Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

Water vapor is responsible for half the Earth's greenhouse warming. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, CO2 was responsible for one-third of Earth's greenhouse warming. Today, at a 50% higher atmospheric level, it is responsible for one half of our current warming.
That is not science. It is one person's opinion.
Check out the September temperatures at Death Valley.
Notice the days it gets hot followed by cooler days. The CO2 is not to blame since if anything per your theory the amount gains daily and does not fall.

Why do you think it is nonsense to claim that AGW could be falsified?
Because it cannot be falsified.

It is largely based on “models” but the models themselves are deficient.

I assume you know this. Check this out from 2008:

Can you honestly point to anything that validates these models?
So, you believe the greenhouse effect is regional? Could you explain how that would work?
I said no such thing and suggested no such thing and implied no such thing. See a pattern there?
Water vapor is responsible for half the Earth's greenhouse warming. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, CO2 was responsible for one-third of Earth's greenhouse warming. Today, at a 50% higher atmospheric level, it is responsible for one half of our current warming.
Zzz. No links. No evidence. No offers of any proof.
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That is not science. It is one person's opinion.
Science. NASA.
Science. NASA.
Yes, water vapor is a GHG and water vapor does increase with temperature. What is being challenged is the source of the warming. And since there tons of evidence that show the oceans and atmosphere warm when the northern hemisphere is deglaciating and since that has been occurring since the last glacial maximum, and since this interglacial period is 2C colder than the peak temperature of previous interglacial periods, it's idiotic to assume all warming is from an incremental 120 ppm of atmospheric CO2. This is especially true given that the warming trend began 400 years ago.

Science and logic.
Yes, water vapor is a GHG and water vapor does increase with temperature. What is being challenged is the source of the warming. And since there tons of evidence that show the oceans and atmosphere warm when the northern hemisphere is deglaciating and since that has been occurring since the last glacial maximum, and since this interglacial period is 2C colder than the peak temperature of previous interglacial periods, it's idiotic to assume all warming is from an incremental 120 ppm of atmospheric CO2. This is especially true given that the warming trend began 400 years ago.
That is not science. It is one person's addled bwain pwoduct.
CLIMATE TRUTH = anti semitic hate
911 TRUTH = anti semitic hate
Covid TRUTH = anti semitic hate
Murderous FRAUD VAX TRUTH = anti semitic hate
10.7 TRUTH = anti semitic hate

anti semitic hate = telling the TRUTH about Zionist Fascism

Einstein Letter Warning Of Zionist Facism In Israel
CLIMATE TRUTH = anti semitic hate
911 TRUTH = anti semitic hate
Covid TRUTH = anti semitic hate
Murderous FRAUD VAX TRUTH = anti semitic hate
10.7 TRUTH = anti semitic hate

anti semitic hate = telling the TRUTH about Zionist Fascism

You forgot to finish with ‘ sieg heil”
Points of Agreement:
"water vapor is a GHG" -- ding
"water vapor does increase with temperature" -- ding
That's progress. What else might we agree upon?

Carbon dioxide is Earth’s most important greenhouse gas: a gas that absorbs and radiates heat.
Carbon dioxide levels today are higher than at any point in human history. In fact, the last time atmospheric carbon dioxide amounts were this high was roughly 3 million years ago, during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period, when global surface temperature was 4.5–7.2 degrees Fahrenheit (2.5–4 degrees Celsius) warmer than during the pre-industrial era. Sea level was at least 16 feet higher than it was in 1900 and possibly as much as 82 feet higher.
Because it cannot be falsified.
I just showed you several ways in which it could be falsified and there are lots more.
It is largely based on “models” but the models themselves are deficient.
It is NOT largely based on models and GCMs are not deficient.
Tim Ball is a very poor source. Almost everything he says here is demonstrably false.
Can you honestly point to anything that validates these models?
I have already done so, repeatedly, but if you'd like to see it once again...









I said no such thing and suggested no such thing and implied no such thing. See a pattern there?
We said:

My apologies if I've misinterpreted what you've said here, but you seem to be saying that you do not accept that the greenhouse effect is a global effect. The only other alternative I know of is that it be regional. If you meant something else, please explain.
No links. No evidence. No offers of any proof.*
* - that CO2 was responsible for 1/3rd of pre-industrial greenhouse warming and is now responsible for 1/2.

That is because I have posted it several times before.

Why carbon dioxide matters​

Carbon dioxide is Earth’s most important greenhouse gas: a gas that absorbs and radiates heat. Unlike oxygen or nitrogen (which make up most of our atmosphere), greenhouse gases absorb heat radiating from the Earth’s surface and re-release it in all directions—including back toward Earth’s surface. Without carbon dioxide, Earth’s natural greenhouse effect would be too weak to keep the average global surface temperature above freezing. By adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, people are supercharging the natural greenhouse effect, causing global temperature to rise. According to observations by the NOAA Global Monitoring Lab, in 2021 carbon dioxide alone was responsible for about two-thirds of the total heating influence of all human-produced greenhouse gases.


From 1990 to 2019, the total warming effect from greenhouse gases added by humans to the Earth’s atmosphere increased by 45 percent. The warming effect associated with carbon dioxide alone increased by 36 percent.

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According to current scientific understanding, carbon dioxide (CO2) is responsible for roughly two-thirds of the total heating influence from human-produced greenhouse gases, meaning it contributes significantly to Earth's greenhouse warming; with estimates placing its contribution around 60-70%of the total human-caused warming.

Key points about CO2 and greenhouse warming:

  • Dominant greenhouse gas:
    CO2 is considered the primary anthropogenic (human-caused) greenhouse gas, contributing the most to global warming.

  • Long atmospheric lifetime:
    CO2 remains in the atmosphere for long periods, allowing its warming effects to accumulate over time.

  • Impact on temperature:
    Increasing CO2 concentrations directly correlate with rising global temperatures.

I just showed you several ways in which it could be falsified and there are lots more.

Nope you showed nobody any such ruing.
It is NOT largely based on models and GCMs are not deficient

Tim Ball is a very poor source.

Because he disagrees with your pablum puke? Sure, crack. Sure. :itsok:
Almost everything he says here is demonstrably false.
So. It’s fully true. Check.
I have already done so, repeatedly, but if you'd like to see it once again...

Zzzz. Bitch, please! Don’t take up so much board space with your gibberish.
Impact on temperature:
Increasing CO2 concentrations directly correlate with rising global temperatures

Funny, the highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed NO WARMING for more than 3 decades of rising Co2...

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling


"The Science" "Climate Science" says FUDGE THE DATA and claim "warming" that DOES NOT EXIST

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