Why Science Accepts Anthropogenic Global Warming and Tells Us We Need to Act

Poster EMH is not talking about all balloon data but a specific set gathered many years ago that was found to have calibration problems. The same with his satellite data. The instance was quite a puzzle because the balloon data and satellite data roughly agreed with each other but disagreed with all other temperature data being gathered. The folks in charge of it, Christy and Spencer of course, disagreed with the rest of the world and insisted theirs was right. Eventually, though, it became obvious that the balloons and the satellite both had problems that left them both about equally wrong and even Christy and Spencer were finally convinced. EMH's claims are ALL based on data taken back in the early 2000s. He believes everything since, including the corrected data that Christy and Spencer now back, is fraudulent.

Best of luck with him.
EMH is just a delusional nimrod looking for attention and just recycles crappola for attention.
Poster EMH is not talking about all balloon data but a specific set gathered many years ago that was found to have calibration problems. The same with his satellite data. The instance was quite a puzzle because the balloon data and satellite data roughly agreed with each other but disagreed with all other temperature data being gathered. The folks in charge of it, Christy and Spencer of course, disagreed with the rest of the world and insisted theirs was right. Eventually, though, it became obvious that the balloons and the satellite both had problems that left them both about equally wrong and even Christy and Spencer were finally convinced. EMH's claims are ALL based on data taken back in the early 2000s. He believes everything since, including the corrected data that Christy and Spencer now back, is fraudulent.

Best of luck with him.


Let's go over that one closely. What were the climate "scientists'" excuses for FUDGING the highly correlated satellite and balloon data in 2005?

"Sherwood explains these discrepancies by pointing out that the older radiosonde instruments used in the 1970's were not as well shielded from sunlight as more recent models"

Got that? A "shade issue" on OLDER MODELS in the 1970s (30 years earlier cough cough). Well, a shade issue would cause a CONSTANT change of the temp readings, and hence would require a CONSTANT added to every data, keeping a flat line a flat line, but somehow an "upward slope" emerged after the FUDGE JOB.

"The Alabama researchers introduced a correction factor to account for drifting in the satellites used to sample Earth's daily temperature cycles"

LOL!! They never even documented the satellites "drifted" and even if they did, the IR readings would be the same... and yes, they used this BS to FUDGE the satellites into an upward slope.

It really is the pathetic truth that the ONLY EVIDENCE that increasing atmospheric Co2 causes atmospheric warming is not from highly correlated satellite and balloon data, which never showed that. Rather, the "evidence" is a pathetically obvious FUDGE JOB that doesn't explain the FUDGING at all...
Thermal EM radiation is the only way the earth can cool.


So the amount of ice on Earth has nothing to do with it. Earth with zero ice must be colder than Earth with 15 million cubic miles of it.... brilliant...

BTW - why is the Antarctic on average 50F colder than the Arctic?

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