A true view of what Republicans are.

"Opinions", is that was Jimmy did last night?

Show me specifically in the video I put up, where anything that Jimmy Kimmel showed was an OPINION!
No. "Lame and Unfunny" is what Jimmy did last night.
That's what he does every night, BooBoo. :itsok:
George Carlin spent his career mocking God and those who believe in Him.

Then he died.

The best he could have hoped for was non-existence.
I know good people on both sides, personally, from homeless to billionaires. The primary differences are left haven't matured, and generally have mental issues, and/or have been pampered their entire lives, often born into $. Just a fact man. In the end they're intellectually dishonest as their spines degenerate, compliments this artificial world the left insists on building.

If I were in trouble, needed help, and have, the conservative is most likely to do right.

BTW, I love Carlin. I stopped watching his video after his first point, where he said Democracks are for human values and Republicans aren't. That's real funny considering the propaganda turd they've built under false justice and political positions. Course he didn't know that. But if he had a fucking clue he'd know, for instance, the Republicans freed the slaves, and supported civil rights to a much larger degree than Democracks. In Carlin's case, this time, like today's left, he's a surface-dweller and irrational.
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But, the facts and statistics are YOUR facts and statistics. If someone provides facts and statistics to debunk you, but they are from a source you don’t like, you won’t find them credible.

So, the only way to debunk a left wing “fact” would be to find another left wing source…and that isn’t happening.

For as long as this board has been around, we’ve been arguing about news, and each side thinks the other sides sources are lying, or fake.

the truth is, on the world of media, there is no truth..it’s all biased.
Incorrect. There's plenty of 'truth' out there. What we lack as a nation right now is a consensus. Facts and statistics are meaningless without it. Social media is a absolute detriment to it.
I know good people on both sides, personally, from homeless to billionaires. The primary differences are left haven't matured, and generally have mental issues, and/or have been pampered their entire lives, often born into $. Just a fact man. In the end they're intellectually dishonest as their spines degenerate, compliments this artificial world the left insists on building.

If I were in trouble, needed help, and have, the conservative is most likely to do right.

BTW, I love Carlin. I stopped watching his video after his first point, where he said Democracks are for human values and Republicans aren't. That's real funny considering the propaganda turd they've built under false justice and political positions. Course he didn't know that. But if he had a fucking clue he'd know, for instance, the Republicans freed the slaves, and supported civil rights to a much larger degree than Democracks. In Carlin's case, this time, like today's left, he's a surface-dweller and irrational.
George Carlin spent his career mocking God and those who believe in Him.

Then he died.

The best he could have hoped for was non-existence.
Unfortunately, his legend will live on for much, much longer than yours. You are a spiritual cog that requires guidance from on high. Literally a dime a dozen. Congratulations? :dunno:

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