The newest rumor is Loomer is pregnant with Trump's child. In some pictures and videos, she does appear to be.

Fuck you, man. Don't try to pull that bullshit on me, ok? I'm an old man and I've seen shit you never will. I'm not stupid and gullible, and I don't new any fucking news organization to interpret for me what's happening in this world. So let me tell you, I support Russia as little as I support Ukraine. They are both two of the most corrupt counties in Eastern Europe, the only difference being Russia is not a money tree for the current piece of shit administration residing in Washington DC.
Speak for yourself, ya flaming douchebag.
First: you’re a fucking troll.

Second: you’re a douchebag

Thirdly: don’t direct you imbecility towards me. You know I have the lowest opinion of you. So try trolling elsewhere.

Finally: where Trump sticks his dick is not my concern, even if I did wonder if the child was his (you assholes value the crap spewed by krazzenasshole; not me).

Now, go play in traffic, troll.
Sounds like BackAgain is triggered again and in need of his snowflake safe space.
Its good for her career no doubt.
Do you think she talks about crowd size as she sucks his mocro dick ?

Fuck you, faggot. If you're going to be an asshole, we Americans should have just let the Germans take over your country in 1940. Fuckers like you aren't even worth the American blood and treasure we had to give up to protect your lame eel-eating asses.
Fuck you, faggot. If you're going to be an asshole, we Americans should have just let the Germans take over your country in 1940. Fuckers like you aren't even worth the American blood and treasure we had to give up to protect your lame eel-eating asses.
I thought it was Japs that ate eels.
Trump’s campaign has had to come out and say they are banning Laura Loomer from going anywhere near Trump. so, is She pregnant ? if so who did it ? I think she is a very fuckable , i can not blame Trump (if it was him) for it


It's a rumor. Trump is not sexually active anymore. Has not been since 1985

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