What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

OOOOh, so because Finland was always a real democracy and never had authoritarian Putin lakeys to overthrow then therefore NATO rockets from Finland are less dangerous to Russia.

Are you being serious right now?
Finland is another country, hence another set of circumstances and context. It's also a member of the EU, so invading it now would certainly spark WW3. Did that happen with Ukraine? No. Ukraine isn't an EU member nor a member of NATO. It's level of hostility is much higher than that of Finland vs Russia. The situation in Ukraine is completely different, and the fact that you're unable to recognize that, indicates you're cerebrally deficient.
Taking from NATO? Oh, I think not. What the scared little man is doing is grabbing whatever he can by force that isn't NATO. He is under no real delusion his military would last even a month against NATO. Same reason he didn't invade Finland: They would have kicked his ass.

So he preys on the weak and defenseless. True to form.
That's a good strategy. A NATO war with Russia won't lead to anyone winning, everyone loses. Ukraine isn't currently a NATO member and it was at war with Russo-Ukrainians, who refused to accept the legitimacy of the Kyiv coup government. So Russia made a good move.
Kremlin propaganda

Start to finish
He can and he's doing it now. Idiots like you are getting their heads ripped off in Ukraine by the Russian military. That's the just desserts of spreading a Cold War dinosaur into Eastern Europe and saber rattling on Russia's border. Enjoy the outcome of your stupidity.

Let's count some "outcomes of stupidity"

Russian invasion directly caused:

1. Doubling of NATO's border with Russia as a result of previously nuetral countries seeing that Russia never learned the lessons of WWII and it's a serious security threat.

2. Acceleration of Ukranie's ascension into NATO.

3. Deaths and injuries to hundreds of thousands of prime work-age Russian men during serious demographic challenges for Russian society.

4. Huge drop in energy export revenues. Destruction of just about all natural gas exports to EU.

5. Some of the highest interest rates and inflation in the world.

6. Budget deficits as far as the eye can see.
Let's count some "outcomes of stupidity"

Russian invasion directly caused:

1. Doubling of NATO's border with Russia as a result of previously nuetral countries seeing that Russia never learned the lessons of WWII and it's a serious security threat.

2. Acceleration of Ukranie's ascension into NATO.

3. Deaths and injuries to hundreds of thousands of prime work-age Russian men during serious demographic challenges for Russian society.

4. Huge drop in energy export revenues. Destruction of just about all natural gas exports to EU.

5. Some of the highest interest rates and inflation in the world.

6. Budget deficits as far as the eye can see.

1. “Doubling of NATO’s border with Russia as a result of previously neutral countries seeing that Russia never learned the lessons of WWII and it’s a serious security threat.”

This is a blatant distortion of reality. First off, the NATO expansion is not a response to Russia’s “lessons from WWII” but part of a long-standing strategy by the U.S. and its allies to encircle Russia. NATO has been pushing eastward since the 1990s, despite assurances to Gorbachev that NATO wouldn’t expand “one inch east.” The addition of Finland to NATO didn’t happen because Russia suddenly became a threat, it’s part of NATO’s ongoing campaign to increase its influence in Europe, a project that’s been underway for decades. Russia's invasion of Ukraine didn’t start this process, it merely accelerated a strategy that was already in place. Let’s not pretend this was some spontaneous decision by Finland based on newfound fear of Russia.

2. “Acceleration of Ukraine’s ascension into NATO.”

Fantasy. Ukraine will never be a member of NATO. Keep dreaming.

3. “Deaths and injuries to hundreds of thousands of prime work-age Russian men during serious demographic challenges for Russian society.”

Yes, war leads to casualties, on both sides, but the losses are much heavier on the Ukrainian side. Western countries are facing their own demographic declines, and the labor shortages exacerbated by the war are not unique to Russia. The narrative that this is some catastrophic blow to Russian society is exaggerated, especially considering that Russia’s military operations, while costly, are a fraction of the total population. Moreover, Russia’s automation and technological advances are being ramped up to deal with these challenges. Also, let’s not ignore that Ukraine’s population has been devastated by the war too, with millions displaced and their own workforce decimated.

4. “Huge drop in energy export revenues. Destruction of just about all natural gas exports to the EU.”

Yes, there has been a reduction in energy exports to the EU, but this is not a one-sided disaster for Russia. The EU shot itself in the foot by imposing sanctions and cutting off its main supplier, leading to massive energy price hikes and instability in European markets. Meanwhile, Russia has shifted its energy exports to Asia, particularly China and India, and is reaping the benefits of new trade deals. Europe, on the other hand, is struggling with energy shortages and skyrocketing prices. So while Russia may have lost one market, it has gained others, and the EU is paying the price for its own shortsighted policies.

5. “Some of the highest interest rates and inflation in the world.”

This claim is overstated. Russia has managed to stabilize its interest rates and inflation after an initial shock from sanctions. The Central Bank of Russia took swift action to control inflation, and the Russian economy is adapting despite Western efforts to cripple it. Compare that to Europe, which is dealing with rampant inflation, energy crises, and a looming recession. Russia’s inflation is far from the worst in the world, and the idea that Russia is uniquely suffering while the West thrives is a complete inversion of reality, or as you like to say, "horseshit".

6. “Budget deficits as far as the eye can see.”

This point ignores the fact that budget deficits are a global issue, not unique to Russia. The U.S. and the EU are running enormous deficits, especially after the economic fallout from COVID-19 and now the war in Ukraine. Russia, despite sanctions, has managed to fund its military operations and continue government spending. Russia's reserves of foreign currency and gold, along with its shift toward self-sufficiency, are cushioning the impact. Compare that to Western countries, which are facing ballooning debt and economic instability. It’s a global issue, not something that’s isolated to Russia.
Preying on the weak and defenseless? Sounds more evil than good, to me.

*because Putin is a maniac making offensive nuclear threats and waging a war of vanit


Your beloved right-wing nationalist, Ukrainian coup government preying on the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas, are the actual criminals, not Putin. NATO expansion, that's also evil. You want to pretend otherwise? Boohoo to you, deal with Russia. Poke a bear long enough, you lose your hand.

Your beloved right-wing nationalist, Ukrainian coup government preying on the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas, are the actual criminals, not Putin. NATO expansion, that's also evil. You want to pretend otherwise? Boohoo to you, deal with Russia. Poke a bear long enough, you lose your hand.
nobody poked anyone. Putin is a small, vain, and jealous man. And he wants his legacy. Without anyone saying otherwise. So he preys on the weak and defenseless.

Your special behavior is expected.
nobody poked anyone. Putin is a small, vain, and jealous man. And he wants his legacy. Without anyone saying otherwise. So he preys on the weak and defenseless.

Your special behavior is expected.
Spreading NATO, a Cold War dinosaur, that is inherently hostile to Russia, operationally, doctrinally, and historically, right up to Russia's doorstep, is certainly POKING THE BEAR. Deploying American troops and hardware on Russia's border, saber-rattling with their combat maneuvers and other exercises is definitely POKING THE BEAR. So whatever assholes like you get, that's what you deserve. Poke the bear, and eventually, you'll lose your hand.
I find it worrisome the number of individuals who cannot differentiate between lawful self-defense, defense of others and defense of one's nation as opposed to naked aggression no matter what the pretext. It's especially worrisome when it's couched as "self-defense".

What's occurring in Gaza is entirely different than what is occurring in Ukraine. As far as I can determine, Putin had no provocation for attacking Ukraine. And while Israel has all the grounds in the world for hunting down and eliminating Hamas, that doesn't give reason for killing everyone in between them and Hamas, especially when their rate of success in killing and capturing their claimed target is so dismal:

Early on in the war, IDF gave clearance to allow 20 civilian deaths for every low-ranking Hamas suspect, intelligence sources said: report​
Lloyd Lee​
Apr 3, 2024, 7:55 PM PDT​
More than 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, according to the city's health ministry.​
A new report reveals some of the IDF's methodology for targeting militants — including an AI system.​
The IDF set a ratio for how many civilians could be killed for every Hamas member, the report said.​
Insider Today​
During the early weeks of the Israel-Hamas war, the Israel Defense Forces established a ratio for the number of civilian deaths in Gaza that would be permissible for every Hamas militant killed, according to a new report.​
A joint report from +972 Magazine, a Tel Aviv-based outlet, and Local Call unveiled some of the methodology behind the IDF's targeting of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza based on interviews with six Israeli intelligence officers. The Guardian was also provided exclusive access to the testimonies from the six officers.​
The sources, who remained unnamed, told the outlets that the IDF used artificial intelligence, a system internally known as "Lavender," in order to create a database of potential targets who may be linked to Hamas and PIJ. At one point during the early weeks of the war, the system identified up to 37,000 Palestinians, according to four of the intelligence sources, The Guardian reported.​
Once the AI identified a potential target, a human would devote less than a minute to check the machine's decision, a source told the outlets.​
"I would invest 20 seconds for each target at this stage and do dozens of them every day," an intelligence source said, according to The Guardian. "I had zero added value as a human, apart from being a stamp of approval. It saved a lot of time."​
Along with the AI-based targeting system, especially early in the war the IDF made it permissible to kill a certain number of civilians for every suspected Hamas militant assassinated, two of the sources told +972 and Local Call. In warfare, these civilian deaths are referred to as collateral damage.​
Two of the sources told the outlets that in the first few weeks of the war, the IDF allowed up to 15 or 20 civilian deaths for every low-ranking Hamas militant assassinated.​
That number could increase to up to more than 100 civilians if the IDF were targeting a single senior Hamas official, the sources said.​
"There was a completely permissive policy regarding the casualties of operations," one source said, according to the report. "A policy so permissive that in my opinion it had an element of revenge."​
The number of allowed collateral damage has fluctuated since the beginning of the war, with one intelligence officer saying the rate was recently brought down again, according to The Guardian.​
An IDF spokesperson also told The Guardian that it "does not carry out strikes when the expected collateral damage from the strike is excessive in relation to the military advantage."​
Since the beginning of the Hamas-Israeli war about six months ago, more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, according to Gaza's health ministry.​
Foreign aid workers and journalists also have been killed by Israeli strikes. According to the UN, more than 180 humanitarian workers have been killed in the conflict.​
Seven members of the World Central Kitchen, an international nonprofit, were killed on Monday after an Israeli strike hit their convoy. Before the strike, workers had just unloaded 100 tons of aid, The New York Times reported.​
"Unfortunately, in the last day there was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the Gaza Strip," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said of the strike, according to CBS News.​
Are you serious? This sounds like just another "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

I suppose the IDF is also sacrificing Christian babies for their blood?

1. “Doubling of NATO’s border with Russia as a result of previously neutral countries seeing that Russia never learned the lessons of WWII and it’s a serious security threat.”

This is a blatant distortion of reality. First off, the NATO expansion is not a response to Russia’s “lessons from WWII” but part of a long-standing strategy by the U.S. and its allies to encircle Russia. NATO has been pushing eastward since the 1990s, despite assurances to Gorbachev that NATO wouldn’t expand “one inch east.” The addition of Finland to NATO didn’t happen because Russia suddenly became a threat, it’s part of NATO’s ongoing campaign to increase its influence in Europe, a project that’s been underway for decades. Russia's invasion of Ukraine didn’t start this process, it merely accelerated a strategy that was already in place. Let’s not pretend this was some spontaneous decision by Finland based on newfound fear of Russia.

2. “Acceleration of Ukraine’s ascension into NATO.”

Fantasy. Ukraine will never be a member of NATO. Keep dreaming.

3. “Deaths and injuries to hundreds of thousands of prime work-age Russian men during serious demographic challenges for Russian society.”

Yes, war leads to casualties, on both sides, but the losses are much heavier on the Ukrainian side. Western countries are facing their own demographic declines, and the labor shortages exacerbated by the war are not unique to Russia. The narrative that this is some catastrophic blow to Russian society is exaggerated, especially considering that Russia’s military operations, while costly, are a fraction of the total population. Moreover, Russia’s automation and technological advances are being ramped up to deal with these challenges. Also, let’s not ignore that Ukraine’s population has been devastated by the war too, with millions displaced and their own workforce decimated.

4. “Huge drop in energy export revenues. Destruction of just about all natural gas exports to the EU.”

Yes, there has been a reduction in energy exports to the EU, but this is not a one-sided disaster for Russia. The EU shot itself in the foot by imposing sanctions and cutting off its main supplier, leading to massive energy price hikes and instability in European markets. Meanwhile, Russia has shifted its energy exports to Asia, particularly China and India, and is reaping the benefits of new trade deals. Europe, on the other hand, is struggling with energy shortages and skyrocketing prices. So while Russia may have lost one market, it has gained others, and the EU is paying the price for its own shortsighted policies.

5. “Some of the highest interest rates and inflation in the world.”

This claim is overstated. Russia has managed to stabilize its interest rates and inflation after an initial shock from sanctions. The Central Bank of Russia took swift action to control inflation, and the Russian economy is adapting despite Western efforts to cripple it. Compare that to Europe, which is dealing with rampant inflation, energy crises, and a looming recession. Russia’s inflation is far from the worst in the world, and the idea that Russia is uniquely suffering while the West thrives is a complete inversion of reality, or as you like to say, "horseshit".

6. “Budget deficits as far as the eye can see.”

This point ignores the fact that budget deficits are a global issue, not unique to Russia. The U.S. and the EU are running enormous deficits, especially after the economic fallout from COVID-19 and now the war in Ukraine. Russia, despite sanctions, has managed to fund its military operations and continue government spending. Russia's reserves of foreign currency and gold, along with its shift toward self-sufficiency, are cushioning the impact. Compare that to Western countries, which are facing ballooning debt and economic instability. It’s a global issue, not something that’s isolated to Russia.
Anyone doubt that this board is full of Russian trolls once again (as we approach a Presidential election)?

1. “Doubling of NATO’s border with Russia as a result of previously neutral countries seeing that Russia never learned the lessons of WWII and it’s a serious security threat.”

This is a blatant distortion of reality. First off, the NATO expansion is not a response to Russia’s “lessons from WWII”

Who do you think actually buys your bullshit?

Finland and especially Sweeden had no plans to join NATO untill Russian full scale invasion.
Ukrainian coup government preying on the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas, are the actual criminals, not Putin.

Why not Russo-Ukranians in Kiev? Kharkiv? Odessa? Zaporozhie?

Why Donbas specifically with so many Russo-Russians in every region of Ukraine?

Oh wait I remember why:

Girkin's goons got knocked the f out of Sloviansk and what do you know, Russo-Ukranians had peaceful life again.

Strange how that works isn't it - Russians on tanks leave and like magic, no one has to defend Russo-Ukranians. :rolleyes-41:
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3. “Deaths and injuries to hundreds of thousands of prime work-age Russian men during serious demographic challenges for Russian society.”
Yes, war leads to casualties, on both sides, but the losses are much heavier on the Ukrainian side. Western countries are facing their own demographic declines, and the labor shortages exacerbated by the war are not unique to Russia.


No one else is sending their young to die by hundreds of thousands to invade and annex some lands.

That is sure as hell uniquely backward in modern world.
4. “Huge drop in energy export revenues. Destruction of just about all natural gas exports to the EU.”
Yes, there has been a reduction in energy exports to the EU, but this is not a one-sided disaster for Russia. The EU shot itself in the foot by imposing sanctions and cutting off its main supplier, leading to massive energy price hikes and instability in European markets. Meanwhile, Russia has shifted its energy exports to Asia, particularly China and India, and is reaping the benefits of new trade deals. Europe, on the other hand, is struggling with energy shortages and skyrocketing prices. So while Russia may have lost one market, it has gained others, and the EU is paying the price for its own shortsighted policies.

Dummy, Russia's huge revenue shortfalls and budget deficits don't lie, you do.

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