Who won the debate?

Who won tonight’s debate?

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Harris clearly won and you’re all childish idiots for claiming otherwise lol

I can easily tell you Biden lost the prior debate. Is it really so hard for you people to be objective about ANYTHING?
You were slobbering all over Biden a few months ago. You have zero credibility, kid.
You were slobbering all over Biden a few months ago. You have zero credibility, kid.
Well that simply isn’t true. Sure I support Biden, but I still have the emotional maturity to criticize him. I have no problem telling you his debate was abysmal. Why you lack this basic emotional maturity is beyond me.
You realize that many states as detailed (someone just posted a state map) have no gestation period, which means that when they abort a baby at any point in its fetal stage, if it is born alive, they are under no obligation to give it care to keep it alive (read: they just stand back and let it die). What a neat way of dancing around the legal technicality of not actually killing it.
That’s worth a discussion but not at all what it is being presented as by Trump and team as they try and politicize the issue
1) More goes to all the Arab countries.

2) Israel and your hostility to the Jewish state is irrelevant on this thread.

The only Arab countries that get money from us are the ones who promise to play nice with the Zionist Entity. If we have to pay people to pretend to like you, it means no one really likes you.

Have you EVER seen a policy paper by Trump?

Me, either.

"Repeal and replace Obamacare." "Build the wall." "Lock her up." "Bring back coal jobs." "Pay off the debt." "Reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico." "Remove illegal aliens."

Anyone gullible enough to support Trump at this late stage should have a FOOL ME TWICE bumper sticker.
Have you ever seen a policy paper by Harris?

Me either

“give people money for more kids, give people money to start businesses, give everyone free healthcare” yeah brilliant I can say all that too doesn’t mean anyone can actually do it
I’m certain you agree with the following.

There's a viral tweet from Glenn Greenwald going around that says "The US has no functional president and has not had one for months, and it's barely noticeable and barely matters because there's a permanent unelected machine that runs the government."

Greenwald is correct. Nobody with any real power cares all that much who the president is. The president doesn't even need to have a functioning brain. This whole show is being run by people who don't ultimately care all that much whether Democrats or Republicans are in office, including the party leadership of the Democrats and the Republicans.

You think Democrats have enjoyed playing the face of the evil empire these last few years? You think they've enjoyed having their political rallies interrupted by anti-genocide protesters and having their feel-good progressive image completely discredited in front of everyone? They'd all be having a lot more fun if the terrible things being perpetrated by the Biden administration were being done by Trump instead, so they could go back to playing the good guys.

They're happy to lose, which is why they're acting like they're happy to lose. They're doing absolutely nothing to appeal to progressives or energize their base. They're not articulating any real policies besides more of the same. They're not changing anything about any of the things that make normal people hate Democrats in the year 2024, and if they lose again in November they will continue to not change anything. -Caitlin Johnstone
This is exactly why "they" hate Trump. He wasn't part of the machine
Well that simply isn’t true. Sure I support Biden, but I still have the emotional maturity to criticize him. I have no problem telling you his debate was abysmal. Why you lack this basic emotional maturity is beyond me.
Wipe off your drool, kid. We all remember your fawning over him like a lovestruck teenage girl.
A poll of a quarter million by Gannett last night shows clearly that Harris easily won the debate.

OrangeCat is fawning all over Trump just as he accuses those who did for Biden.

I hope Trump agrees to a second debate. She will bury him.

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