Weird Tim Walz says his inability to speak proper English is why people think he lied about his military service

Doesn't change the fact that you're a bigot. You advocate for this and then whine about your own oppression . You said you belonged to a minority group was that a lie ?
Where did I say I was oppressed? Never mind, I think you don't even know what your argument is anymore.

anyone that thinks China is not a threat to us is beyond stupid and anyone that supports them is a traitor. Joe is both, he thinks that if you appease a tyrant they won't keep demanding more.

Okay, tell me why China is a threat to us.

Have they attacked us? No.
(Sorry, Korea doesn't count, you don't march a multi-national army up to the border of a country that has already been invaded multiple times and not expect them to react)

Do they have a long history of invading neighbors? Nope. The Chinese Army since Korea has only gone to war twice, once with India in 1962 and once with Vietnam in 1979. Compare that to the US, which has invaded countries all over the world in that time.

Are they occupying neighboring countries? Nope. In fact, they aren't even intervening in Myanmar, which is a mess right now. Nor are they laying claim to Outer Mongolia, which used to be a part of China.

Are the taking jobs from Americans? Kind of. But that's because people like Trump moved their manufacturing over there, and here you are supporting Trump.
Where did I say I was oppressed? Never mind, I think you don't even know what your argument is anymore.

Okay, tell me why China is a threat to us.

Have they attacked us? No.
(Sorry, Korea doesn't count, you don't march a multi-national army up to the border of a country that has already been invaded multiple times and not expect them to react)

Do they have a long history of invading neighbors? Nope. The Chinese Army since Korea has only gone to war twice, once with India in 1962 and once with Vietnam in 1979. Compare that to the US, which has invaded countries all over the world in that time.

Are they occupying neighboring countries? Nope. In fact, they aren't even intervening in Myanmar, which is a mess right now. Nor are they laying claim to Outer Mongolia, which used to be a part of China.

Are the taking jobs from Americans? Kind of. But that's because people like Trump moved their manufacturing over there, and here you are supporting Trump.
they are taking, I might add illegally, the South China Sea from all the rightful Countries. Why you ask? For the resources. they are actively spying on us and threatening us over Taiwan a free republic. they are actively engaged in stealing our tech and also playing war games against US assets. They are a threat to world peace.
Where did I say I was oppressed? Never mind, I think you don't even know what your argument is anymore.

Okay, tell me why China is a threat to us.

Have they attacked us? No.
(Sorry, Korea doesn't count, you don't march a multi-national army up to the border of a country that has already been invaded multiple times and not expect them to react)

Do they have a long history of invading neighbors? Nope. The Chinese Army since Korea has only gone to war twice, once with India in 1962 and once with Vietnam in 1979. Compare that to the US, which has invaded countries all over the world in that time.

Are they occupying neighboring countries? Nope. In fact, they aren't even intervening in Myanmar, which is a mess right now. Nor are they laying claim to Outer Mongolia, which used to be a part of China.

Are the taking jobs from Americans? Kind of. But that's because people like Trump moved their manufacturing over there, and here you are supporting Trump.
You were complaining about the barrios, the ghettos and the Indian reservations dumb shit. I told you to apologize for your position on the torture and enslavement of the uighurs by China but you refuse. You would like to think you were oppressed apparently when you're not, you just bitch and moan I guess cuz you like to hear yourself do that. You are a disgrace to the uniform of the United States. You are a disgrace to all of us
I've seen it all before. When it gets as bad as what the USA did to my Cherokee ancestors, let me know.
Your attitude about this should be the same as your attitude about the uyhgers. It's not because you are such a hypocrite.
You mean it made our balls smaller and acne break out on our backs?
Just yours
Politics bore her.
I'm sure you do also
I'm sure the Chinese are cheering for a second Trump term. Nothing better than when your adversaries self-destruct.
Actually they like Democrats and Joe Biden because they are easy to take advantage of. Joe has his hand in China's pocket
The American way of life is in decline.
That is why we need Donald Trump in office
This isn't a free country unless you are white, male, and straight. Fortunately for me, I'm all three, but I can still see the unfairness of it all.
Now you're denying your Indian Heritage? What a fucking hypocrite wow
economic inequality isn't a caste system. The US has a caste system, largely based on race.
Explain to me the United States caste system based on race. I don't think you can.
anyone that thinks China is not a threat to us is beyond stupid and anyone that supports them is a traitor. Joe is both, he thinks that if you appease a tyrant they won't keep demanding more.
I'm not the only one who thinks you're a traitor and a dumb shit
they are taking, I might add illegally, the South China Sea from all the rightful Countries. Why you ask? For the resources. they are actively spying on us and threatening us over Taiwan a free republic. they are actively engaged in stealing our tech and also playing war games against US assets. They are a threat to world peace.
Sorry, I can't get worked up about a bunch of Islands that barely stick up out of the water.

Nor can I get worked up over Vietnam and the Philippines, both of which made a very big deal about throwing the US "Imperialists" out of their countries. Okay, you wanted us gone, have a good time.

You were complaining about the barrios, the ghettos and the Indian reservations dumb shit.
Um, yes, I'm ashamed those exist because they shouldn't in a country as rich as ours.

I told you to apologize for your position on the torture and enslavement of the uighurs by China but you refuse.
Not gonna happen. The Uyghurs are Muslim terrorists.

Your attitude about this should be the same as your attitude about the uyhgers. It's not because you are such a hypocrite.
Not at all. The Cherokee weren't terrorists. in fact, they went to court to get their rights upheld, and the government ignored their own rulings to genocide them.

Actually they like Democrats and Joe Biden because they are easy to take advantage of. Joe has his hand in China's pocket

Explain to me the United States caste system based on race. I don't think you can.
Uh, Ghettos, Barrios and Indian Reservations.

WASPs are on the top.
Followed by white ethnics.
Followed by Asians
Followed by Hispanics
Followed by Blacks
with Native Americans at the very bottom.

I'm not the only one who thinks you're a traitor and a dumb shit
The tears of white privilege don't interest me.
Sorry, I can't get worked up about a bunch of Islands that barely stick up out of the water.

Nor can I get worked up over Vietnam and the Philippines, both of which made a very big deal about throwing the US "Imperialists" out of their countries.

The tears of white privilege don't interest me.
You're crying, moaning and bitching makes me sick.
Not gonna happen. The Uyghurs are Muslim terrorists.
Actually they are not, you have presented no evidence that they are.
WASPs are on the top.
Followed by white ethnics.
Followed by Asians
Followed by Hispanics
Followed by Blacks
with Native Americans at the very bottom
Everyone has the same opportunity in this country. You have no evidence of what you're saying. Nothing new there
The tears of white privilege don't interest me
I don't care about your tears and complaining either
Not at all. The Cherokee weren't terrorists. in fact, they went to court to get their rights upheld, and the government ignored their own rulings to genocide them.
Sure they were. There were acts of Terror.
Actually they are not, you have presented no evidence that they are.

Everyone has the same opportunity in this country. You have no evidence of what you're saying. Nothing new there
No, they don't. Check your privilege, buddy.

I freely admit that I have privilege (being 7/8th various kinds of white ethnic) and have gotten opportunities that I simply wouldn't have had had I been born in a poorer neighborhood.

Let's be honest why you are freaking out about China. They are surpassing us and they aren't white.
Let's be honest why you are freaking out about China. They are surpassing us and they aren't white.
This is ridiculous, they have stolen many of our ideas, we have a superior Society of freedom and free market. They have a true caste system but yet you bitch and moan about America. They actually have enslaved Millions killed and tortured for political purposes. That's okay with you. You are a true Nut Job. Truly
No, they don't. Check your privilege, buddy.
You say AGAIN without evidence. You act like you're 12 years old. Time to grow up
This is ridiculous, they have stolen many of our ideas, we have a superior Society of freedom and free market. They have a true caste system but yet you bitch and moan about America. They actually have enslaved Millions killed and tortured for political purposes. That's okay with you. You are a true Nut Job. Truly

There's really no monopoly on an idea.

And I don't think you understand what a Caste system is (I'm glad you finally figured out how to spell it correctly, though.)
There's really no monopoly on an idea.
Are you unaware of the copyright system we have in the United States? Again I ask you what are you 12? Do you get all of your information off of tick tock? Damn you need your money back for your education. You are stupid

And I don't think you understand what a Caste system is (I'm glad you finally figured out how to spell it correctly, though.)
Sure I do, I explained it to you earlier and provided something you know little about, evidence. What a waste of a brain in your head.
Are you unaware of the copyright system we have in the United States?
Sure. They aren't in the United States. Oh, well. sucks to be us.

Sure I do, I explained it to you earlier and provided something you know little about, evidence.
Yeah, as a rule, I don't read Wingnut links because they usually haven't read them, either.
Naw, I just don't have any respect for most whites who aren't me. Especially the dumb white trash like you who keep voting Republican and wondering why your job went to China.
Yeah you are ashamed of being white. Guess what? We are ashamed of you. You have to be really stupid to be a Democrat, you are proof of that
There there, little fella..> I realize since Orange Jesus blew himself up on Tuesday, life hasn't been good to you.
Just relax dude. You don't have to live in shame, you choose your own hell. Being as dumb as a rock isn't the end of it all for you.
Naw, man, my life is fine.

hoping Trump won't fuck it up again like he did in 2020, or Bush did in 2008... because that's kind of what they do.
You seem ashamed to be white. You Certainly are stupid , Luckily you live in America where your special needs can be catered to. I'm sure your Democrat friends will coddle you and help you wallow in your own self pity. A uyhger on the other hand might beat you senseless for your ignorance. That would be Justice served.

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