I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

nfbw 240916 Visdkw02665

i. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240916 {post•2626}. NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Visdkw explains for Saint_Beagle9: You and your white Christian nationalist fundagelical MAGA fellowship cannot use facts, reason or any meaningful logic to understand the threat to western liberal democracy that Don Trump poses. nfbw 240916 Visdkw02626.

ii. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240916 {post•2624}. Luckyone said: He is incompetent (talks big but carries no stick), a narcissist (only cares about himself and no one else), will change views depending on what helps him personally (not what helps the nation) and incapable of correcting any mistake he has made (meaning the mistake will be repeated ad nauseaum), he will bring disunity and stimulate hate among Americans and cause the nation to splinter in two. . lckyn 240926 Visdkw Visdkw02624

iii. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240916 {post•2631 to••2624}. beagle9 said: That is the most bull shite post I've read today. bvvglvN 240916 Sisdkw02631

iv. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240915 {post•2571}. NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Visdkw Vance on Haitian legal immigrants eating neighbor’s pets : "We're creating a story": Vance admits he's making up Haitian immigrant smears.

In an interview with CNN's Dana Bash, Vance admitted the dog-eating stories were a fantasy.

When Vance was pinned down by the host over the smears he spread being entirely false, he didn't seem ashamed. He told Bash that he had to create a fiction to bring media attention to the way that his constituents are suffering (read: having to live alongside hard-working, legal immigrants to the United States in a newly revitalized town). nfbw 240915 Visdkw02571

v. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240916 {post•2665}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Visdkw: I do not see a lick of bullshit in paragraph ii . Saint_Beagle9’s post is thereafter quite irrational and nonsensical.

Now that JD Vance has admitted on. CNN that he and the top of ticket were lying about legal Haitian immigrants stealing and eating their neighbor’s cats and dogs I wonder if Saint_Beagle9 will call “bullshit” on Don Trump and JD Vance for violating the basic teaching of Jesus Christ to “love thy neighbor as thyself”.

Paragraph ii. Is clearly nothing close to hate speech but Don Trump and Vance’s false claim the legal Haitian residents in Springfield, Ohio are eating their neighbors, cats and dogs is vulgar, obscene, racist, hate speech.

I’m betting that Saint_Beagle9 is pro hate speech in America when it is racist Don Trump and his racist running mate who deliver it.

nfbw 240916 Visdkw02665
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play well with others? go away. I'm for the USA and no other fking country looking to take us out using climate bullshit they can't back up. Spare me your globalist bullshit. They can all pay their fair share. Use your own phrase back at you!
If you were for the US you wouldn't support a man like trump who's trying to destroy the country.
Only the Cult. That's 25%.
25% is NOT most.

It's been proven twice, that over 50% of the population would NEVER vote for trump.
Check the FACTS dude.
Screenshot_20240304-093150_Samsung Internet.jpg
If you were for the US you wouldn't support a man like trump who's trying to destroy the country.
Yeah cause why would I vote for someone who wants Americans first after I said I wanted Americans first?

You fkers never align
Here is a sample of the cartoon world you are referring to:

Michael Jordan's Brand Has Reportedly Earned Nike $19 Billion USD in the Past Five Years

People bought the shoe because it was a MICHAEL JORDAN shoe! and it got advertised!

You see this pic below of a banana taped to the wall?

View attachment 1013193

It sold for $120,000 dollars at an auction simply because it was a picture taken by a famous artist called Maurizio Catellan!!

Geezus Christ, you think this is rational thinking?
Nike ? The child labor corporation ? Rotflmbo 🤣
So bad, that gas and inflation was better than the last four years. You’re strange to want to pay higher prices cause establishment makes you
That was one of the results of the trump presidency. Everything is not an instant gratification knee-jerk situation but perhaps that's beyond your comprehension. I'm not saying it was entirely his fault but he shared partial blame. You must remember there is a great misconception about the extent presidents can influence gas prices. It's a market -driven economy and on a global scale
No nation is an island anymore and none should want to be with everything the human race is facing.
He nearly doubled the debt and most of that spending was before COVID arrived on the scene. He left the country in shambles. This time he would destroy it completely. He has already promised that.
He did? Congress didn’t approve budgets? How was the country in “shambles”? Pre Covid life was great

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