Armed Venezuelan Gangs Steal Oil, Copper Wire, Assault Workers at Texas Oil Field

Ahhh, I see you've never heard of the concept of "fuel storage tanks". It's rather a genius concept. If you need a lot of fuel someplace it's not available, you bring in some of these "tanks", as they're called in the industry. Then you truck in fuel...tanks on trucks! The innovation just doesn't stop!...and put that fuel into the tanks on the ground. Then your equipment can refill their fuel tanks...OMG MORE TANKS!! THIS WILL CHANGE CIVILIZATION!!!...and keep operating. The gangs are stealing fuel from the storage tanks and the tanker trucks.

I'm not lying about that, and I'm especially not lying when I say you're a fucking retard.
I'm sure they have multiple 1000 gallon-ers (if not bigger) on site.
A lot of times ya just hit a button or..well, we had some hand-crank ones.
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Don't change the subject boy!

You are fantasizing about being raped by Venezuelan gangsters.

Why are you running away and trying to change the subject? You brought it up, freak.

I bet you're panting like a dog and flushed in the face right now, just thinking about what you'd like them to do to you.

And you have the gall to say someone else is sick!

Damn pervert.
Do you need a moment? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to USMB leftists, it's just dandy.

They refuse to explain why, though. Probably because they were just told to accept it. They are an obedient lot.
They are programmed daily, and the programming can change in a matter of hours.
Who's in charge of border security? Oh, yes -- the same Administration that filed suit against Texas to force them to open their border.

And who is not doing anything about the alleged diesel fuel heists from below ground? Republican “leadership”.

PS: we had illegal immigration under your blob too cum stain.

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