Trump ally Laura Loomer called herself ‘white advocate’, audio reveals

Ahh. You really are in a marginalized group. I've never been friendly with racists.
Or poor students of American history. You're on your own fighting against your victimization there, pal.

Very typical of the "woke pseudo-intellect" that, when forced to debate, runs away with a card toss....

In a merit oriented society, you would max out as a janitor.
So you're another one of the self hating commies, got it. Also I have never felt privileged, I've worked my ass off for everything I have. And I didn't sleep with anyone to get it, like kneepads. Also I've never embellished or lied about my military service to gain an advantage like walz has. So run along and support your fake people, they're just your kind of folks.


Uh, guy,


I'm sure if I talked to everyone in your sad and useless life, I'll find someone who will say that you were terrible to work with or got ahead by brownnosing.
I'm a black advocate = no outrage
I'm a homosexual advocate = no outrage
I'm a Latino advocate = no outrage
I'm an Asian advocate = no outrage
I'm an Indiginous advocate = no outrage
I'm a trans advocate = no outrage

I'm a white advocate = call the thought police, RACIST!! SPAZZ!!!!

Yeah, pretty much. If you are white, straight and male, the system already works for you because you are privileged.

How you will be treated by employers, law enforcement and business is pre-determined.
Back to the topic of Laura Loomer calling herself a “white advocate,” I see no problem for three reasons:

1) The Left pushes policies like DEI that discriminate against whites, and so she wants to advocate for them to protect them from this racism.

2) Nobody has a problem when a black person says he advocates for blacks.

3) What does this have to do with Trump?
Back to the topic of Laura Loomer calling herself a “white advocate,” I see no problem for three reasons:

1) The Left pushes policies like DEI that discriminate against whites, and so she wants to advocate for them to protect them from this racism.

2) Nobody has a problem when a black person says he advocates for blacks.

3) What does this have to do with Trump?

1) Whites are still massively privileged even with DEI. Look around any office, there's going to be more white people than anything else. My team. All white people. (We did have a black dude, but he transferred to another department.)

1a) The biggest beneficiary of DEI and AA have been white women.

2) No one has a problem because they need advocates. White people don't.

3) Laura Loomer is currently sucking Trump's dick and giving him stories about Haitians eating cats. Even other Republicans are alarmed.

When he excused the nazi rally with "good people" comments people deflected for him.

When he dined with white supremacist Nick Fuentes they did the same.

Now he hires "white advocate" Loony Laura Loomer and still his cult goons persist.

America has a choice between decency and a return to pre civil war society.
First person to use "Nazi" loses.

What a loser.

So it's good for every other race and ethnicity to have advocates and advocacy groups, but not whites who are a minority in this world. Thanks for proving you're just a self hating commie racist. Good job commie!

BTW, you first sentence is a proven LIE, so not only are you a commie racist, you're a lying commie racist.

Other races and ethnicities need advocates to defend against the racism, bigotry, and hate of the right.
Other races and ethnicities need advocates to defend against the racism, bigotry, and hate of the right.
And whites and Jews need advocates to defend against the DEI anti-white racism and the widespread antisemitism being spread at liberal universities and tolerated by liberal administrators (or in some cases, advancing it themselves).
No one is asking or expecting you to. But to not recognize that minorities and especially Blacks deal with discrimination nearly everywhere that you don't have to is myopic and arrogant.
White privilege exists whether you believe it or not.
Whites are so “privileged” that AA and DEI policies demand that a better-qualified white applicant be rejected over a better-qualified black applicant, and solely on the basis of skin color.

And if you’re female AND black, bingo! You’ve won the lottery.

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