With Factchecks Like These, How Does Truth Stand A Chance

Bullshit. There was a thread already posted dedicated to addressing about 20 of them, you moron liar.
Those were mostly opinions.
But I’ll help your tiny brain out: your sow lied by claiming that Trump had anything to do with Project 2025.
You have to be incredibly stupid (and you qualify) to believe that all of the former advisors are not going be on his team if he wins. Those advisors are working on Project 2025.

Of course you are the same guys who got his SCOTUS nominees to say that Roe was safe. How’d that turn out?

You guys lie for a living.
She lied when she invoked the deliberately bogus spin on what he said about “fine people on both sides.”
The blob did say that.
She lied when she claimed that he would sign a national abortion ban bill. In reality, he has made it clear that (ala the Dobbs decision) abortion is a state not a federal issue.
Trump said a lot of things when he was president. Remember the ban on lobbyists having worked for the government...the one he revoked on his way out the door. He changes his mind. As for saying what your opponent would do or what the consequences of electing him or her would be....do you really believe that we’re not going to have a country anymore as the blob has said time and again...unless he wins? Put another way. Grow a pair.
Stop lying all the time. Your one note symphony of dishonesty gets very old and stale, candyass.
Maybe I should create 4 sock puppets like you did and invent a chorus?

Although Muir and Davis are lesser lights at ABC-Disney, their debate activism demonstrates the disingenuous methods of turning “news” into entertainment. It’s both a cynical and dishonest practice that, in this hyper-information era, feeds general naïveté about the political workings of the entertainment industry. Independent journalist Matt Taibbi recently noted, “Reporters no longer see themselves as a check on power. They see themselves as a part of it.” So Muir-Davis “fact-checked” Trump and repeatedly gave passes to Harris.

Harris just didn’t make any crazy assed statements that needed to be set straight. Your blob did.
Nitpicking small areas where crime may be up is kinda dishonest.

Crime is indeed overall down.

I'm sure your other "points" are as dishonest.

They are not my points.

They are his.

And looking at PEW, they support his statements.


Here is a little something to help you understand that the dishonest hacks posing as moderators got it wrong:

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Of course you are the same guys who got his SCOTUS nominees to say that Roe was safe. How’d that turn out?

They said, in some cases, it was settled law, which only means settled for the circumstances it was brought up under.

Even though they were bogus, Dobbs took a different approach.

You can't corner a SCOTUS judge on law. They are not obligated to answer (and often they don't) for this very reason.
Harris just didn’t make any crazy assed statements that needed to be set straight. Your blob did.
She just lied.

Project 2025 is a great example.

You can assume all you want. But you have no proof. So it's not a fact....and in dispute and calling it a fact is a lie.
The opinion of what the moderator’s job is from a right wing hack is funny. The blob got called out on his lies. Its about time.

Yet kneepads didn't, go figure. Actually it was no surprise since Muir's coverage of the two candidates was polar opposite. 100% positive for kneepads, 93% negative for Trump. So run along and abort your hypocrite self.

Yet kneepads didn't, go figure. Actually it was no surprise since Muir's coverage of the two candidates was polar opposite. 100% positive for kneepads, 93% negative for Trump. So run along and abort your hypocrite self.


Wonder if ABC knew of Muir's lip lock on Harris' ass ?

The job of a moderator is not to fact check. That is the job of the opposition candidate.

It's amazing these morons don't understand that.

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