Trump ally Laura Loomer called herself ‘white advocate’, audio reveals

So it's good for every other race and ethnicity to have advocates and advocacy groups, but not whites who are a minority in this world. Thanks for proving you're just a self hating commie racist. Good job commie!

BTW, you first sentence is a proven LIE, so not only are you a commie racist, you're a lying commie racist.
White people aren't a minority in this country, and we are privileged. That's why we don't need advocates.

But if we did, I certainly wouldn't pick a mutant like Loomertic.
White people aren't a minority in this country, and we are privileged. That's why we don't need advocates.

But if we did, I certainly wouldn't pick a mutant like Loomertic.
When did being a "minority" however you define it; become a prerequisite for having advocacy. A date as an answer will suffice. Proceed...
That's not true, asshole. My standards are clearly spelled out in that I have no respect for racists, sexists, homophobes, nazis and those who believe they're superior to other ethnic, religious, and racial groups.
It shouldn't have been that hard to decipher, sorry.

You sound like one of those hamas demonstrators that advocates violence to push political and religious ideology.

She's a conspiracy theorist, a psychopath, and a racist. Anyone defending her is a piece of shit for a human being.

So is this thread, also it has nothing to do with the election. Trump can't pick his supporters, after all you don't seem to have any problem with Putin endorsing kneepads.


When he excused the nazi rally with "good people" comments people deflected for him.

When he dined with white supremacist Nick Fuentes they did the same.

Now he hires "white advocate" Loony Laura Loomer and still his cult goons persist.

America has a choice between decency and a return to pre civil war society.
/—-/ It’s better than the Communist Advocate running as a democRAT.
White people aren't a minority in this country, and we are privileged. That's why we don't need advocates.

But if we did, I certainly wouldn't pick a mutant like Loomertic.

So you're another one of the self hating commies, got it. Also I have never felt privileged, I've worked my ass off for everything I have. And I didn't sleep with anyone to get it, like kneepads. Also I've never embellished or lied about my military service to gain an advantage like walz has. So run along and support your fake people, they're just your kind of folks.

I'd bang Laura Loomer and so would most healthy heterosexual males.
I don't know what would happen with several bottles of tequila and two bags, so I won't comment.

That woman could make a freight train take a dirt road. She's all the rotting orange can get these days.
I don't know what would happen with several bottles of tequila and two bags, so I won't comment.

That woman could make a freight train take a dirt road. She's all the rotting orange can get these days.
A stiff dick has no conscience. :)
Biden said black females only need apply

What does that have to do with the topic?

Thank you for proving this point, yet again.


When he excused the nazi rally with "good people" comments people deflected for him.

When he dined with white supremacist Nick Fuentes they did the same.

Now he hires "white advocate" Loony Laura Loomer and still his cult goons persist.

America has a choice between decency and a return to pre civil war society.
So what? We have black advocates shouting the praises of Kamala. We have a 'Black Caucus' in DC, we have the NAACP. So someone says they are a white advocate and you lose your cookies? Fucking snowflake.
Why do his supporters makeup lies and then be stupid enough to believe them?
Do you assume that people who believe his lies will believe yours too?

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