Zone1 If welfare recipients are buying expensive toys, is that a sign we are giving too much free stuff?

In many cases they would not be poor----if they were not
I disagree. Most of them are poor because they made terrible choices in their teens or early 20s… dropouts, crime, pregnancy, substance abuse, etc… They don’t deserve any help from anyone; especially not the Government.
The largest expense our government has each year is welfare... its killing the American dream... a dependent family of four costs us $68,000 per year... and that doesn't count medical care...
In many cases they would not be poor----if they were not
Ah. Another topic altogether - “what is poor”?

Sixty years ago, we lived in a 1100 sf house, no air conditioning, no dishwasher (except yours truly), one bathroom, one car, and dinners at a restaurant were for birthdays - and even then of a moderate range. We shopped at Penney’s, and all gathered around the ONE TV in what we called “the den.” Vacations were a drive to the beach, where we stayed in a rental. That was a solid middle-class lifestyle, and we all felt fortunate.

Today, the liberals would call that “poor.”
I disagree. Most of them are poor because they made terrible choices in their teens or early 20s… dropouts, crime, pregnancy, substance abuse, etc… They don’t deserve any help from anyone; especially not the Government.
Most are poor because they had children they could not afford, out of wedlock, often beginning in their teens. Period.
Yep… and that’s THEIR problem. They done fucked up and their lives SHOULD be ruined because of it.
I agree it’s their fault, but I don’t say their lives SHOULD be fucked up. But certainly, they should not be given so much of other people’s money that they are out buying $100 toys for a first-grader.
I agree it’s their fault, but I don’t say their lives SHOULD be fucked up. But certainly, they should not be given so much of other people’s money that they are out buying $100 toys for a first-grader.
They shouldn’t be getting anything. They fucked ip. They need to accept the consequences.
They shouldn’t be getting anything. They fucked ip. They need to accept the consequences.
It’s actually complicated because of the children. We can’t let children starve. But there is NO WAY they should be given so much in the way of handouts that they are buying expensive toys the middle-class can’t afford.
I agree it’s their fault, but I don’t say their lives SHOULD be fucked up. But certainly, they should not be given so much of other people’s money that they are out buying $100 toys for a first-grader.
so many need lessons from my grandmother on how to live a
genteel life with, essentially, ---a few pennies. ---very genteel.
It’s actually complicated because of the children. We can’t let children starve. But there is NO WAY they should be given so much in the way of handouts that they are buying expensive toys the middle-class can’t afford.
Who says we can’t let the kids starve?

I don't have kids. Never wanted them. I dislike children in general and have since I was one.

I’ve been told one of the most devastating things a parent can endure is listening to their child cry and not be able to do anything to help them. I’ve been told it can be enough to make one want to commit suicide, and thereby rid us of their worthless carcasses. Then the kid can get adopted by someone capable of caring for them.
so many need lessons from my grandmother on how to live a
genteel life with, essentially, ---a few pennies. ---very genteel.
My grandmother was living on $6,000 a year in the 1970s, $500 a month, and she really wanted for nothing. Her needs were simple and her bills were limited: phone, electric, a small condo fee (the condo itself was paid off), and basic groceries. All home cooking.

(And she felt quite affluent, actually. But these days, libs would call her poor.)

Her biggest expense, which is not included in the above, were her generous birthday gifts to her grandchildren. RIP, my nana.
Who says we can’t let the kids starve?

I don't have kids. Never wanted them. I dislike children in general and have since I was one.

I’ve been told one of the most devastating things a parent can endure is listening to their child cry and not be able to do anything to help them. I’ve been told it can be enough to make one want to commit suicide, and thereby rid us of their worthless carcasses. Then the kid can get adopted by someone capable of caring for them.
Another topic altogether. What to do with parents who have children they can’t afford, comfortable in the knowledge that other people will support them via welfare benefits?
How is telling a Jew to “find Gd” a help? It’s a smack in the face, and all because you disapprove of my raising a very valid discussion topic:

With middle class people struggling under the more than 20% increase in prices in basic living essentials over the past three years, and struggling to buy groceries, is the fact that welfare recipients can afford to buy $100 toys for their young children an indication that welfare benefits are too high?

It is a very valid question. While you concern yourself only with the poor people, how do you think a self-supportimg working class person feels when he realizes that welfare recipients, to whom his taxes go to in part, are able to afford better stuff than he can?

P.S. This is why the Democrats have lost the working class.
Another topic altogether. What to do with parents who have children they can’t afford, comfortable in the knowledge that other people will support them via welfare benefits?
Leave them to their own devices. It’s a self-correcting issue in relatively short order. Then we just dispose of the carcasses.
Absolutely correct. They made their bed, let them lay in it.
I was poor once. I went to a church soup kitchen to get myself a Philly cheese steak sandwich but it came with a side of Jesus. They said open wide for the Jesus or you don't get that cheese steak. I asked why I can't just have the sandwich without the Jesus. Someone like Lisa needs that Jesus more than me. They snatched that sandwich right off my tray and told me to get run over by a truck
I was poor once. I went to a church soup kitchen to get myself a Philly cheese steak sandwich but it came with a side of Jesus. They said open wide for the Jesus or you don't get that cheese steak. I asked why I can't just have the sandwich without the Jesus. Someone like Lisa needs that Jesus more than me. They snatched that sandwich right off my tray and told me to get run over by a truck
Yep. Private charity often comes with a catch. I’m not a Jesus fan and haven’t been in a long time; so I’d probably have just walked out.
I was poor once. I went to a church soup kitchen to get myself a Philly cheese steak sandwich but it came with a side of Jesus. They said open wide for the Jesus or you don't get that cheese steak. I asked why I can't just have the sandwich without the Jesus. Someone like Lisa needs that Jesus more than me. They snatched that sandwich right off my tray and told me to get run over by a truck
How nasty to tell a Jew she needs Jesus. You are flaming, and I am reporting this.
Yep. Private charity often comes with a catch. I’m not a Jesus fan and haven’t been in a long time; so I’d probably have just walked out.
I always get cheered up by a good church burning story. The latest came out of Canada where they burned Catholic churches to the ground over their treatment of native children. I believe they practiced their choir boy diddling skills on those little Indians.

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