Biden to Import Venezuelan Oil to Meet US Demand – President Trump’s Energy Independence Policies Will Continue to be Ignored

Oil independence is a Trump lie. We still import 5-7 million bpd.
Dependence on foreign oil is a Democrat staple. Importing is fine. Importing to keep up with demand with restrictions and egregious regulations and taxes on domestic companies is unacceptable.

You may like paying close to $4.00 a gallon in gas. The American consumer does not.
Dependence on foreign oil is a Democrat staple. Importing is fine. Importing to keep up with demand with restrictions and egregious regulations and taxes on domestic companies is unacceptable.

You may like paying close to $4.00 a gallon in gas. The American consumer does not.
gas is $2.69 in NW Arkansas which is forty cents more than in 2018.
Oil is 69 dollars a barrel now compared to 65 dollars a barrel in 2018
The United States imports oil for a number of reasons, including:

  • Supply and demand
    The U.S. imports oil to meet domestic demand and supply international markets.

  • Refinery configuration
    Many U.S. refineries are configured to process heavy, sour crude oil, which is harder to find domestically.

  • Cost
    Importing foreign crude oil is often cheaper than refining domestic crude oil.

  • Deals
    The U.S. can get better deals from countries that have heavy sour oil supplies.

  • Infrastructure
    The U.S. needs pipelines to deliver light sweet crude oil to refineries.

The U.S. imports crude oil from historical trading partners like Canada and Mexico. In 2023, the U.S. imported about 6.478 million barrels of crude oil per day, while producing about 12.933 million barrels per day.
Dependence on foreign oil is a Democrat staple. Importing is fine. Importing to keep up with demand with restrictions and egregious regulations and taxes on domestic companies is unacceptable.

You may like paying close to $4.00 a gallon in gas. The American consumer does not.
MAGATs always forget that Trump had oil imported also....

How much oil did the US import in 2018?

Imports of crude oil to the United States in 2018 were 9.93 million barrels per day (mmbd), a 28% decrease from the highest import level in 2005-2006. Seventy-one percent of crude oil imports in 2018 came from non-OPEC sources, such as Canada (45%).Jun 3, 2019

FOTW #1084, June 3, 2019: Since 2013 U.S. Crude Oil ...

Imports of crude oil to the United States in 2018 were 9.93 million barrels per day (mmbd), a 28% decrease from the highest import level in 2005-2006. Seventy-one percent of crude oil imports in 2018 came from non-OPEC sources, such as Canada (45%).Jun 3, 2019

FOTW #1084, June 3, 2019: Since 2013 U.S. Crude Oil ...

The United States imported 7.86 million barrels of oil per dayin 2020. The majority of this oil came from Canada and Mexico, with Canada accounting for 52.5% and Mexico accounting for 9.6%.

In 2020, the United States also exported more petroleum than it imported, and the difference between the two was at its lowest point since at least 1985. This was due to a decrease in international petroleum prices, which reduced the incentive for petroleum-exporting countries to increase production.

In 2020, the United States also consumed 18.1 million barrels of petroleum products per day, which was a 25-year low. This was due to a decrease in petroleum consumption in every energy-consuming sector, with a record 15% decrease in the transportation sector.
gas is $2.69 in NW Arkansas which is forty cents more than in 2018.
Oil is 69 dollars a barrel now compared to 65 dollars a barrel in 2018
And? You are giving snapshots and single data points. Once you bring in the remaining data from the last 50 years around each of your snapshots, even you will see the dependence we have on foreign oil.
MAGATs always forget that Trump had oil imported also....

How much oil did the US import in 2018?

Imports of crude oil to the United States in 2018 were 9.93 million barrels per day (mmbd), a 28% decrease from the highest import level in 2005-2006. Seventy-one percent of crude oil imports in 2018 came from non-OPEC sources, such as Canada (45%).Jun 3, 2019

FOTW #1084, June 3, 2019: Since 2013 U.S. Crude Oil ...

Imports of crude oil to the United States in 2018 were 9.93 million barrels per day (mmbd), a 28% decrease from the highest import level in 2005-2006. Seventy-one percent of crude oil imports in 2018 came from non-OPEC sources, such as Canada (45%).Jun 3, 2019

FOTW #1084, June 3, 2019: Since 2013 U.S. Crude Oil ...

The United States imported 7.86 million barrels of oil per dayin 2020. The majority of this oil came from Canada and Mexico, with Canada accounting for 52.5% and Mexico accounting for 9.6%.

In 2020, the United States also exported more petroleum than it imported, and the difference between the two was at its lowest point since at least 1985. This was due to a decrease in international petroleum prices, which reduced the incentive for petroleum-exporting countries to increase production.

In 2020, the United States also consumed 18.1 million barrels of petroleum products per day, which was a 25-year low. This was due to a decrease in petroleum consumption in every energy-consuming sector, with a record 15% decrease in the transportation sector.
The argument is not about Trump or the absolute absence of importing oil.
Oil independence is a Trump lie. We still import 5-7 million bpd.
Trump did not lie. He supports USA oil businesses, and he doesn't care to see American consumers being shortchanged whether local or foreign. Nobody I know can always change where the mop flops, but President Trump has always served in favor of the American people to the best of his capable abilities.

The trouble with politics is that the loyal opposition frequently puts party above the crying needs of this nation's people, and critique winners as losers with unmerciful words for votes.
Dependence on foreign oil is a Democrat staple. Importing is fine. Importing to keep up with demand with restrictions and egregious regulations and taxes on domestic companies is unacceptable.

You may like paying close to $4.00 a gallon in gas. The American consumer does not.

Oil company profit margins have remained the same for decades at 7%.

The US has the highest lift costs in the world and no economies of scale. Most US wells produce fewer than 50 barrels a day.

You want cheap gasoline.. That will put a stop to investment in exploration and drilling.

If the ppb goes too low, they go out of business.
Oil company profit margins have remained the same for decades at 7%.

The US has the highest lift costs in the world and no economies of scale. Most US wells produce fewer than 50 barrels a day.

You want cheap gasoline.. That will put a stop to investment in exploration and drilling.

If the ppb goes too low, they go out of business.

How many barrels of oil products do we export per day?
Biden can't fill his own gas tank without cheat sheets. What can we expect for the next couple of months while he is technically in charge?

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