*Secret Service Knowingly Botched, Trumps Security*

I agree with the general principle about private security. These campaigns rake in hundreds of millions in donations. If Biden or Trump need extra security due to their campaign appearances, it shouldn't be at taxpayers' expense.

Trump owes 10 rally site cities that he's stiffed over the past three years. He owes the city of El Paso over $500,000.

Where in the topic is anything about Trump's legal bills?
I responded on topic. The discussion is about whether Secret Service botched it. I responded, calling them professionals, but I actually do not care if he wants to hire private security or not. Whatever makes him, and you feel safe is fine with me.
I don't believe there is any question that the Secret Service botched Trump's security, but whether it was on purpose or total incompetence is still unknown.
I responded on topic. The discussion is about whether Secret Service botched it. I responded, calling them professionals, but I actually do not care if he wants to hire private security or not. Whatever makes him, and you feel safe is fine with me.
I did a VIP support when I was EOD in San Francisco. The Secret Service had three entire floors of the Mark Hopkins Hotel off limits to civilians. The floor the Russian Foreign Minister was on, and the entire floors above and below it. They impressed me with their professionalism. Compared to that, the Trump incident was a clown show. Nobody seemed to know what to do, one of the female agents was actually hiding behind Trump according to the photos, and at least one building with a clear line of fire to Trump wasn't guarded and now the Secret Service is pointing fingers at the local LEOs.
If it walks like a duck......:dunno:

It was more nefarious than mere incompetence.

As was the FBI and CIA conspiracy to cover Hunter Biden's incriminating laptop BEFORE the 2020 election with their authoritative claims of Russian conspiracy.

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