke. So let’s quadruple the number of people on it, and go broke faster?

Nope. Working age adults can buy health insurance through their employers, and retirees get the benefit of reduced-cost Medicare in their senior years.
Quadruple? pulling number out of your a**?.

What happens when you don't have a job? or a job that does not include insurance? I had my back surgery when I was unemployed. Still cost me nothing.
Quadruple? pulling number out of your a**?.

What happens when you don't have a job? or a job that does not include insurance? I had my back surgery when I was unemployed. Still cost me nothing.
You get a job. Or if you’re out for back surgery, you go in disability. Or you buy a catastrophic care plan.

Why should seniors who contributed to the system for 40 years now have to see a reduction in the quality of their care just when they need it the most so that other younger people, capable of earning, get stuff for free?
so you love it when they tax you?....i bet you are ecstatic when they raise them....
I don't even notice. My 401K keeps going up. Every 2 weeks I put money in. In fact I always have an extra $20K a year that I get to invest into stocks. That's above and beyond my 401K. Most people would spend that money but not me.

I don't love or hate paying taxes. It's the system in which we live. And until Republicans/Reagan, the middle class was making enough. Now we aren't. But CEO pay went up 1322% in that time? Are you stupid?
If this ever did happen, get ready for your tax burden to go up, as well as an even more astronomical debt that this country would never be able to get free from.
But........but.......but................it will be free.

No strings attached.

If this ever did happen, get ready for your tax burden to go up, as well as an even more astronomical debt that this country would never be able to get free from.
Oh you think we can get free from the debt we are in now?

It's funny that you blow of man made climate change as a hoax but you seem to believe that one day, the debt is going to cause a great collapse.

It will. But it will be when the rich that run this country decide to do it. Probably when social security goes broke in 9 years. Then come the austerity cuts. But guess who will be fine? The rich.

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