Increasing public unrest in Israel

Is Israel intentionally attacking aid workers?

However, a disturbing pattern has emerged: Aid groups share their coordinates with Israeli authorities and then are attacked by the IDF at those same coordinates.

Christopher Lockyear, Secretary General of Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF), told the United Nations Security Council in February that “this pattern of attacks is either intentional or indicative of reckless incompetence.” Forty-eight hours earlier, a 120mm Israeli tank shell exploded in a MSF facility in Khan Younis, killing two people and severely injuring six others. It was the second time a MSF facility had been attacked by Israeli forces.

The White House is aware of this trend. In May, a Biden administration report to Congress noted the following:

"One specific area of concern is the impact of Israel’s military operations on humanitarian actors. Despite regular engagement from humanitarian actors and repeated USG interventions with Israeli officials on deconfliction/coordination procedures, the IDF has struck humanitarian workers and facilities. While Israel repeatedly committed to improve deconfliction and implemented some additional measures, those changes did not fully prevent subsequent strikes involving humanitarian workers and facilities.”

The article goes on to scrutinize 14 cases in detail.
The war is terrible for both sides, but it is clearly the result of the 2005 Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and the Palestinians' inextinguishable passion to try to destroy Israel and kill the Jews: if Israel had not withdrawn from Gaza in 2005, this terrible war could not have taken place. There clearly is no possible resolution to the conflict as long as the Palestinians remain determined to try to destroy Israel.
The war is terrible for both sides, but it is clearly the result of the 2005 Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and the Palestinians' inextinguishable passion to try to destroy Israel and kill the Jews: if Israel had not withdrawn from Gaza in 2005, this terrible war could not have taken place. There clearly is no possible resolution to the conflict as long as the Palestinians remain determined to try to destroy Israel.
There is a resolution possible - wipe out the Zionist regime along with it's neo-Nazi ideology based on racial superiority. It has to go, the time has come, it was a huge mistake and now the Zionists have a choice - act like decent human beings or be destroyed, this is what we did with Nazi Germany and this is what we should do with Zionist Israel.

Economic sanctions, military sanctions and if these don't work then bomb the place like we did with Iraq to force a regime change. Enough of this stupid failed racist Zionist experiment, get rid of it and lets all move on.

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Please quit pretending that 7 October 2023 was a "surprise" when the Israeli government had a year's advance notice,(1) countless other warnings from surrounding countries, a video produced by Hamas showing how when and where the attack would occur, and numerous complaints from guards at the world's most sophisticated border / Wall about government indifference.
Oh please. Did you read the article? Enough with conspiracy theories. Israel was aware that such an attack was aspired to. They did not believe it could be done, and/or that they would have sufficient further intelligence and enough warning. They had no idea when it was planned for.
Oh please. Did you read the article? Enough with conspiracy theories. Israel was aware that such an attack was aspired to. They did not believe it could be done, and/or that they would have sufficient further intelligence and enough warning. They had no idea when it was planned for.
May I ask exactly how you know this? or is it just some belief?
I read this passage three times and if you are sincere in your sentiments then the displaced Palestinians have the same Right of Return as Jews.

Please clarify,
Ah, there ya go. Yes. Both peoples (as a collective) have rights to return to the land. It would be hypocritical for one to believe that only one group has rights to return and self-determination. Both groups must have the same rights.

That said, there are other considerations, limitations, and boundaries (for both).
Nope. Just a small town boy who hates Islamic terrorists.

Why do you support terrorism? To praise Allah?

I support resistance to tyranny, just as did Jews once but sadly have now forgotten what happened to them and hence doing to Arabs what the Germans once did to Jews.

Since I'm not a Jew or an Arab and have an education covering WW2 I am in a very good position to contrast Zionist Israel with Nazi Germany, I can be impartial and dispassionate whereas you and the Zionists in this forum, are overwhelmed with emotion and lack of objectivity.

My views on Zionist Israel today are little different to what my views of Nazi Germany would have been had I been old enough to gather the facts.
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Warsaw 1943 and Gaza 2013 - The Nazis would be proud of how much the Zionists learned from them in just a few years.

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There is a resolution possible - wipe out the Zionist regime along with it's neo-Nazi ideology based on racial superiority. It has to go, the time has come, it was a huge mistake and now the Zionists have a choice - act like decent human beings or be destroyed, this is what we did with Nazi Germany and this is what we should do with Zionist Israel.

Economic sanctions, military sanctions and if these don't work then bomb the place like we did with Iraq to force a regime change. Enough of this stupid failed racist Zionist experiment, get rid of it and lets all move on.

View attachment 1011881
That has been the Arabs' genocidal dream since 1920 and clearly it is not possible. There is no nazi ideology or sense of racial superiority guiding Israel, but you feel compelled to tell such huge lies because your goal clearly is to wage a genocide against the Jews, as you have just acknowledged.
May I ask exactly how you know this? or is it just some belief?
Oh, I don't remember. Some official report by Israel way back in December when this first came out. Yeah, yeah, go ahead and claim that we can't trust anything from Israel because they are all liars. Then carry on about how "impartial" and "dispassionate" you are.
There is a resolution possible - wipe out the Zionist regime along with it's neo-Nazi ideology based on racial superiority. It has to go, the time has come, it was a huge mistake and now the Zionists have a choice - act like decent human beings or be destroyed, this is what we did with Nazi Germany and this is what we should do with Zionist Israel.

Economic sanctions, military sanctions and if these don't work then bomb the place like we did with Iraq to force a regime change. Enough of this stupid failed racist Zionist experiment, get rid of it and lets all move on.

View attachment 1011881
Israel might just self destruct.

Such an exceptionally long war has naturally had very damaging effects upon Israel and its economy, severely impacted by the continuing mobilization of so many reservists. The lack of any clear military victory or signs of an approaching conclusion has also led 500,000 or more Israelis to flee overseas, a massive blow since so many of these individuals were the country’s best-educated and most productive citizens. For the last decade or two, Israel had proclaimed its successful high-tech industry as the engine of country’s economic future and boasted about the flood of investment capital for its startups, but wartime uncertainty has caused a huge outflow of such capital and personnel, with 46,000 businesses having closed by July. Proud Israelis had famously boasted that their Middle Eastern country was “a villa in the jungle,” but nearly a year of fruitless warfare was leading to the villa’s increasing decrepitude and partial abandonment.

Meanwhile, in a very unexpected development, the determined Houthi Islamic militia of distant Yemen declared their full support for the suffering Palestinians and imposed a blockade of Red Sea shipping, threatening to attack any vessels bound for Israel or having an Israeli connection until Israel lifted its own siege of Gaza and allowed the starving Palestinians to receive food and medical supplies. This successful Houthi operation soon eliminated nearly all seaborn traffic to Israel’s main port of Eilat, which was driven into bankruptcy, further damaging the Israeli economy. A powerful American task force was soon dispatched to attack the Houthis and reopen the Red Sea, but it failed miserably, with the headlines recently declaring that “The Houthis have defeated the US Navy.” This represented a huge embarrassment for our own carrier-based naval strategy.

Netanyahu’s plan seemed exceptionally risky. Experienced military experts agree that the huge missile arsenals of both Iran and Hezbollah could easily saturate and overwhelm Israel’s vaunted Iron Dome defensive system, laying waste to the country’s cities, thereby destroying most of the Jewish State and perhaps triggering the flight of much of its surviving population. Although neither of those adversaries possess nuclear weapons, analysts have noted that their conventional warheads could destroy Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor complex, blanketing much of the country with deadly radioactive contamination, which would substantially achieve the same result. So even if American attacks destroyed Israel’s enemies, Israel itself would probably suffer a similar fate. These sorts of pragmatic considerations help explain why top former Israeli national security figures have declared that Netanyahu is leading Israel to its doom.

Although there are probably several rounds left to play in this conflict, Israel has already sustained enormous economic damage and risks suffering destruction in a wider war against Iran and Hezbollah even if it wins the conflict by using America to destroy its regional adversaries. Just a couple of weeks ago, a highly-regarded retired Israeli general predicted Israel’s collapse within a year.

That has been the Arabs' genocidal dream since 1920 and clearly it is not possible. There is no nazi ideology or sense of racial superiority guiding Israel, but you feel compelled to tell such huge lies because your goal clearly is to wage a genocide against the Jews, as you have just acknowledged.
Here's a Jew who was alive when Israel was created and has visited Israel many times and who knew every Israeli Prime Minister personally, his own grandmother was shot in her bed by a Nazi, yet he says in this video, that the Israeli state acts like "Nazis". He'd ridicule your naivety as many of us here have been doing.

Some like you do not want to hear this, want to pretend these people and their views are irrelevant, so you smear me with the vile epithet that I'm antisemitic and a Jew hater just because I say what these Jews say.

I stand with Jews like Kaufman, Chomsky, Leibowitz, Finkelstein, Pappe, you stand with Jews like this:


They say a man can be judged by the men he admires, looks to me like this is true.
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That has been the Arabs' genocidal dream since 1920 and clearly it is not possible. There is no nazi ideology or sense of racial superiority guiding Israel, but you feel compelled to tell such huge lies because your goal clearly is to wage a genocide against the Jews, as you have just acknowledged.
You’re not informed. Stop posting Zionist propaganda.
American Pravda: The True Origin of the Jews as Khazars, Israelites, or Canaanites
:ahole-1: :fu::uhoh3::cuckoo::happy-1:

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