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Please choose all statements that you more closely agree with:

  • I want many and/or most and/or all undocumented immigrants deported

  • I want many and/or most and/or all undocumented immigrants to stay in the United States.

  • I want proof of citizenship and residency to be produced in order to register to vote

  • I do not want proof of citizenship and residency to be produced in order to register to vote

  • I want real photo ID to be produced in order to vote

  • I do not want any photo ID to be produced in order to vote

Results are only viewable after voting.
I not only want illegal aliens deported, I want them put on a list.

They are breaking our law as well as international law. They, are in essence, invading.

If they show up three times, they go to jail. A jail where they spend 14 hours a day growing food for themselves other alies we are detaining.

I don't care if we "break up their families". If you show up illegally, you are invading.
you dont need real id for private airlines
Okay so you're the quintessential rebel. But you won't vote your opinions in the poll.

So far it's interesting that none of the people who have posted so strong against photo ID, deporting migrants, requiring proof of citizenship haven't cast a single vote.

It seems one side is more confident in their opinions and don't care who knows it. But it's still early so we'll see.
This thread is a personal experiment to see if anybody at USMB can think of actual issues outside the framework of political parties or personalities. And to satisfy curiosity if anybody has the courage to actually take a stand on anything.

THERE IS ONE RULE FOR THIS THREAD: You cannot mention a political party nor any political personality. The focus is on the issues alone.

You will get extra credit if you are willing to explain your vote.

Give it my best shot. I think that some immigrants should be allowed to stay, unless proper vetting proves they are unsavory, such as being criminals. But we need a lot of reforms to make the process more fair. My father was an immigrant, my wife is an immigrant. Immigrants make America great. We have a problem with undocumented immigrants because the system is broken and has been for a long time.

Like much of the advanced world, the US is undergoing a demographic decline of its native-born population. Without immigration, we are going to have a lot of old people and no one to take care of them.

Second issue - I oppose voter ID because study after study have shown that illegal voting simply isn't happening in any significant amount, but voter suppression has a long and very ugly history in this country. Much like literacy tests and poll taxes, this is the kind of thing that is rife for abuse in the wrong hands.
I’d give them a choice of any of those three
I understand your sentiment. But my understanding of our constitutional right to free speech includes a right to have opinions other people consider wrong. I don't see a legal justification to deport somebody for an opinion.
"Real ID" is the defacto national ID, that people used to be stridently against when they had sense in their heads.


Frankly, a national ID would be a brilliant idea. Employers pop a name into a database and they know exactly who they are dealing with.

One of the reason why we have a problem with illegal aliens is because there isn't a consistent method of ID. By the time a legit employer finds out that that guy who only speaks Spanish really isn't Mike Burns from Chicago, he's probably already moved on to another job.
Okay so you're the quintessential rebel. But you won't vote your opinions in the poll.

So far it's interesting that none of the people who have posted so strong against photo ID, deporting migrants, requiring proof of citizenship haven't cast a single vote.

It seems one side is more confident in their opinions and don't care who knows it. But it's still early so we'll see.
That's not being a rebel, that being repulsed at the airports being turned into the intake section the county hoosegow.
No, it's not....One card per registered voter at each address....Pretty hard to jack with that.
are you saying people dont steal letters out of mail boxes??

if people intent on fraud knew when cards were going out all they have to do is wander around stealing cards out of mail boxs

Frankly, a national ID would be a brilliant idea. Employers pop a name into a database and they know exactly who they are dealing with.

One of the reason why we have a problem with illegal aliens is because there isn't a consistent method of ID. By the time a legit employer finds out that that guy who only speaks Spanish really isn't Mike Burns from Chicago, he's probably already moved on to another job.
Yes....Big Brother will keep us all safe and secure! :icon_rolleyes:
Okay so you're the quintessential rebel. But you won't vote your opinions in the poll.

So far it's interesting that none of the people who have posted so strong against photo ID, deporting migrants, requiring proof of citizenship haven't cast a single vote.

It seems one side is more confident in their opinions and don't care who knows it. But it's still early so we'll see.
no i am a freedom loving american that doesnt want to give the feds anymore power than they have,,

I cast a vote for deportation,,

is your eyesight failing you??
are you saying people dont steal letters out of mail boxes??

if people intent on fraud knew when cards were going out all they have to do is wander around stealing cards out of mail boxs
You seriously trying to say that it would be plausible for some sort of thievery ring to go around stealing voter registration cards, without anyone noticing?

Get real, dude.
Give it my best shot. I think that some immigrants should be allowed to stay, unless proper vetting proves they are unsavory, such as being criminals. But we need a lot of reforms to make the process more fair. My father was an immigrant, my wife is an immigrant. Immigrants make America great. We have a problem with undocumented immigrants because the system is broken and has been for a long time.

Like much of the advanced world, the US is undergoing a demographic decline of its native-born population. Without immigration, we are going to have a lot of old people and no one to take care of them.

Second issue - I oppose voter ID because study after study have shown that illegal voting simply isn't happening in any significant amount, but voter suppression has a long and very ugly history in this country. Much like literacy tests and poll taxes, this is the kind of thing that is rife for abuse in the wrong hands.
Were your father or your wife illegal immigrants or did they go through the process of applying and being accepted for immigration? I have several members of my family who are immigrants too, but they all came here legally and were quite documented. So any who come you want to be able to stay unless they are convicted of criminal acts?

How do you justify allowing people who came across the southern border without permission to stay while many many who have applied to immigrate to the USA are waiting patiently in line for their turn to be admitted?

And whether or not there is illegal voting--there are many who would argue with you about that including me--why would you object to photo ID to vote to help those who do not trust the process to have more confidence that elections are honest and fair? How does producing a photo ID suppress the legal vote in any way?
You seriously trying to say that it would be plausible for some sort of thievery ring to go around stealing voter registration cards, without anyone noticing?

Get real, dude.
have you noticed the left doesnt care if you see them steal or cheat??

they control the courts and justice system,,
For 'extra credit'....We need to know who is in our country. That's why we have borders. Those not coming in through ports of entry cannot be vetted. This is a problem. Venezula, for example, emptied out it's prisons and sent their criminals here. In the real world, people storming across a country's border is called an invasion.
Your scenario is preposterous on its face.
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Mail theft in the United States has been increasing, with the Postal Service reporting a rise in both letter carrier robberies and high-volume mail theft:

  • Letter carrier robberies
    In the 2022 fiscal year, 412 letter carriers were robbed while on duty. In the first half of the 2023 fiscal year, 305 letter carriers were robbed.

  • High-volume mail theft
    In the 2022 fiscal year, there were 38,500 incidents of high-volume mail theft. In the first half of the 2023 fiscal year, there were more than 25,000 incidents.

  • Mail theft complaints
    In 2021, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service reported roughly 300,000 complaints about mail theft, which was more than double the previous year.

Some reasons for the increase in mail theft include:

  • Stolen checks: Thieves target checks, including personal checks, business checks, and government assistance checks.

  • Stolen keys: Criminals steal mail carriers' keys or buy and sell stolen keys.

  • Mailbox fishing: Criminals use glue traps and other methods to gain access to mailboxes.

  • Fingerprint and ink removal: Criminals use chemicals to wipe off fingerprints and handwritten ink.

The Postal Service is working to address the increase in mail theft with initiatives such as Project Safe Delivery. These initiatives include releasing "high security" boxes in high-risk areas and replacing arrow keys with electronic alternatives.

I not only want illegal aliens deported, I want them put on a list.

They are breaking our law as well as international law. They, are in essence, invading.

If they show up three times, they go to jail. A jail where they spend 14 hours a day growing food for themselves other alies we are detaining.

I don't care if we "break up their families". If you show up illegally, you are invading.
That's the best immediate solution. Every possible communication method in as many languages as possible should be utilized to advise the migrants that they if they want their application for permanent residency in the USA to be considered, they must go home now. They have 14 days to do that and no more. Any who stay after that time can be arrested, photographed, finger printed and deported and put on a list denying them any opportunity for future residency here. Should they come back illegally they will be committing a felony and will be subject to a heavy fine and/or jail.

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