Dresden in 1945


Was it the UK that matched into Poland in 1939?

The UK tried to bring Germany and Russia into a war with each other. In this case the UK had been able to save the rest of their empire. (To remember: India for example had been still a part of the British empire.)

But in this case Poland had to fall. Hitler and Stalin agreed to wipe out Poland again (in the secret part of the Molotow-Ribbentrop pact). When Poland fell the UK declared war on Germany and the Brits lost not only the rest of their empire but supported also the very heavy crimes of Stalin and his Soviets.

The result of this all had been that more than 50% of the world fell into the hands of the Soviets and the allies gave a big part of Europe to Russia.

Now Russia under Putin starts to attack Europe again in the Ukraine - and when Germany will fall (which is now only about 1/3rd of the size it had been once when it had been the Holy Roman Empire of German nation) and/or Scandinavia will fall then also Great Britain will fall. In a worst case scenario this will mean the end of all descendents of the Celts, Germanics and Normans at all.

The good message: The inhabitants of the Andromeda galaxy don't care about.

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Churchill was a drunken fool. A warmongering maniac entirely controlled by wealthy Jewish bankers wanting world war.

That Tucker interview of Darryl Cooper was outstanding and look how the establishment has responded to it. Same old BS antisemitism slur and labeling him a Hitler supporter. Anyone who exposes the wrongs of establishment history must be silenced.

Orwell was right again.

As you will inevitably discover based on the snarky quips you are certain to read, Churchill was right when he wrote that:
"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."

A very cursory knowledge of history will show that Churchill was right in spite of his lifetime of complicity in Britain's Colonial atrocities.

To be fair, Churchill was the product of an earlier era when enslaving, torturing, starvation and even poison gas were suitable for control of the millions under British rule.

For example, in 1943 a famine broke out in Bengal due to imperial British policy. When told of the region's starvation, Churchill responded:

“If food is scarce, why isn’t Gandhi dead yet?” (1)

When 3 million people died because Churchill refused to send food, Churchill's response was:

“Relief would do no good. Indians breed like rabbits and will outstrip any available food supply.” (1)

Like many people of Churchill's time period, he had advocated euthanasia and sterilisation of the handicapped.

Churchill seemed to feel that any war, invasion or conflict was an opportunity to expand the British Empire and therefore desirable.

WW 2 was no exception and the very reason that Churchill rejected Hitler's multiple offers for peace:

EXCERPT " The full text of Hitler’s “Appeal for Peace and Sanity” speech, made before the Reichstag on July 19, 1940, following the fall of France. In that speech, Hitler once again offered unconditional peace to Britain.

This speech was printed in English and dropped by the tens of thousands from German aircraft over Britain. Although nearly half the British cabinet wanted to take up his offer, Churchill’s warmongering put an end to this final offer of peace;

In spite of Hitler's fondness for the English, Churchill's eagerness for expanding the British Empire ensured that WW 2 was a much more grisly tragedy than necessary.

Many thanks,

(1). Winston Churchill: the Imperial Monster

(2). "What the World Rejected: Hitler’s Peace Offers 1933–1940"
Why is anyone defending the firebombing of Dresden when Hitler decided to stop attacking Englands military to do the London Blitz.

The biggest difference is that the "Battle of Britain" was limited and not part of an overall strategy while the firebombing of civilians was official Allied Policy:

“I do not want suggestions as to how we can disable the economy and the machinery of war, what I want are suggestions as to how we can roast the German refugees on their escape from Breslau.”
Prime Minister Winston Churchill

“Hitler didn’t start indiscriminate bombings — Churchill did”
Hitler didn't start indiscriminate bombings — Churchill did

EXCERPT “Up until Churchill’s appointment as prime minister both Germany and Britain had stuck to a pledge not to attack targets in each other’s cities where civilians were at risk. Overy dismisses the long-held belief ‘firmly rooted in the British public mind’ that Hitler initiated the trend for indiscriminate bombings. Instead, he says, the decision to take the gloves off was Churchill’s, ‘because of the crisis in the Battle of France, not because of German air raids [over Britain].’” CONTINUED
The biggest difference is that the "Battle of Britain" was limited and not part of an overall strategy while the firebombing of civilians was official Allied Policy:

“I do not want suggestions as to how we can disable the economy and the machinery of war, what I want are suggestions as to how we can roast the German refugees on their escape from Breslau.”
Prime Minister Winston Churchill

“Hitler didn’t start indiscriminate bombings — Churchill did”
Hitler didn't start indiscriminate bombings — Churchill did

EXCERPT “Up until Churchill’s appointment as prime minister both Germany and Britain had stuck to a pledge not to attack targets in each other’s cities where civilians were at risk. Overy dismisses the long-held belief ‘firmly rooted in the British public mind’ that Hitler initiated the trend for indiscriminate bombings. Instead, he says, the decision to take the gloves off was Churchill’s, ‘because of the crisis in the Battle of France, not because of German air raids [over Britain].’” CONTINUED
islamo-nazi revisionist history alert ^^^^^
islamo-nazi revisionist history alert ^^^^^

You should really try to understand that Nazis and Islamists are totally different things - what you are easily able to see in the nice black uniforms with skulls of the Islamists.

The strange thing is it that Putin seems to share your prejudices. He owned two "private" armies which had been / are payed from the Russian taxpayers. The private army "Wagner" ( Sorry Richard Wagner - you lived from 1813-1883 and you had absolutelly nothing to do with Nazis) was a "Nazi-like" terror army of the Russians whose very most members are meanwhile part of the regular Russian army.

But it exists also an Islamist-like "private" terror army in Chechnya.

What means this? The Nazi-like Russian army prepared since about 2008 a war on Europe by sending combatants (="rebells"=young Russian soldiers without uniforms) into the areas where also Russians lived in the Ukraine. Reason? To try to produce the illusion and/or delusion that in the Ukraine existed/exists a kind of racist civil war between "good" Putin-Russians and "evil" Nazi-Ukrainians. This is obsolete now because the Russians are directly in war now.

But what's the sense of the Islamist-like army in Chechnya I do not have a big idea about. I guess Putin likes to produce with this terror-army a deadly chaos in the world of the Muslims - perhaps specially in areas where as well Christians and Muslims live.
islamo-nazi revisionist history alert ^^^^^
The dumb American only knows the history taught them in government grade school, if that. They’ve done no research since grade school and naturally can’t accept any alternatives…like the truth.

The oligarchy love these fools.
The biggest difference is that the "Battle of Britain" was limited and not part of an overall strategy while the firebombing of civilians was official Allied Policy:

“I do not want suggestions as to how we can disable the economy and the machinery of war, what I want are suggestions as to how we can roast the German refugees on their escape from Breslau.”
Prime Minister Winston Churchill

“Hitler didn’t start indiscriminate bombings — Churchill did”
Hitler didn't start indiscriminate bombings — Churchill did

EXCERPT “Up until Churchill’s appointment as prime minister both Germany and Britain had stuck to a pledge not to attack targets in each other’s cities where civilians were at risk. Overy dismisses the long-held belief ‘firmly rooted in the British public mind’ that Hitler initiated the trend for indiscriminate bombings. Instead, he says, the decision to take the gloves off was Churchill’s, ‘because of the crisis in the Battle of France, not because of German air raids [over Britain].’” CONTINUED
The London Blitz started first at Hitler's orders.
The dumb American only knows the history taught them in government grade school, if that. They’ve done no research since grade school and naturally can’t accept any alternatives…like the truth.

The oligarchy love these fools.
the Gip has DECIDED his own multitude of "facts" . The universe of "facts" elaborated in the deranged mind is typical of PSYCHOSIS to
wit ---the psychotic delusion. Gip KNOWS the minds of those he terms "DUMB AMERICANS"
The KNOWING that which goes on in the minds of others is pathognomonic of PSYCHOSIS
You should really try to understand that Nazis and Islamists are totally different things - what you are easily able to see in the nice black uniforms with skulls of the Isl
You should really try to understand that your statement is VERY IDIOTIC. You have DECIDED. baselessly, what I BELIEVE which in your mind is that nazism is "THE SAME as islamism" You are entirely wrong. What I KNOW from clear evidence is that there has been an alliance between nazi ideologues and islam ideologues for, at least, the past 100 years. I know because I know the history thereof and read THEIR PROPAGANDA. I do not depend on "REVELATION FROM HEAVEN"
The dumb American only knows the history taught them in government grade school, if that. They’ve done no research since grade school and naturally can’t accept any alternatives…like the truth.

The oligarchy love these fools.
I am fascinated with that which Gipper imagines was taught in my grammar school
regarding HISTORY as opposed to that which he imagines he "KNOWS"
Churchill was a drunken fool. A warmongering maniac entirely controlled by wealthy Jewish bankers wanting world war.

That Tucker interview of Darryl Cooper was outstanding and look how the establishment has responded to it. Same old BS antisemitism slur and labeling him a Hitler supporter. Anyone who exposes the wrongs of establishment history must be silenced.

Orwell was right again.
Yeah, I was interested on why they were saying such things.

I watched it, it did not seem like he was a holocaust denier. I didn't go to Darryl Cooper's blog, but I haven't seen anyone link to it to prove the allegations?

I suspect the establishment doesn't want reality getting out of the bag.
I don't know why you called me into this thread?

Brit what?

The British international controlled banking and monarchy are the enemy of humanity? They were at that start of the American revolution, and they still are.

Is that what you mean?

YouTube Doesn’t Want You to Watch The WWI Conspiracy​

The WWI Conspiracy​




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I don't know why you called me into this thread?

Brit what?

The British international controlled banking and monarchy are the enemy of humanity? They were at that start of the American revolution, and they still are.

Is that what you mean?

YouTube Doesn’t Want You to Watch The WWI Conspiracy​

The WWI Conspiracy​

As usual, Corbett does a great job exposing the truth.

WWI like all recent wars, has a pattern. First they must demonize and dehumanize the enemy in the press, to deceive the people into supporting war. They make up atrocities to inflame and frighten. War propaganda works every time, even though they’ve lied repeatedly in all past wars. More recently we see this in Americans hating Russia and supporting genocide in Gaza, all promoted and instigated by a controlled media.

And of course, the instigators all get fabulously rich off mass death and destruction.

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