Weird Tim Walz says his inability to speak proper English is why people think he lied about his military service

Naw, just embarrassed by dumb ones like you.

Takes generations of inbreeding to get that mean and stupid.
You inbred? You are the one who thinks it's okay to torture and enslave minorities!
Naw, just embarrassed by dumb ones like you.
The feeling is definitely mutual.
I've gonna vote for the guy who killed a million people, wrecked the economy and let the cities descend into race riots so I can own the libs!!!"
Uh, it was China and the Democrats that did that! Do you get paid to be stupid LOL
If you are saying Trump was completely irrelevant and ineffectual as president, then why would you want to give him the job again?
Actually Trump did a pretty good job. It's you Democrats that are incompetent. What kind of an idiot looks the other way when another country like China sends a manufactured virus to our soil? A country that imprisons, tortures and enslaves minorities. That would be YOU dumbass lol
Again China put that virus on our Shores. They are responsible for all of the death, not Trump. No matter how badly you want to blame trump for the death it doesn't work. It just shows how hypocritical you are. Again you're lucky that you're so stupid in a great country like this and you have Democrats around you to coddle you and see to your special needs.

Those riots were you! DEMOCRAT! LOL how many ways are you going to spew your hate and hypocritical thinking during this thread? Ridiculous
What kind of an idiot looks the other way when another country like China sends a manufactured virus to our soil? A country that imprisons, tortures and enslaves minorities. That would be YOU
You skip past my questions. Come on man, you don't have an answer do you?
when you have actual proof of that, let me know. (

But even if they did, it was still Trump's job to manage the crisis, and he didn't.
when you have actual proof of that, let me know. (
Where do you think the virus came from idiot! You really have to be stupid to be a Democrat. No kidding
Did you thank Trump yet for fast-tracking that vaccine? Did you thank him for having daily press conferences with the CDC keep idiots like you informed? He wanted to get the economy open back up in April which was a good idea but you Democrats shit your pants at that idea. You shit your pants when Trump wanted to cut off travel to China. How stupid of you! Damn
Where do you think the virus came from idiot!
It doesn't matter where the virus came from. Trump was told months before it hit our shores that it was coming, and he did...nothing.

Then he lied about how serious it was, called it a "Hoax", undermined the agencies trying to deal with the problem.

Did you thank Trump yet for fast-tracking that vaccine?
Well, no, since he screwed up the rollout and Biden had to start from scratch.
Did you thank him for having daily press conferences with the CDC keep idiots like you informed?
You mean like the one where he told people to inject bleach?
He wanted to get the economy open back up in April which was a good idea but you Democrats shit your pants at that idea.
As well we should have. I worked for a company that wasn't shut down, and they weren't ready. No masks, no protective equipment. If one person tested positive, they had to shut down the whole place for a couple of days to sanitize it. (Ironically, that work was done by immigrants.)

If we listened to Trump, things would have been much, much worse.

You shit your pants when Trump wanted to cut off travel to China. How stupid of you! Damn
Because that made it worse. When he announced that, every American in China rushed to get home on the next flight, infecting everyone on those planes who then infected the rest of the country. the problem was he banned Chinese nationals from flying, not currently in China. Stupid and racist.

You mean like the one where he told people to inject bleach?
That's a lie, you obviously didn't listen to the news conference. Do you always comment on things you know nothing about like an idiot?
we listened to Trump, things would have been much, much worse.
Things could have been much much better if there were no Democrats. Trump moved to cut off travel from China but the Democrats complained loudly and vociferously. Sounds like they caused The Exodus to me. You have to be stupid to be a Democrat
As well we should have. I worked for a company that wasn't shut down, and they weren't ready. No masks, no protective equipment. If one person tested positive, they had to shut down the whole place for a couple of days to sanitize it. (Ironically, that work was done by immigrants.)
Not a credible story, NEXT
Well, no, since he screwed up the rollout and Biden had to start from scratch.
That's what Biden said, but he's a liar, trump had a good start on administering the vaccine. BTW you are a liar also.

Could you come up with something that's not made up by you. Every point you make I prove wrong. I'm schooling you pretty good, but it's tiring.
doesn't matter where the virus came from. Trump was told months before it hit our shores that it was coming, and he did...nothing.

Then he lied about how serious it was, called it a "Hoax", undermined the agencies trying to deal with the problem.
Oh now it doesn't matter where the virus came from. Next.

Democrats are the kings of hoaxes, I don't blame him for thinking the virus might have been one. You guys are so God damn dishonest. Which of these hoaxes do you still believe?
That's a lie, you obviously didn't listen to the news conference. Do you always comment on things you know nothing about like an idiot?
I did. Man, what a buffoon. You could see Blix and Fauci's eyes roll.
Not a credible story, NEXT
If you aren't going to have an honest discussion, there's no point talking to you

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