With Factchecks Like These, How Does Truth Stand A Chance

Irmalaier (sp?)
There was another one briefly.
They were prior usernames. They were never socks. As candyass knows whenever she spouts that stale lie.

It’s just her typical trolling dishonesty being unleashed. Why?

Because she’s far too stupid to ever post honestly or logically or intelligently.
Wonder if ABC knew of Muir's lip lock on Harris' ass ?

The job of a moderator is not to fact check. That is the job of the opposition candidate.

It's amazing these morons don't understand that.

Of course they did, one of the big wigs wife is besties with kneepads. Nothing was done by accident or by way of incompetence, hence the wide disparity in coverage. Non politician rates 100% positive coverage. Especially not kneepads.

Bullshit. There was a thread already posted dedicated to addressing about 20 of them, you moron liar.

Put her on ignore.

She's got nothing of value to say and is just an upaid troll.

I did and I found my computer no longer required counseling.
Turley the liar, has cherry picked one report - the Crime Victims Survey, and utterly ignored all of the other reports which say the opposite, including FBI Crime Data, Council of Police Chiefs data, among others, all of which shows the opposite:

Uh, no he didn't.

Your quote is where it is now.

As I demonstrated to another moron on this board, The average murder rate in Bidens first 3 years is almost 18% higher than Trumps and that is including the huge jump in 2020.

So, try again moron.

BTW: You are on ignore...you are hardly worth the time. But I unignored the thread for a different reason and smelled your post.

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