Trump Drops List Of Democrats Who Have Either Encouraged Violence Against Him Or Literally Said Someone Should Shoot Him

First, did Trump leave office when he was supposed to or not?

Second, is it ever acceptable to question an election?

Before you answer that second question you better do a little bit of research on politicians on both sides who have questioned all kinds of election outcomes in America be it a governors race or the presidential race.

You have a Party that is rejecting a motion in the House I believe that requires very simply that citizens must be American citizens to vote. Not a question of I.D or anything else, just a demand that anyone who votes is a citizen and one party has refused to approve this.

Tell me then what people are supposed to believe?
She believes that an election is honest only when the Democrat wins.
Next time some schmuck from the left starts claiming Trump needs to tone down his rhetoric, you can counter with the statements by Democrats calling either for his death or some form of elimination

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It's Gateway Pundit for Christ's sake.

Trump has been whining about being a victim since the 1980s.

He's a dumbass liar and a bully. People just don't like ostentatious social climbers who are vulgar and profane.
First, did Trump leave office when he was supposed to or not?

Second, is it ever acceptable to question an election?

Before you answer that second question you better do a little bit of research on politicians on both sides who have questioned all kinds of election outcomes in America be it a governors race or the presidential race.

You have a Party that is rejecting a motion in the House I believe that requires very simply that citizens must be American citizens to vote. Not a question of I.D or anything else, just a demand that anyone who votes is a citizen and one party has refused to approve this.

Tell me then what people are supposed to believe?

Every state requires proof of citizenship when you register to vote. You're full of shit.
Next time some schmuck from the left starts claiming Trump needs to tone down his rhetoric, you can counter with the statements by Democrats calling either for his death or some form of elimination

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He's gone completely over the edge.

no coming back for him on this one. :auiqs.jpg:

His handlers better start serving his Happy Meals with plastic utensils
NO actually he left a day early to avoid having to look the man who whooped his ass in the eye. Your blob is a coward.


Yes you can question an election.

No you can’t stage an insurrection.
No you can’t ask election officials to try to “find votes” for you.

Not sure what that word goop means.

Your blob lost. Deal with it.

The question isn't about if he lost or not, it is the questioning of the procedures in an election. A thorough investigation into any anomalies or suspicious activities that misdirected the results should have been welcomed.

I've said it before that the damage done has had global consequences. The continued attacks against him just reinforced for the world to the point that in Venezuela three Americans were arrested for trying to assist in a coup. In the past the entire world would side with the U.S and any despot would be rejected and null and void as a leader, the three Americans would be viewed as railroaded and promptly freed.

This isn't happening now and Western citizens should be very afraid. This is a sign that first, European governments are further left than in the last 25 years at least and won't accept the U.S lead world order (leaning more to China), second, that these other nations intelligence agencies have assessed the situation in the U.S and determined that you have your own election and political controversies which make democracy more questionable. People see and read about the pile on against Trump, even the comments left by citizens on left wing European news outlet sites are contrary to the messages they push.

Wake up. None of this is worth it to try and avoid four more years of Trump. I suspect this goes far deeper than just Ukraine upsetting the pro-war crowd because Liz Cheney and others were going after Trump long before Russia attacked Ukraine
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You're just as retarded as Lakhota.

It's very peculiar, Dave. Trump has a real thing about conspiracy theories and "Deep State". He's claiming he's a victim of a rigged system since the 1980s. He's been called out on his lies and stupidity...and he's desperate. He's also sliding into senility. I noticed that he blamed Kamala Harris for this guy Routh.
Every state requires proof of citizenship when you register to vote. You're full of shit.

Do you even follow what goes on in your own country? You can thank the GOP for this even though 198 Dems voted against it with only 5 supporting it.

Here ya go, since you are too lazy to search before you respond:

House passes bill to require proof of citizenship when registering to vote

The House approved a measure Wednesday to require proof of US citizenship when registering to vote — a measure strongly opposed by top Democrats and the White House despite proof of non-citizens casting ballots in federal elections.

A majority of 216 Republicans and five Democrats voted to pass the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, with swing-district Reps. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), Vicente Gonzalez (D-Texas), Jared Golden (D-Maine), Don Davis (D-NC) and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-Wash.) among those crossing party lines.

The bill was opposed by 198 Democrats.

“Today 198 House Democrats voted against preventing illegal aliens from voting in American elections,” House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said in a statement. “Over the past four years, Joe Biden has welcomed millions upon millions of illegals into the country knowing that noncitizens only have to check a box to vote in a federal election.”
You can’t tell the difference between a candidate dropping out and a candidate trying to disenfranchise millions to steal an election he lost.
LOL Going with the fiction that God came down and told Biden to drop out? "It depends on -- on if the Lord Almighty comes down and tells me that, I might do that," Biden said. 16 days before he dropped out.

Not a single vote was disenfranchised under Trump. Your cult disenfranchised 14,000,000 voters.
As Trump has often said, the enemy isn't after him, the enemy democrats are after us, he's just in the way. There is more and more violent rhetoric calling for the killing of anyone who supports Trump. It's as if, they are getting nervous calling for the assassination of a political opponent like any other tin pot tyrant. They are now calling for the honest culling of opposition voters.

Will they start before this election?
The question isn't about if he lost or not, it is the questioning of the procedures in an election. A thorough investigation into any anomalies or suspicious activities that misdirected the results should have been welcomed.

I've said it before that the damage done has had global consequences. The continued attacks against him just reinforced for the world to the point that in Venezuela three Americans were arrested for trying to assist in a coup. In the past the entire world would side with the U.S and any despot would be rejected and null and void as a leader, the three Americans would be viewed as railroaded and promptly freed.

This isn't happening now and Western citizens should be very afraid. This is a sign that first, European governments are further left than in the last 25 years at least and won't accept the U.S lead world order (leaning more to China), second, that these other nations intelligence agencies have assessed the situation in the U.S and determined that you have your own election and political controversies which make democracy more questionable. People see and read about the pile on against Trump, even the comments in left wing European news outlets are contrary to the messages they push.

Wake up. None of this is worth it to try and avoid four more years of Trump. I suspect this goes far deeper than just Ukraine upsetting the pro-war crowd because Liz Cheney and others were going after Trump long before Russia attacked Ukraine
Every state requires proof of citizenship when you register to vote. You're full of shit.

Proof of Citizenship

Currently, there is no state or national database or system to verify the citizenship of voters. Many states utilize self-reported citizenship information from non-citizen residents, but some use the national Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program database at the Department of Homeland Security to assist in verifying citizenship status. Several states attempting to prevent non-citizen voting have enacted laws requiring proof of U.S. citizenship of registrants when registering to vote.

Our current honor system on the part of registrants under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 includes a provision that created a federal voter registration form that requires applicants under penalty of perjury to check a “yes” or “no” box as to whether they are U.S. citizens. However, the federal form does not require any proof of citizenship, and its use has been shown to be ineffective in deterring non-citizens from registering to vote.

This issue has been hotly contested in the courts with advocates for this sensible safeguard against fraudulent voter registration up against a solid flank of left-wing groups such as Common Cause, Project Vote, the League of Women Voters and the American Civil Liberties Union.

In April 2015, the ACRU filed an amicus brief in Kobach v. United States Election Assistance Commission at the U.S. Supreme Court that included evidence that non-citizens in Texas were registering to vote using the federal form. On June 29, 2015, the Supreme Court denied Kansas’s and Arizona’s writ of certiorari petition, thus letting stand a 10th Circuit ruling that the states may not require applicants using the federal voter registration form to show documents proving citizenship when registering to vote in federal races. looks like you're full of shit.

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