The RNC got a chick with tattoos on her forehead and Linda Fornos to pitch Donald Trump? WTF….We’re so phucked.

Yep…super cool for puple hair filth…no doubt.
She is a victim of your sinful society. Born with a sin nature lost and headed to hell. In need of a Savior, Jesus Christ.

Victims of society will get tattoos, they will get nude or half nude in front of others, they will use profanity... they are lost so God wants you to... HELP THEM 🆘🆘🆘

You posting terrible pics of her past when she has moved on, and is now a different person is shame on YOU! You are very ugly on the inside.
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In my church--evangelical Christian, Bible-based--we have diverse socio-economic, race, and looks. We have men with tattoos and ponytails and high ranking executives. We have blue collar workers and doctors. We have homeschooling moms and public school teachers.

I just don't understand the small subset of conservatives who think conservatism is only Leave It To Beaver--a reality that only existed for some Americans, in a limited time and place.
Amen. People were once lost and now they are found, they were once blind but now they see.

When people are young and in their sin nature they believe they must get a tattoo in order to blend in with society. They believe they must do all kinds of sins to fit in and to make money. They are lost and do not know any better. Over time their minds open up to the things of God, they accept Jesus as their Savior and they change their wicked ways.
Demons will post nude and horrible pics of ONLY... other people. Demons will use lots of profanity.

You have to speak to that demon and tell it to "STOP IT"
Where is this headed as the left leads the way?
I’m really starting to think like dblack Harpy Eagle and Harry Dresden ….there really is nothing different between the parties. Both are filth.
The RNC & DNC have been sleeping in the same bed since the Wilson administration. One needs to back the individual candidate not a political party. The problem with political parties is one does not know who in the party will pressure an elected official into a completely different agenda than the elected official originally campaigned upon.
Stop that filthy cussing it is of Satan the Devil. Stop it-stop cussing.
"Votes" :p

When things go south (which they will, one of these days), I want the angry people on my side, I want as many of them as I can get.

If they have to curse to get the job done, I'll just close my ears and pretend they're singing hymns. (Because in a way, they are).

Jesus ministered to lepers and prostitutes. He never once said "stop being a prostitute". All he said was "God offers you something better", and then he helped heal them so they could see the truth in it

I sincerely believe that God continues speaking to us and continues to offer us something better.
"Votes" :p

When things go south (which they will, one of these days), I want the angry people on my side, I want as many of them as I can get.

If they have to curse to get the job done, I'll just close my ears and pretend they're singing hymns. (Because in a way, they are).

Jesus ministered to lepers and prostitutes. He never once said "stop being a prostitute". All he said was "God offers you something better", and then he helped heal them so they could see the truth in it

I sincerely believe that God continues speaking to us and continues to offer us something better.
I was at a post office yesterday on Monday and a young cussing female was in their cussing out one employee then a second one. They kept telling her to get out. Until one of employees told her "You got money for bail, cause I'm calling police on you!" Within two seconds she headed her cussing self out of the door.

You can't see it, but profanity does NOT run this world. You do not see the news anchors using it, the professional doctors, lawyers, dentist, teachers, bankers, etc... do not use profanity. Neither is it apart of customer service.

You mentioned the prostitute in the Bible, as far as Jesus goes, he did not leaven the prostitute in that sinful prostitute condition. Understand Jesus told her go and sin NO MORE. She had to change her wicked ways. Read all of John chapter 8. Jesus always tried to get sinners out of their sinful conditions so they do not go to t hell eternally and burn.

John 8:11 where Jesus says to a woman caught in adultery, "Neither do I condemn you; go, and sin no more."
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I was at a post office yesterday on Monday and a young cussing female was in their cussing out one employee then a second one. They kept telling her to get out. Until one of employees told her "You got money for bail, cause I'm calling police on you!" Within two seconds she headed cussing self out of the door.

You can't see it, but profanity does NOT run this world. You do not see the news anchors using it, the professional doctors, lawyers, dentist, teachers, bankers, etc... do not use profanity. Neither is it apart of customer service.

You mentioned the prostitute in the Bible, as far as Jesus goes, he did not leaven the prostitute in that sinful prostitute condition. Understand Jesus told her go and sin NO MORE. She had to change her wicked ways. Read all of John chapter 8. Jesus always tried to get sinners out of their sinful conditions so they do not go to t hell eternally and burn.

John 8:11 where Jesus says to a woman caught in adultery, "Neither do I condemn you; go, and sin no more."
Okay, I hear you. IMHO a benediction is not quite the same as an order, but I'll defer to your example.

Scruffy generally gives as good as he gets. I feel responsible to be a paragon of virtue for my kids, but no one else gets that privilege (not even my wife :p oops, I shouldn't have said that lol) :)

We live in an oddly secular world. Sometimes a curse is the only way to get respect. (Depends on the audience). For many, action speaks much louder than words and the "act" of cursing is more important than the curse itself.

The Croatians have the best curses in the world. Many of them are very religious, when things go well they fall on their knees and thank God and praise His name - when things don't go so well they're equally as religious and shake a fist at God and utter curses that make even Scruffy cringe. It's actually quite humorous once we understand why they do it... but my... the stuff that comes out of them is.. surprising sometimes.
In my church--evangelical Christian, Bible-based--we have diverse socio-economic, race, and looks. We have men with tattoos and ponytails and high ranking executives. We have blue collar workers and doctors. We have homeschooling moms and public school teachers.

I just don't understand the small subset of conservatives who think conservatism is only Leave It To Beaver--a reality that only existed for some Americans, in a limited time and place.
To see much more of Miss Rose, you should go to your favorite porn site and search Amber Rose or tennis ball. You will find the same woman with the same tattoos, plus a lot more that you didn't see on trump's stage. There is, however, plenty of her other stage work that involves a pole. You might want to have your kids leave the room first. Did the Moral Majority approve her speech at the RNC?

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