The assassination attempt requires national condemnation, national reflection,........

........and national sympathy for Don. But Trump would be mistaken to conflate national sympathy with national support. Because nothing about what happened in PA requires us to suspend our judgement on his actions or policies.

The attempt on his life does not erase his use of the trappings of power to install himself as the un-elected leader of the country. Nor does it erase the other crimes he committed and was indicted for. Though his judicial appointees are giving it their best. His moral degeneracy aside, POT policy positions on abortion, gun control, the environment, immigration, remain unpopular.

Unsurprisingly, Don has held to form and picked an unqualified running mate based on fidelity to him, not the constitutional order. If there is a single bedrock feature of his time in politics it is his emphasis on loyalty over competence. The Vance pick is a continuation of that theme.

If the goal now is to get past this fractious time in our history and try to be a more unified country for the good of us all, who in your heart of hearts do you think can be a more unifying figure? I would suggest it is not the person who has promised to seek revenge on those who sought to hold him accountable for his many crimes. Not the person who has viciously attacked them on social media. And not the person who hasn't lifted a finger to stop his supporters from making threats against participants in the legal system.

Poor bergy.

Holy Moley.
I can understand and agree, it requires National condemnation and National reflection,

No. It requires brains on the part of leftards, which is apparently too much to ask.

but in your first sentence, you suggested National sympathathy. You never stated why, and I cxeertainly do not see why he needs any sympathy.

DEI gets people killed.

LOTS of leftist policies get people killed.

He is having a great day, and his campaign said he is doing fine. He got to name a guy for VP running mate that compared him to Hitler, called him a fraud in business and thought trump might be guilty of sexual assault. Are you possibly saying he deserves sympathy, because very few known republicans have not said the same thing, and he had nobody else to choose from.

Hollow sympathy from the left?

Stuff that shit.

Leftists need to leave town. NOW.

Vance is smart, if weak of spirit, and apparently Donny thinks Vance would have no problem helping overthrow an election, where his last VP maintained allegiance to the country and the Constitution of the United States.

........and national sympathy for Don. But Trump would be mistaken to conflate national sympathy with national support. Because nothing about what happened in PA requires us to suspend our judgement on his actions or policies.

The attempt on his life does not erase his use of the trappings of power to install himself as the un-elected leader of the country. Nor does it erase the other crimes he committed and was indicted for. Though his judicial appointees are giving it their best. His moral degeneracy aside, POT policy positions on abortion, gun control, the environment, immigration, remain unpopular.

Unsurprisingly, Don has held to form and picked an unqualified running mate based on fidelity to him, not the constitutional order. If there is a single bedrock feature of his time in politics it is his emphasis on loyalty over competence. The Vance pick is a continuation of that theme.

If the goal now is to get past this fractious time in our history and try to be a more unified country for the good of us all, who in your heart of hearts do you think can be a more unifying figure? I would suggest it is not the person who has promised to seek revenge on those who sought to hold him accountable for his many crimes. Not the person who has viciously attacked them on social media. And not the person who hasn't lifted a finger to stop his supporters from making threats against participants in the legal system.
JD Vance says TRump is America's Hitler. Nothing else has to be said does it?
Is there anyone who doesn't condemn the attempted assassination of the former president? It's possible (likely?) that the "trappings of power" inherent in the democrat party and the Biden administration led to the attempted assassination of a political rival.
........and national sympathy for Don. But Trump would be mistaken to conflate national sympathy with national support. Because nothing about what happened in PA requires us to suspend our judgement on his actions or policies.

The attempt on his life does not erase his use of the trappings of power to install himself as the un-elected leader of the country. Nor does it erase the other crimes he committed and was indicted for. Though his judicial appointees are giving it their best. His moral degeneracy aside, POT policy positions on abortion, gun control, the environment, immigration, remain unpopular.

Unsurprisingly, Don has held to form and picked an unqualified running mate based on fidelity to him, not the constitutional order. If there is a single bedrock feature of his time in politics it is his emphasis on loyalty over competence. The Vance pick is a continuation of that theme.

If the goal now is to get past this fractious time in our history and try to be a more unified country for the good of us all, who in your heart of hearts do you think can be a more unifying figure? I would suggest it is not the person who has promised to seek revenge on those who sought to hold him accountable for his many crimes. Not the person who has viciously attacked them on social media. And not the person who hasn't lifted a finger to stop his supporters from making threats against participants in the legal system.

The problem is when something like this happens, everyone comes out and presents it in a way that benefits them.

Some people say he's "heroic" and other kinds of bullshit.
The problem is when something like this happens, everyone comes out and presents it in a way that benefits them.

Some people say he's "heroic" and other kinds of bullshit.

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