Hey lefties, bet you didnt see this coming. "GreenPeace Co-founder speaks out about CO2".

Yes ... more CO2 always helps plants grow ... and warmer temperatures make most everything grow faster ... Biochemistry 301 ...
According to you, if a little fertilizer makes a plant grow faster, then more fertilizer will make it grow even faster, and even more fertilizer will make it grow even faster ... even if you stop watering the plant.

Common sense. No denier possesses any, pretty much by definition.

However ... the true benefit is a warmer world is a wetter world
And global warming tends to do the opposite, make spots drier. What it makes wetter, it makes really wetter, which doesn't help.

And you leave out the fact that a warmer world is especially good for diseases and pests.

Again, the lack of common sense from the denier contingent is astounding. But it explains why they're deniers. Nobody possessing common sense falls for denier tripe, given that it's so goddamned stupid.

This isn't a debate. The world stopped greening in the late 1990s. It doesn't matter how much you FEEL you must be right, the hard data says you're wrong and I'm right.

That's why you all can only whine together in a SafeSpace. The world correctly classifies you all as cult imbeciles.
I get that but commercial grow houses have empirically proven that 1200 ppm of CO2 increases their yields.

Depends on when the plant lineage emerged ... if this happened at 3,000 ppm, and it adapted to 180 ppm, the plants would thrive under increasing ppm ... all other requirements being adequate ... if you believe in all that evolution stuff ...
According to you, if a little fertilizer makes a plant grow faster, then more fertilizer will make it grow even faster, and even more fertilizer will make it grow even faster ... even if you stop watering the plant.

Common sense. No denier possesses any, pretty much by definition.

And global warming tends to do the opposite, make spots drier. What it makes wetter, it makes really wetter, which doesn't help.

And you leave out the fact that a warmer world is especially good for diseases and pests.

Again, the lack of common sense from the denier contingent is astounding. But it explains why they're deniers. Nobody possessing common sense falls for denier tripe, given that it's so goddamned stupid.

This isn't a debate. The world stopped greening in the late 1990s. It doesn't matter how much you FEEL you must be right, the hard data says you're wrong and I'm right.

That's why you all can only whine together in a SafeSpace. The world correctly classifies you all as cult imbeciles.

What ignorant strawman are you arguing with ... I haven't mentioned fertilizer ... my comment was about rates of chemical reactions ... like respiration ...
Depends on when the plant lineage emerged ... if this happened at 3,000 ppm, and it adapted to 180 ppm, the plants would thrive under increasing ppm ... all other requirements being adequate ... if you believe in all that evolution stuff ...
From what I have read it is more about the timing of when CO2 is increased. In other words, pumping in 1200 ppm is beneficial when the plant is as a certain stage of its development.
From what I have read it is more about the timing of when CO2 is increased. In other words, pumping in 1200 ppm is beneficial when the plant is as a certain stage of its development.

No big deal ... just however many generations for the species to adapt ... and how long those generations are ... 1,200 ppm with all other nutrients available would explode some plants and photosynthetic bacteria, but not all ...

We also have the issue of the missing carbon dioxide ... one sink would be plants and photosynthetic bacteria ... and there's a lot of plants and photosynthetic bacteria in the world ...
No big deal ... just however many generations for the species to adapt ... and how long those generations are ... 1,200 ppm with all other nutrients available would explode some plants and photosynthetic bacteria, but not all ...

We also have the issue of the missing carbon dioxide ... one sink would be plants and photosynthetic bacteria ... and there's a lot of plants and photosynthetic bacteria in the world ...
Sure, I agree on both points.
From the guy who said he has a 401k full of fossil fuel stocks.

Westwall does everything for love of money, so he projects his own immorality on to others. He can't even imagine anyone else not being as corrupt as himself.
Uhhh, no. I have never claimed that. Sheesh, you LIE about everything.
There's waaaaaaaaaay more money in climate alarmist bullshit you idiot.
Well seeing as how there isn't an unlimited amount of oil but there is unlimited sun and wind, yea, more cheap product potential for a sustainable economy, yea you're right. More profit and a better future with green technology.
Well seeing as how there isn't an unlimited amount of oil but there is unlimited sun and wind, yea, more cheap product potential for a sustainable economy, yea you're right. More profit and a better future with green technology.
So why use slave labor a d children to mine the cobalt, samarium, and other rare earth elements that are required to make them?

You're not just not an environmentalist, you ARE a slavery supporting scumbag.

How do you sleep at night?
So why use slave labor a d children to mine the cobalt, samarium, and other rare earth elements that are required to make them?

You're not just not an environmentalist, you ARE a slavery supporting scumbag.

How do you sleep at night?
Because it'll add 2.5 quality years to our lives.

A new study published in Science Advances found that people who have more exposure to greener landscapes live, on average, 2.5 years longer.
Because it'll add 2.5 quality years to our lives.

A new study published in Science Advances found that people who have more exposure to greener landscapes live, on average, 2.5 years longer.
Oh? How does it affect those in slavery?

Oh, you don't care about them.

Yep. You are the typical fascist scumbag.

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