Do Democrats Truly Hate Our Country?

So I guess you are not aware that most white people with college degrees now vote Democrat?

Of course you don't know that. Your deranged MAGA Nazi Party is even too crazy for the average middle class college-educated white person.
Credentialed doesn't mean educated, dipschitt....Most college "educated" schmucks would wash out of their first week on a construction site.

But thanks for inadvertently outing yourself as one of the borderline illiterate.
Credentialed doesn't mean educated, dipschitt....Most college "educated" schmucks would wash out of their first week on a construction site.

But thanks for inadvertently outing yourself as one of the borderline illiterate.
You're not credentialed or educated.

Or you would have enough sense not to quote Joseph McCarthy. You're just an uneducated, unsophisticated MAGA rube.
Believe what you want to believe, traitor.

The people who hate this country are the racists and fascists that attacked the Capitol on Jan 6 and tried to overthrow our democracy.
A few hundred people? We are worried about the 10's of THOUSANDS of democrat rioters and the MILLIONS of democrat voters who dont seem to give a flying fuck about the economy and illegal immigration. In fact, you guys will burn this nation down specifically to get those illegals to one day vote for you..
A few hundred people? We are worried about the 10's of THOUSANDS of democrat rioters and the MILLIONS of democrat voters who dont seem to give a flying fuck about the economy and illegal immigration. In fact, you guys will burn this nation down specifically to get those illegals to one day vote for you..
They still believe in democracy. You MAGAts don't.

Hence, you people are a far greater threat.
They still believe in democracy. You MAGAts don't.

Hence, you people are a far greater threat.
If that were true they wouldn't be trying to destroy the Supreme Court, the Electoral College, working overtime to censor opposing views, the same for disarming us, etc.

Scratch a democrat and they bleed nazi.
Even a broken clock is right twice two times a day so I would say that he's definitely right.
If that were true they wouldn't be trying to destroy the Supreme Court, the Electoral College, working overtime to censor opposing views, the same for disarming us, etc.

Scratch a democrat and they bleed nazi.
Have they used violence to achieve these measures? No, they have not.

The only people that use violence when they lose elections are you MAGA Nazis. You proved it on Jan 6.
Yes, yes they do hate it.

That's why they are working overtime to destroy it.

Correction: they pretty much already destroyed it and Trump needs to be the one to fix it now.

They still believe in democracy. You MAGAts don't.

That's because we live in a republic you nincompoop.

Your judgement just can't be trusted. Sorry to break that to you.

The irony is so strong that even Hercules couldn't hold it.
Do you vote in this republic, you imbecile? Then we live in a democracy.

Weak ass shit from a total lightweight.

A democracy means majority rules. A republic is where everybody gets to vote and we already have documented rules even though they currently aren't being followed anymore but that's the difference.
A democracy means majority rules. A republic is where everybody gets to vote and we already have documented rules even though they currently aren't being followed anymore but that's the difference.
That's not what democracy means. A true democracy means that everyone gets to vote on everything the government does -- like in ancient Greece.

We elect representatives to vote on bills in Congress. We are a representative democracy, also known as a republic.
That's not what democracy means. A true democracy means that everyone gets to vote on everything the government does -- like in ancient Greece.

We elect representatives to vote on bills in Congress. We are a representative democracy, also known as a republic.

No in a democracy the minority doesn't have a say in how our country is run. Other than that you're correct and you even just called it a republic.
No in a democracy the minority doesn't have a say in how our country is run. Other than that you're correct and you even just called it a republic.
You are trying to imply that in a republic the minority gets to rule. No, they do not get to rule.

In a republic, the rights of the minority are protected. That is the difference from a pure democracy.

The founding fathers never envisioned a scenario where the President would not get the most votes. They always believed the person who gets the most votes should be president. You all have twisted the electoral college into something it was never intended to be.
Or do they just not understand what's at stake? After all, this ex-democrat gets it as everybody else with common sense does.

I don't think most Democrats hate America so much as they hate Trump or Republicans. When Democrats are in control they are very happy with America. When Republicans are at the helm, America sucks big time.

I do think they are completely convinced that the America Republicans/Patriots/MAGAs have loved and want again never existed and is not what they want. I'm pretty sure though that they actually do want it what most Patriots want, but they are too programmed to leftist ideology to be be able to see it and/or they are too intellectually dishonest to admit it.

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