Tyreek Hill body-cam video from Miami-Dade Police. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Am I right?

The guy was being a jerk

The only thing he didnt do was say “Do you know who I am?”

Four cops for a simple traffic stop. He had reasons for being concerned.

If Philandro Castile had rolled his window up, maybe he would still be alive.
Isn't that the whole reason the left is prosecuting and persecuting Trump?

Not the whole reason. It plays a part but Trump is guilty of many the things he is accused of doing.

Are you saying it would be cool to just throw him to the ground as opposed to dealing with things in court?
Not the whole reason. It plays a part but Trump is guilty of many the things he is accused of doing.

Are you saying it would be cool to just throw him to the ground as opposed to dealing with things in court?

No, he isn't.

I'm saying the Dems would have been better off just letting him rail against indifference, instead they made shit up against him and it backfired spectacularly on them.
No, he isn't.

I'm saying the Dems would have been better off just letting him rail against indifference, instead they made shit up against him and it backfired spectacularly on them.

Some of it was made up. Much of it was just stuff he got away with for years.
That everyone else has "gotten away with" because it's only "illegal" because he is Trump.

Some of it was. IMO they should go after them all.

It's sad when you can screw people over millions of dollars and only pay a fine but rob a 7/11 and go to prison.
You’re not doing Black street punks any favors coddling this repeated bad behavior. This is another one of millions of examples why no one wants these thugs around.

You can’t hire them, serve them, be around them, sit by them, give them a ride, help them fix a house, a car, talk to their children. And more You just have to avoid them. Particularly since Obiden 1.0.

They have no control, looking for a fight to the death over everything. Loud, threatening, demanding, criminal, rude, dishonest, I could go on. Far too many are like this.

You and your ilk own this too. From kindergarten to Prison cell you enable and create. You reward this buffoonery with ghetto lottery as you and your butt-buddies giggle and snicker using it for entertainment in your otherwise empty lost pathetic existence.
tell me what I got wrong or go back to sucking that cop dick,,

he obeyed every lawful order within seconds of it being given,,

maybe the problem is you wanna be a nazi fucks just miss the old ways when the cops didnt have to follow the law and abused the people every chance you got,,
Four cops for a simple traffic stop. He had reasons for being concerned.

If Philandro Castile had rolled his window up, maybe he would still be alive.
They were working as a team

Originally only one police officer went up to the car window

But Hill acted like an asshole and other cops got involved
I kind of is

Its called obstruction of justice
obstruction is a physical act,,

he gave his DL within 5 seconds of the cop knocking on the window,, he rolled his window down within 15 seconds of being asked and was trying to get out of the car within 8 seconds of being asked, and with one foot almost on the ground and was leaning to get out two cops grabbed him and threw him to the ground,,

so wheres the obstruction??
obstruction is a physical act,,

he gave his DL within 5 seconds of the cop knocking on the window,, he rolled his window down within 15 seconds of being asked and was trying to get out of the car within 8 seconds of being asked, and with one foot almost on the ground and was leaning to get out when two cops grabbed him and threw him to the ground,,

so wheres the obstruction??
Being argumentative and refusing to obey instructions is obstruction
They were working as a team

Originally only one police officer went up to the car window

But Hill acted like an asshole and other cops got involved

4 cops to pull someone over for speeding.

A great use of taxpayer money eh?

"How many cops does it take to change a lightbulb"?
4 cops to pull someone over for speeding.

A great use of taxpayer money eh?

"How many cops does it take to change a lightbulb"?
I’m sure that if another dirtbag had driven by recklessly one ot two of the cops would have chased him
Being argumentative and refusing to obey instructions is obstruction
telling the cop to not bang on his window like that sounds to me like a redress of grievances covered under the first amendment,,

and he obeyed every lawful command within seconds of being asked,,

so where did he refuse to obey instructions??

FFS the whole event from first contact to throwing him on the ground is only around 60 seconds,,

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