Trump ally Laura Loomer called herself ‘white advocate’, audio reveals

There are more bigots supporting Kamala.
What is your definition of a bigot?

If it's someone who disrespects racists, sexists, homophobes, nazis and those who believe they're superior to other ethnic, religious, and racial groups, then you're right.
But generally, anti-bigotry isn't bigotry, unless you're looking to excuse yours.
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When he excused the nazi rally with "good people" comments people deflected for him.

When he dined with white supremacist Nick Fuentes they did the same.

Now he hires "white advocate" Loony Laura Loomer and still his cult goons persist.

America has a choice between decency and a return to pre civil war society.

So it's good for every other race and ethnicity to have advocates and advocacy groups, but not whites who are a minority in this world. Thanks for proving you're just a self hating commie racist. Good job commie!

BTW, you first sentence is a proven LIE, so not only are you a commie racist, you're a lying commie racist.

What is your definition of a bigot?

If it's someone who disrespects racists, sexists, homophobes, nazis and those who believe they're superior to other ethnic, religious, and racial groups, then you're right.
But generally, anti-bigotry isn't bigotry, unless you're looking to excuse yours.
In other words you have no standards, nor expectations. Then shut your cock holster, and let Darwin sort things out...

Yep, we don't pick our parents.

In other words you have no standards, nor expectations.
That's not true, asshole. My standards are clearly spelled out in that I have no respect for racists, sexists, homophobes, nazis and those who believe they're superior to other ethnic, religious, and racial groups.
It shouldn't have been that hard to decipher, sorry.
This is the brand new smear angle from lib liars and their darling media. Expect to see a lot of it. Trump and Loomer shacking up.
Just like Arlington and a dozen others, they craft headlines and thread titles that are false and go with it incessantly for two weeks then make up the next one
Loony Loomer writes her own headlines.
That's not true, asshole. My standards are clearly spelled out in that I have no respect for racists, sexists, homophobes, nazis and those who believe they're superior to other ethnic, religious, and racial groups.
It shouldn't have been that hard to decipher, sorry.
You clearly believe yourself to be superior, which makes you every bit the bigot as anyone upon whom you project that bigotry.
That's not true, asshole. My standards are clearly spelled out in that I have no respect for racists, sexists, homophobes, nazis and those who believe they're superior to other ethnic, religious, and racial groups.
It shouldn't have been that hard to decipher, sorry.
So... You hate anyone with standards. Trademark of a neer-do-well that could never check a single box for any group. The most disposable of the dispensable. I appreciate your candor. That was brave in a way. Just so you know...
When he excused the nazi rally with "good people" comments people deflected for him.

When he dined with white supremacist Nick Fuentes they did the same.

Now he hires "white advocate" Loony Laura Loomer and still his cult goons persist.

America has a choice between decency and a return to pre civil war society.
We aren’t likely to be that lucky.

Far too many people forget that the African-Americans should be worshipping JWB. If not for Booth, Lincoln would have sent probably 90% of the blacks back to Africa. Lincoln had no love for the Negroes.
So? Only blacks or other races can have advocates for their own?

The 'good people' comment has been debunked, multiple times.

So, Nick Fuentes, big deal. Øbama spent two decades in a church with a rabid America hating preacher (and he [Øbama] claimed he didn't know the guy was like that - LOL).

Blowing up balloons is the only thing commies are good at. They're full of hot air and pop easily.


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