17 Former Reagan Staffers Endorse Kamala Harris

Feel free to back that up with a link.
The Saturn 5 Rocket was huge. And only the Apollo capsule came home to earth from the moon. As Republicans we are at the point where we do what the moon program did. We throw what we though were Republicans away as they prove themselves to be frauds or aligned to something else. There is nothing to lose at this point. And the Space Launch System that NASA has developed around a half century later does the same thing. As none of it is reusable and the Orion capsule is the only part to come home to earth. A product of neanderthal Progressive Socialist Communist thinking that is enormously expensive and unless we double the NASA budget will be the largest white elephant project in history. If they are not with us, then they are against us. Our Republican politicians helped to screw us over at times. That pesky Patriot Act and Homeland Security is so much fun. Ask Merick Garland. He's a friend of Republicans. He would never use police state tactics against anyone. Snakes they are.
Ken Adelman
US Ambassador to the UN & US Arms Control Director, Ronald Reagan Administration
Carol Adelman
USAID Assistant Administrator
Elizabeth Board
Deputy Assistant to the President for Communications, Director Media Relations Office, RonaldReagan
John E. Bowman
Assistant General Counsel for Banking and Finance, Department of the Treasury (Reagan andGeorge H.W. Bush)
Gahl Burt
White House Social Secretary, Ronald Reagan White House
B. Jay Cooper
Deputy Assistant to the President, Ronald Reagan; Deputy White House Press Secretary,George H.W. Bush
Paul O’Neill
Advance Office, Ronald Reagan White House
Ashley Parker Snider
Trip Coordinator White House Advance, Ronald Reagan; Office of Public Affairs Department of Housing and Urban Development, George H.W. Bush Administration
Elizabeth Penniman
Research Assistant, Presidential Speech Writing, Ronald Reagan White House; Policy Analyst,National Security Council, Ronald Reagan Administration; Deputy Director, PresidentialTransition, Ronald Reagan; Director of Communications, US Surgeon General, George H.W.Bush Administration; Speechwriter, McCain for President 2008
Wing Pepper
Press Advance, Ronald Reagan White House
Charles Sethness
Assistant Treasury Secretary for Domestic Finance
Kathleen Shanahan
Staff Assistant, National Security Council, Ronald Reagan Administration; Special Assistant toVice President Bush, Ronald Reagan White House; Chief of Staff to Vice President Cheney,George W. Bush Administration
Nancy Sinnott Dwight
Campaign Director, NRCC (1979-1981); Executive Director, NRCC (1981-1983); RNC Delegatefor George W. Bush and Mitt Romney
Pete Souza
Official White House Photographer, Ronald Reagan White House
W. Grey Terry
Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director, Advance Office, Ronald Reagan WhiteHouse
Robert Thompson
Senior Staff Economist at the Council of Economic Advisers; Assistant Secretary for Economicsat USDA
Michele Tourtellotte Woodward
Lead Press Advance, White House Advance Office, Ronald Reagan; Executive Director,Reagan Centennial Commission; Principal Organizer, State Funeral of President ReaganOrganizer
Frankly the list is unimpressive. Few were in policy positions, many were the press, which we know hates Trump. Several have parted with the GOP completely
Since Cheney is willing to put country above party, I welcome him voting for Harris.

But you used to vote for Cheney, unlike me. Which shows how far the Republican Party has fallen in the past 15 years and it also shows how totally full of shit and a hypocrite you are.

So I "used to" vote for Dick Cheney, but you'd vote for him right now, because the two of you are on the same team.

You, Dick Cheney, and Vlad Putin, all in the Harris camp together.
LOL :dance:
All real Republicans hate Donald Trump.

If Trump cult members weren't so fucking stupid, they might ask themselves why so many real Republicans would rather vote for Harris than a racist traitor and fascist who is an existential threat to democracy like Donald Trump. --

What is a real republican? Are you speaking of the same neocons and progressive compassionate conservatives that ran hand in hand in bringing this country too its knees? Or the generation that Reagan warned America of?

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