Judge Cannon just dismissed Smith's classified documents case against Trump

Barr appoints special counsel in Russia probe investigation

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AP News
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Dec 1, 2020 — WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General William Barr has given extra protection to the prosecutor he appointed to investigate the origins of the ...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General William Barr has given extra protection to the prosecutor he appointed to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, granting him authority to complete the work without being easily fired.

Barr told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he had appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as a special counsel in October under the same federal regulations that governed special counsel Robert Mueller in the original Russia probe. He said Durham’s investigation has been narrowing to focus more on the conduct of FBI agents who worked on the Russia investigation, known by the code name of Crossfire Hurricane.
Durham was confirmed by the senate then in feb 2018

Thus not illegally appointed by Barr to be a special counsel
The Supreme Court literally said in the case against Trump, that the President has certain powers, as long as they don't infringe on the powers of other branches. They literally said the US president is allowed to choose which cases to prosecute, and which to not. Using a special counsel is totally within the president's power.

But they know all they need to do is make it the election and win it, and the case falls apart. So they say "it's unconstitutional" just to buy time.

Nothing like a bit of corruption in the morning to keep everyone going.

Of course, this was always a stall tactic, helped by Justice Thomas of course. These ppl need to be removed.
There's no such thing as "illegally" appointing a special counsel. It's all made up.
Haha apparently not

Xiden and the demafascit can’t undermine the US Constitution by simply appointing rogue US attorneys by claiming they are special prosecutors
Durham was confirmed by the senate then in feb 2018
NOT as a special counsel.

§ 600.1 Grounds for appointing a Special Counsel.
The Attorney General, or in cases in which the Attorney General is recused, the Acting Attorney General, will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted and—

(a) That investigation or prosecution of that person or matter by a United States Attorney's Office or litigating Division of the Department of Justice would present a conflict of interest for the Department or other extraordinary circumstances; and

(b) That under the circumstances, it would be in the public interest to appoint an outside Special Counsel to assume responsibility for the matter.

Thus not illegally appointed by Barr to be a special counsel
I know.
NOT as a special counsel.

§ 600.1 Grounds for appointing a Special Counsel.
The Attorney General, or in cases in which the Attorney General is recused, the Acting Attorney General, will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted and—

(a) That investigation or prosecution of that person or matter by a United States Attorney's Office or litigating Division of the Department of Justice would present a conflict of interest for the Department or other extraordinary circumstances; and

(b) That under the circumstances, it would be in the public interest to appoint an outside Special Counsel to assume responsibility for the matter.

I know.
Didnt need to as special prosecutor since he was already given the power prosecute and investigate when confirmed by the senate. The AG could tape him on his own at that point to be a special prosecutor

Read the opinion it makes this clear, but I know you won’t, you like being ignorant
Of course, this was always a stall tactic, helped by Justice Thomas of course. These ppl need to be removed.

The whole system is ridiculous. Judges are political, it's a fight for who can get in and get the most judges so they can get away with the most stuff, the people have no say in this.
Haha apparently not

Xiden and the demafascit can’t undermine the US Constitution by simply appointing rogue US attorneys by claiming they are special prosecutors
There isn't anything in the constitution about appointing special counsels.
Didnt need to as special prosecutor since he was already given the power prosecute and investigate when confirmed by the senate. The AG could tape him on his own at that point to be a special prosecutor

Read the opinion it makes this clear, but I know you won’t, you like being ignorant
Their opinion relies on ignoring the title 28 code of federal regulations.
You as well.
See the appointment clause. Officers of the United States must be confirmed by the senate and appointed by the president

This includes US Attorneys
I know.
NOT special counsels...................on behalf of the US attorney
Cannon threw out the case for the reason that using a special counsel is unconstitutional and illegal. Special counsels have been used in this country for like 150 years. They are extremely common. With that said, one wasn't even necessary for this case. This was just Merrick Garland being the inept attorney general that he is. For the record, Trump has played this hand before with Robert Mueller, except Trump didn't have a judge like Cannon running interference for him. This shit show will be appealed in the 11th circuit court, which will reverse this decision, and then it will go to the Supreme Court. There is no way even a corrupt Supreme Court would rule that special counsels are unconstitutional and illegal in this country.
The crux is not that special councels are not legal, but they require an act of Congress to be legitimate. You folks are woefully misrepresenting reality.
I know.
NOT special counsels...................on behalf of the US attorney
A special counsel on behalf of a US attorney? What does that even mean?

Smith was given full authority of a Us Attorney by Garland to go after xiden’s rival. That what the problem was
The constitution supersedes any federal reg
Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution states:

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

Doesn't say ANYTHING about who the US AG hires and for how long.

Congress VESTED appointments to the heads of departments..... like the US attorney general.
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Imagine a country where a former president gets off free from a judge he himself appointed.

Sounds like some kind of banana republic... or an African dictatorship.
Don't get your knickers in a knot. At best this just delays a decision.

It was the right move. Democrat lawfare is Stalinist in nature, and the people pushing it are political psychopaths.

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