A true view of what Republicans are.

Is that what this is all about for you? Curious…

She lied in the debate .. multiple times. Sorry .. you're just wrong, and it goes against your point you made earlier. She's catering to appear more moderate while being the most liberal and extreme politician -- even to the left of Bernie Sanders, who continues to provide insights on this front.
Why don't you EVER give any proof to your words. You should know by now that with me, words are useless without supporting evidence of them. Do you like to waste your time and effort. You are not going to convince me (or anyone) that what you are saying, if you do not give supporting data, statistics and facts.

Fact checkers checked everything that was said at the debate and they determined that Trump lied 30 times and that Kamala lied once. You say she lied multiple times. Prove it
Why don't you EVER give any proof to your words. You should know by now that with me, words are useless without supporting evidence of them. Do you like to waste your time and effort. You are not going to convince me (or anyone) that what you are saying, if you do not give supporting data, statistics and facts.

Fact checkers checked everything that was said at the debate and they determined that Trump lied 30 times and that Kamala lied once. You say she lied multiple times. Prove it
Your data has been proven to be 10+ years old with politicians that are no longer in office. Just a couple of lies Kamala told was using her well-memorized points on Trump saying, and not providing the full context, of a 'bloodbath' and 'very fine people.' In addition, she didn't answer the questions, and even CNN is questioning this. Not to mention the 3-1 debate between Harris and the two moderators.
Is that what this is all about for you? Curious…
With fools that have proven to be unable to see facts, data, and statistics but that have not personally insulted or debased me (in other words have not done anything for me to put them on ignore), is do like to get under their skin. It seems that is the only way to get them to expose publicly who they are.
Carlin was a one joke standup comedian. Hatred for republicans doesn't translate to unbiased political discourse but it's all the left has these days.
Why don't you EVER give any proof to your words. You should know by now that with me, words are useless without supporting evidence of them. Do you like to waste your time and effort. You are not going to convince me (or anyone) that what you are saying, if you do not give supporting data, statistics and facts.

Fact checkers checked everything that was said at the debate and they determined that Trump lied 30 times and that Kamala lied once. You say she lied multiple times. Prove it

?? You quote me then don’t address my quote. All I asked is, is getting under people’s skin your goal here?


You are not going to convince me (or anyone) that what you are saying, if you do not give supporting data, statistics and facts.

Nobody is going to convince you of anything, no matter what. Even if evidence is provided, you’ll deny it, call it fake news, or provide some left wing site to debunk it. The only way to debunk a left wing talking point is with a right wing talking point, and vice versa, and when that happens, it’s called “fake news”.

It’s the eternal mystery of message boards like this. Nobody is ever going to convince anyone of anything. We’re all here, pretty much…to argue…that’s about it.
Your data has been proven to be 10+ years old with politicians that are no longer in office. Just a couple of lies Kamala told was using her well-memorized points on Trump saying, and not providing the full context, of a 'bloodbath' and 'very fine people.' In addition, she didn't answer the questions, and even CNN is questioning this. Not to mention the 3-1 debate between Harris and the two moderators.
She answered the question more than Trump answered the questions. Nonetheless, the debate itself was more about exposing the other person than about answering questions. As I have stated repeatedly, this election is not so much about the issues but about survival and every time that Trump is in one of these debates, he shows he is a deadly cancer, meaning that all Kamala had to do was show that she wasn't a cancer. She did that very successfully last night.

as far as the moderators. All they did is ask the questions that have been asked in every other debate since debate started. Those questions were not biased in any way to help or hurt either candidate. As far as the few corrections to statements that were made, once again, the fact checked reality is that Trump lied 30 times and Kamala lied once and Trumps lies were also ridiculous, such as crowds of dog eating Haitians being statements that Trump made that were absolutely ridiculous.
She answered the question more than Trump answered the questions. Nonetheless, the debate itself was more about exposing the other person than about answering questions. As I have stated repeatedly, this election is not so much about the issues but about survival and every time that Trump is in one of these debates, he shows he is a deadly cancer, meaning that all Kamala had to do was show that she wasn't a cancer. She did that very successfully last night.

as far as the moderators. All they did is ask the questions that have been asked in every other debate since debate started. Those questions were not biased in any way to help or hurt either candidate. As far as the few corrections to statements that were made, once again, the fact checked reality is that Trump lied 30 times and Kamala lied once and Trumps lies were also ridiculous, such as crowds of dog eating Haitians being statements that Trump made that were absolutely ridiculous.
She didn't answer questions .. period, and wasn't challenged or real-time 'fact-checked' by moderators.
With fools that have proven to be unable to see facts, data, and statistics but that have not personally insulted or debased me (in other words have not done anything for me to put them on ignore), is do like to get under their skin. It seems that is the only way to get them to expose publicly who they are.

But, the facts and statistics are YOUR facts and statistics. If someone provides facts and statistics to debunk you, but they are from a source you don’t like, you won’t find them credible.

So, the only way to debunk a left wing “fact” would be to find another left wing source…and that isn’t happening.

For as long as this board has been around, we’ve been arguing about news, and each side thinks the other sides sources are lying, or fake.

the truth is, on the world of media, there is no truth..it’s all biased.
?? You quote me then don’t address my quote. All I asked is, is getting under people’s skin your goal here?


Nobody is going to convince you of anything, no matter what. Even if evidence is provided, you’ll deny it, call it fake news, or provide some left wing site to debunk it. The only way to debunk a left wing talking point is with a right wing talking point, and vice versa, and when that happens, it’s called “fake news”.

It’s the eternal mystery of message boards like this. Nobody is ever going to convince anyone of anything. We’re all here, pretty much…to argue…that’s about it.
Wow, I have answered both questions on numerous occasions but you seem to be ignoring them. I will make them as clear as I can here so that perhaps they will enter your brain.

No, my purpose in being here is not to get under people's skin. I am here as a messenger of data, statistics, and facts that is evaluated, researched, and made clear that they are in effect data, statistics, and facts, that people that have such guidelines will vote accordingly. By the same token, this message board has shown itself to be full of Trump cult members that are not interested in debating and gaining knowledge, they are here to orate their views. I do not accept insults or debasement of anyone and for that reason only, I have put 20 members here on ignore (not even tried to get under their skin). With the others that are Trump cult members but have not insulted or debased me, but have proven to be blind-by-choice, the choice I have is to ignore them or make fun of them (get under their skin) so that the time I waste in talking to them, brings me at least some distraction and pleasure.

As far as your second question is that I have learned in life that even if something is about as close to impossible to achieve, (99% probability of failing), if you do not even try, then it is a 100% probability and in my entire life, I have always tried to achieve goals no matter how difficult they may be. One goal that I always wanted was to find true love. When I divorced my first wife at age 54(where no true love existed), I thought I would never find true love in my life but I did not stop trying even though I sincerely thought it was ALL OVER. Lo and behold, 3 years later I found true love and the meeting where I found that person, was a miracle because neither one of us was going to attend the function where we met and in both cases (hers and mine), we were literally dragged friends to go there. In other words, 99% probability of it not happening.............but it did.

As such, that is the reason I keep trying.

I sincerely hope these explanations enter your mind because I will not try again with you to explain this.
All I know is libs stole 250 million dollars earmarked for feeding the chirren during COVID
Did we? You mean like Republicans and Brett Favre stole welfare money from poor people in

Mississippi State Auditor Shad White filed a countersuit against ex-NFL quarterback Brett Favre on Monday, alleging Favre owes nearly $729,000 in interest connected to over $1 million in state welfare funds given to Favre for speaking services he didn’t complete—part of a massive scandal alleging Favre and Republicans misused welfare money on personal projects.
Well, reality throughout history has shown us that people rarely change. There have always been more assholes than intelligent people throughout history. So showing snippets that are 10 years old does not make one shred of difference because the Republicans were selfish people then and remain selfish people now.
There are more unintelligent assholes out there because a lot of the intelligent ones ARE assholes. How do you expect that to work out?

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