Biden to Import Venezuelan Oil to Meet US Demand – President Trump’s Energy Independence Policies Will Continue to be Ignored

Oil company profit margins have remained the same for decades at 7%.

The US has the highest lift costs in the world and no economies of scale. Most US wells produce fewer than 50 barrels a day.

You want cheap gasoline.. That will put a stop to investment in exploration and drilling.

If the ppb goes too low, they go out of business.
All domestic oil companies go out of business??
I am told Venezuelan oil is very dirty oil that pollutes more than our own.

"Most of Venezuela’s petroleum reserves, as much as 77% or possibly more, are composed of the extra-heavy and heavy crude oil found in the Orinoco Belt in the East Venezuela Basin. That heavy and extra-heavy crude oil, most of which is very sour and has an API gravity of 10 degrees or less, is highly carbon-intensive to extract and refine."

Why aren't the enviros all upset about this?

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