Texas removes 1 million ineligible voters from voter rolls — finds 30% of noncitizens previously cast ballots

Math has nothing to do with it if the vote was fraudulent

He is the one who is making the claim that illegals vote ?

He claims that the voter rolls are tainted or incorrect so how can anyone know if he won fairly.

He claims that the voter roles are inaccurate yet he won and he does nothing about it until now when he wants to do his housekeeping.

Whether he wins by 1 million does not matter as he is claiming that there is a problem

it really the major cities such as Dallas/FT worth/ Houston/ San Antonio/Austin that carry the election because they are major cities with large populations.

He has been the governor for quite a few years and if there is a problem it was during his watch and he benefited from this because he always won since 2015 which is about 9 years.

What math. If he claims the voter roles are tainted then that taints the previous elections

now that he is firmly in power he wants to purge it but he had plenty of time to do that in the past.

He is now claiming that there was voter fraud *illegal voting) so how can he know if he won ?
the removal has been going on for 3 years dumb ass, Further Texas has large dem controlled cities and counties,
Nosotra bull shit

on my first search

Heider Garcia

Meet the Elections Administrator Falsely Accused of Rigging Tarrant County for Joe Biden​

After Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, Heider Garcia received death threats. Instead of backing down, he reached out to conspiracy theorists—and won many of them over. Now he’s overseeing the state’s largest elections office.

Meet the Elections Administrator Falsely Accused of Rigging Tarrant County for Joe Biden

the other side of the coin is those who make false accusation about democrats and republicans jump on that band wagon because their guy lost

but obviously he is just lives in a fantasy word where he is superior and other just suck but in reality he caters to people who only want to hear one thing. Why did my guy lose.?

it was rigged baby, I tell you rigged

He's the biggest dumbfuck on the forum. Several of my links showed people voting for Trump with deceased people.
And yet, this system has lasted since the inception of the constitution and has worked perfectly fine. Imagine that. Imagine complaining about our electoral procedures for registering to vote, and at the same time, supporting a candidate for president, who attempted a coup, by overturning our electoral process through criminal means. If I had to weigh the priorities between fixing registrations and safeguarding of our elections from a possible coup attempt, I would weigh heavily on the latter and not even think about the former. Maybe, as an american, you should consider the same.

The only reason the freaks are bitching about election fraud is because their idol told them he lost due to election fraud. They're mindless drones who faithfully follow his lead.

Using the honor system as “proof” of citizenship, coupled with an open border, is borderline treasonous. I can’t imagine how any American citizen can’t see how dangerous that is. The only explanation is that they want votes. There is no other.

There is no such "honor system." People need to offer some amount of proof to be registered to vote.
Be independent, Vote for the people who have the skill talent & education to do the job.
WORKING For the benefit of
The majority OF the population.
Not for political party,
The richest donators,
OR those seeking personal power.
Be independent, Vote for the people who have the skill talent & education to do the job.
WORKING For the benefit of
The majority OF the population.
In a non-partisan vacuum, people will vote for those who most closely represent their personal ideologies.
Most people don't give a hoot about the majority of the population.


Are you ever not a dumbfuck?


Cheryl Hall - switched voter registrations to Republican

Terri Lynn Rote - voted twice for Trump

Donald Hartle - Republican

Robert Richard Lynn - voted twice for Trump

Bruce Bartman - voted twice for Trump

Edward Snodgrass - voted twice for Trump

Tracey Kay McKee - Republican

Ralph Thurman - voted 3 times for Trump

Alex Campbell - doesn't specify, but he's a Republican

Jonathan Meade West Sr. - Republican

Charles Barnes - Republican, voted multiple times

Jay Ketcik - doesn't specify, but he's a Republican

Joan Halstead - doesn't specify, but she's a Republican

Barry Morphew - voted twice for Trump

Frederick Gattuso - Republican, voted twice for Trump

Francis Presto - doesn't specify, but she's a Republican

Kimberly McPherson - doesn't specify, but she's a Republican

Timothy Aaron Metz - doesn't specify, but he's a Republican
Mind reader Fawnboi strikes again! How do you know they are Republicans, Simp? Tell us what they had for breakfast today.
Using the honor system as “proof” of citizenship, coupled with an open border, is borderline treasonous. I can’t imagine how any American citizen can’t see how dangerous that is. The only explanation is that they want votes. There is no other.
When was the last time you registered to vote?
See if you walk into a bar and there are a bunch of dudes then yeah math does favor you

If they are a bunch of woman then math may favor you but it depends on the desperateness of the females. They may decide to go lesbian

This is a story about a guy who was accused of rigging the election

After Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, Heider Garcia received death threats. Instead of backing down, he reached out to conspiracy theorists—and won many of them over. Now he’s overseeing the state’s largest elections office.

Texas which locally votes republican but national election become an embarrassment for republicans.

Rick Perry is the longest-serving governor, having assumed the governorship in 2000 upon the exit of George W. Bush, who resigned to take office as the 43rd president of the United States. Perry was elected in 2002 and he was re-elected in 2006 and 2010 serving for 14 years before choosing to retire in 2014.

What is shows is that once elected it is a life time gig unless you have bigger goals.

So despite this complaint about illegals the incumbents always win until he moves on to something bigger

they have all been republicans.

Perry will be in power until he decides he wants a shot at the golden apple or he does something really stupid.

So the question is why does the incumbent always win in Texas.

Because Texas is basically a republican state except for maybe in the big cities but it would be close.

At one time Texas was a strong Democratic state but it changed and now Republicans are in power.

So your attempt at making a point has failed. Texas is now republican and it probably will not change.

The only reason that democrats have a shot is because of the big cities in Texas.

Math has nothing to do with it unless the current guy really fucks up and the guy running for office is a football star

Of the illegals removed from the voter rolls only 2000 were suspected of illegals casting votes.

So explain how that number would negate an election that he won by almost a million votes.
it simple, I can use mathematics to prove my point but you can only use
math which is for grade school mentality and does include kindergarten

So if you want to use your fingers to count , it is allowed unless you use the middle finger exclusively then it is obvious that you cannot go beyond the number 1

If you say that election in texas are taninted then it would include times win your side won

So if the current governor won under the same system and now complains about it then

it is white man speaks with fork tongue

IF the guy who won election for the last few cycles now claims that the system is rigged then

the elephant in the room will go on a rampage

explaining it to you would be useless as

using the name nostoras which means we

exclusively for oneself does beg the question

IS it me or we

so as me or you then go back to your room and cry. We do not cry on you cry
Your math sucks. Explain it.

How did Abbott get elected "on fraudulent votes"? He won his last election by almost 1 million votes.

Let's see your math, Simp.
He's the biggest dumbfuck on the forum. Several of my links showed people voting for Trump with deceased people.
And several you have no clue what party they are in. You just claimed to be able to read their minds, Simp.
The only reason the freaks are bitching about election fraud is because their idol told them he lost due to election fraud. They're mindless drones who faithfully follow his lead.

No stupid, many of us have supported voter ID for decades. Has nothing to do with Trump.

You lose again.

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