People that know Kamala can't stand Kamala

One is staff, one is a political appointee. Are you serious that you don't know the difference?

Staff Bobo. The people that make her appointments, get her coffee, make copies ....

Have you ever been checked for ADHD? We're talking about what a shitty boss Kamala is to her staff.

No one can make sense to bobo.
Perfect example of the double standard we do to women. If a guy is everything you described, he's a tough boss. If a woman does it, she's a bitch.

One minute she's a bitch the next she smiles too much.

She's a boss. How do you want a boss to act? Make up your mind. Do you want a smile or authoritarian bullshitter who tells you Hannibal Lector is real?
Harris is on the level of Corky from the old TV show "Life goes On". This is the President of our nation. Not an employee for a red-light district sex shop.
One is staff, one is a political appointee. Are you serious that you don't know the difference?

Staff Bobo. The people that make her appointments, get her coffee, make copies ....

Have you ever been checked for ADHD? We're talking about what a shitty boss Kamala is to her staff.

How many former Trump staff have wrote unflattering books about Trump?

Yet again, a top former Trump administration official has published a memoir containing explosive revelations about former president Donald Trump — this time coming from former defense secretary Mark T. Esper.

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And as each tell-all has emerged, it has been rightly noted that much of this information would have been relevant far earlier — say, when Trump was twice facing impeachment, or in the run-up to both Election Day 2020 and the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection. Critics — even those inclined to like what the books have to say — have gone after the authors for not speaking out sooner, and accused them of cashing in rather than blowing the whistle when it mattered.

Given that roiling debate, it’s worth looking at precisely what four of them — Esper, William P. Barr, John Bolton and Stephanie Grisham — said during their tenures, when they left and when they decided to finally speak out.

6 bombshell claims made in flurry of new Trump books a flurry of books are hitting stores that delve into the final year of his chaotic presidency.

Gen. Mark Milley told aides he feared Trump would call on the government to stage a coup after his election defeat.

Bender also writes in “Frankly” that Trump praised Hitler in a conversation with former White House chief of staff John Kelly.

The alleged comment happened during a trip to Paris in 2018 to commemorate the armistice after World War I when Kelly was explaining to Trump who the allies and adversaries were in both World Wars.

"Well, Hitler did a lot of good things," Trump told Kelly,

On election night, it was Rudy Giuliani who urged Trump to “just say we won,” according to Leonnig and Rucker’s “I Alone Can Fix It.”

The authors write that Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, asked campaign manager Bill Stepien, senior adviser Jason Miller and Meadows about where the races in Michigan and Pennsylvania stood. When told it was too early to say, Giuliani responded, “Just say we won,” the book claims.

“Giuliani’s grand plan was to just say Trump won, state after state, based on nothing,” according to the book. “Stepien, Miller and Meadows thought his argument was both incoherent and irresponsible.”

Meadows, the authors write, responded angrily: “We can’t do that. We can’t.”

Trump, of course, declared victory in the early-morning hours after election day and then proceeded to falsely claim he only lost because of widespread election fraud.

Furious about bunker story leak​

According to Bender, the former president was so angry that someone leaked to the press that he was taken to the White House’s underground bunker during Black Lives Matter protests outside the White House that he told aides, “Whoever did that, they should be charged with treason! They should be executed!”

"Trump boiled over about the bunker story as soon as they arrived and shouted at them to smoke out whoever had leaked it. It was the most upset some aides had ever seen the president," Bender writes in “Frankly.”

Meadows tried to calm down the president by telling him, “I'm on it. We're going to find out who did it,” the book says. Trump repeatedly asked Meadows for days afterward if he tracked down the leaker, with one aide saying the president was “obsessed” with finding the source.
Harris is on the level of Corky from the old TV show "Life goes On". This is the President of our nation. Not an employee for a red-light district sex shop.

Having overseen the highest turnover rate in presidential history, President Donald Trump was bound to have a few disgruntled ex-aides.

Instead, a steady succession of ex-administration advisers – including some of his highest-ranking Cabinet officials who spoke or met with him regularly – have spoken out against his leadership and character, a remarkable break in precedent for a norm-shattering president.

While there are many administration officials who resigned or were fired and still remain loyal to their former boss, there are also several who have become vocal in their dissent of the current commander-in-chief.

Some of those once in his innermost circle have described an impulsive president who disregards advice and lacks adult sensibilities.

Others have questioned his motivations and ability to lead.

All White Houses find themselves confronting the odd tell-all memoir or interview from a jaundiced aide. But Trump, who is famous for demanding loyalty, has not appeared to inspire great confidence in those who quit or were dismissed from his administration.

Those officials aren’t just comprised of holdovers from the Obama administration, staff compelled to testify under oath, or career intelligence and Justice Department officials Trump has dubbed as being part of the so-called “deep state.”

There’s a long list of allies-turned-critics that includes several of the men and women Trump hand-selected to lead agencies across the federal government. Here’s a working list.


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Throughout her career as a senator and then vice president, Kamala Harris developed a reputation as a difficult boss who struggles to retain staff due to the atmosphere of suspicion and disorder that tends to develop among her subordinates.

Data from the government watchdog group Open the Books — released Monday, as Harris consolidates her position as President Biden's successor atop the Democratic ticket — makes clear just how extreme Harris's personnel problem really is: 91.5 percent of the staff Harris began her vice presidential term with three years ago have since left.

The Left used to talk about the Trump staff turnover but that was only in the 70% range.


I hear she is a foul-mouthed piece of (fill in the blank)

How many people have gone to jail because of either working for her or being associated with her?

These names look familiar?

Steve Bannon​

Peter Navarro​

Michael Cohen​

Paul Manafort​

George Papadopoulos​

Roger Stone​

Rick Gates​

Allen Weisselberg​

Having overseen the highest turnover rate in presidential history, President Donald Trump was bound to have a few disgruntled ex-aides.

Instead, a steady succession of ex-administration advisers – including some of his highest-ranking Cabinet officials who spoke or met with him regularly – have spoken out against his leadership and character, a remarkable break in precedent for a norm-shattering president.

While there are many administration officials who resigned or were fired and still remain loyal to their former boss, there are also several who have become vocal in their dissent of the current commander-in-chief.

Some of those once in his innermost circle have described an impulsive president who disregards advice and lacks adult sensibilities.

Others have questioned his motivations and ability to lead.

All White Houses find themselves confronting the odd tell-all memoir or interview from a jaundiced aide. But Trump, who is famous for demanding loyalty, has not appeared to inspire great confidence in those who quit or were dismissed from his administration.

Those officials aren’t just comprised of holdovers from the Obama administration, staff compelled to testify under oath, or career intelligence and Justice Department officials Trump has dubbed as being part of the so-called “deep state.”

There’s a long list of allies-turned-critics that includes several of the men and women Trump hand-selected to lead agencies across the federal government. Here’s a working list.

Donald Trump was not a professional politician. Trump also had to accept some of that swamp in his administration. War mongers he kicked out. Some of his appointments were not good. Sessions were abysmal. Trump is a man. Harris is a child. A lifer Politician or related. And is not good. And you know it.
She wasn't on Trump's staff. She worked for Mark Meadows. And virtually everything she said about Trump has been debunked
Yet again, a top former Trump administration official has published a memoir containing explosive revelations about former president Donald Trump — this time coming from former defense secretary Mark T. Esper.

Cut through the 2024 election noise. Get The Campaign Moment newsletter.

And as each tell-all has emerged, it has been rightly noted that much of this information would have been relevant far earlier — say, when Trump was twice facing impeachment, or in the run-up to both Election Day 2020 and the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection. Critics — even those inclined to like what the books have to say — have gone after the authors for not speaking out sooner, and accused them of cashing in rather than blowing the whistle when it mattered.

Given that roiling debate, it’s worth looking at precisely what four of them — Esper, William P. Barr, John Bolton and Stephanie Grisham — said during their tenures, when they left and when they decided to finally speak out.

6 bombshell claims made in flurry of new Trump books a flurry of books are hitting stores that delve into the final year of his chaotic presidency.

Gen. Mark Milley told aides he feared Trump would call on the government to stage a coup after his election defeat.

Bender also writes in “Frankly” that Trump praised Hitler in a conversation with former White House chief of staff John Kelly.

The alleged comment happened during a trip to Paris in 2018 to commemorate the armistice after World War I when Kelly was explaining to Trump who the allies and adversaries were in both World Wars.

"Well, Hitler did a lot of good things," Trump told Kelly,

On election night, it was Rudy Giuliani who urged Trump to “just say we won,” according to Leonnig and Rucker’s “I Alone Can Fix It.”

The authors write that Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, asked campaign manager Bill Stepien, senior adviser Jason Miller and Meadows about where the races in Michigan and Pennsylvania stood. When told it was too early to say, Giuliani responded, “Just say we won,” the book claims.

“Giuliani’s grand plan was to just say Trump won, state after state, based on nothing,” according to the book. “Stepien, Miller and Meadows thought his argument was both incoherent and irresponsible.”

Meadows, the authors write, responded angrily: “We can’t do that. We can’t.”

Trump, of course, declared victory in the early-morning hours after election day and then proceeded to falsely claim he only lost because of widespread election fraud.

Furious about bunker story leak​

According to Bender, the former president was so angry that someone leaked to the press that he was taken to the White House’s underground bunker during Black Lives Matter protests outside the White House that he told aides, “Whoever did that, they should be charged with treason! They should be executed!”

"Trump boiled over about the bunker story as soon as they arrived and shouted at them to smoke out whoever had leaked it. It was the most upset some aides had ever seen the president," Bender writes in “Frankly.”

Meadows tried to calm down the president by telling him, “I'm on it. We're going to find out who did it,” the book says. Trump repeatedly asked Meadows for days afterward if he tracked down the leaker, with one aide saying the president was “obsessed” with finding the source.
If you don't want to talk about Harris' mistreatment of her staff, you should probably be posting on one of the 145,897 I Hate Trump threads here.
Living in California, I know who Kamala actually is.
No matter how much she tries to convince people otherwise, she's a far left socialist.
Want to turn the US into Venezuela North?
Vote for Kamala. Hope you like cockroach stew.

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