I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

2008 to 2016 and 2020to 2024 have that beat.
You are in for a rude awakening kid. Hope you have a good support structure in place. You take politics far too seriously. Trump is a threat but our Constitution and nation are strong and his efforts to do away with all of that will be successfully challenged and defeated.
You’re unemployed, live alone and are a deranged lib. All you have is time
I am 73 years old. After working 50+ years I am semi-retired. My best friend has a stroke last month and I'm helping to take care of him. I did live alone , now I'm practically living at his home. I am not deranged but often thought you are by the things you've said on this site. I do tend to vote more liberal , especially now that these new republicans are embracing nationalism and fascism. My time is limited as is everyone. There are quite a few things I still want to do before I leave this world.
You are in for a rude awakening kid. Hope you have a good support structure in place. You take politics far too seriously. Trump is a threat but our Constitution and nation are strong and his efforts to do away with all of that will be successfully challenged and defeated.
No, he isn't. Cuntmala the Commie and all Democrats are the threat.
No, he isn't. Cuntmala the Commie and all Democrats are the threat.
Tell that to the government , women , immigrants , people of color , gays , transgenders , Latinos , Muslims , the list is almost endless. Trump is finished. And he did most of the damage to himself. His own mouth works against him.
I am 73 years old. After working 50+ years I am semi-retired. My best friend has a stroke last month and I'm helping to take care of him. I did live alone , now I'm practically living at his home. I am not deranged but often thought you are by the things you've said on this site. I do tend to vote more liberal , especially now that these new republicans are embracing nationalism and fascism. My time is limited as is everyone. There are quite a few things I still want to do before I leave this world.
So I am 3 for 3. 🤷‍♂️

I read people so well it hurts sometimes.

Funny how you don’t criticize Democrats for shoving Biden aside and plugging in a candidate who didn’t earn one primary vote. Threat to democracy indeed.
Nothing but noise, because when you get down to the nuts and bolts of it all, you have to recognize what has happened with the Democrat party and it's ideology.
1.education for children has been warped.
2.the border
5. oil reserves
6.foreign policy failures 7.social engineering in the military
8. forcing DEI in corporate policy
9. climate fraud 10.endangerment of children including migrant children
11. can't define what a woman is
12.invasion of men in women's sports
13. indecent exposure in girls locker room's
14. young teens murdered by illegals
15. minimum wage set to high for start up job's or teen job's
16. promoting abortion all the way up to the 9th month calling it "women's health care.
17. WW3 possible due to their idiocy and weakness.
18. Dangerous rhetoric that has possibly gotten the former president put in the crosshairs as proven by two attempts on his life thus far.

How low can they go, how low can they go ?..............
So you would rather have permanent Communist rule in the US?
That is not the goal of anyone I know. And it's highly unlikely that would happen unless trump gains power and sells the country to the Russians . Increasing Socialism by increments is the better way to go. Fascism ushers in fear and violence , restricts human rights and freedoms and is regressive in nature as well as repressive to society. Nothing anyone appreciates.
That is not the goal of anyone I know. And it's highly unlikely that would happen unless trump gains power and sells the country to the Russians . Increasing Socialism by increments is the better way to go. Fascism ushers in fear and violence , restricts human rights and freedoms and is regressive in nature as well as repressive to society. Nothing anyone appreciates.
You don’t have kids in school based on your ignorant answer
Funny how you don’t criticize Democrats for shoving Biden aside and plugging in a candidate who didn’t earn one primary vote. Threat to democracy indeed.
First off I'm not a Democrat. I am an Independent. I see problems with both political parties and have no obligations to either one. But given the threatening , severe departure of the republican party from conservatism to extremism. I choose to align with the much more sane Democrats. BTW , the Democrats were fortunate they did not have their party convention where the delegates vote yet. So there were no legal loopholes to maneuver. You'd better hope and pray one of the crazies doesn't get your guy. Then you are in deep shit. This last one even voted for Trump. That's crazy ! Trump seems to bring all the crazies out of the woodwork. Good luck with that you're going to need all the help you can get. That's another reason I am not a Democrat or Republican. The party agenda often works against the nation as a whole.
You don’t have kids in school based on your ignorant answer
Never married , the possibility of marriage came too late for me and generations of gay and lesbian people. As for children , I decided when I was 12 years old I would not have any. My 5 sisters overdid that anyway. I have 15 nephews and nieces, 28 and counting great nephews and nieces and one great-great nephew is on the way. I passed on.my good genes by donating to the University sperm bank. I was labeled a # 2 for desire ability and donated multiple times. Each donation had the possibility of fertilizer zing 14 eggs. So by my calculations there are over 300 couples I helped have children..
1. Unemployed
2. Live alone
3. Deranged lib

3 for 3 🤷‍♂️
1. Still working ( part time ) 2. Not really. 3. Consider myself a realistic pragmatist , the deranged part is all you. Your math is way off.

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