Do Democrats Truly Hate Our Country?

No, they do not. They are globalists who favor a UN governance as opposed to our Constitution. They have already given our monetary system over to elite European bankers and "stakeholders", and our health over to the phony WHO, and the Gate's CDC.
Give Obama a 4th term and he will complete the transfer by 2030.
Even if all your bullshit above were true (it's not)....they didn't try to overthrow our democracy on Jan 6.

Only Trump and you MAGA traitors did that. And you have to own it.
A democratic republic, simpleton. A democratic republic where people vote.

Try to keep up...if you can.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the democracy for which it stands?

A republic is a representative government that is constrained/guided by a charter or constitution. i.e. we can vote on representatives who can then create/change laws based on what the constitution allows. typically constitutions preserve personal freedoms and rights, protecting you from politicians who would like to have those rights revoked. aka, preventing an individual or government from becoming all powerful and ruling as they please regardless of individual rights and freedoms.

Direct democracy is not necessarily bound by constitutions or charters. The majority makes the rules in those situations. If the majority wants it and they have a chance to vote on it, it may become standing law regardless of how it might infringe on perceived personal rights and or freedoms. It can become very scary based on who is in power and what the mindset of the majority is when there isn't a constitution to act as a buffer.

China considers itself a democracy. We are a Republic.
Even if all your bullshit above were true (it's not)....they didn't try to overthrow our democracy on Jan 6.

Only Trump and you MAGA traitors did that. And you have to own it.
You poor sheep.
Jan. 6 was a Nancy Pelosi set-up event, with infiltrators dressing up as protestors, Capitol police unlocking doors and leading tours through the White House, no National Guard that Trump suggested, and if the bitch had gotten her way, manned machine guns to mow the protestors down, with her daughter filming the whole set-up...

If the intent was to overthrow our democracy, they would have shot their way in with all the guns they were carrying. :uhoh3:
Because you are voting for the duopoly and everyone that does that hates the country.

No I'm not.

Because you do nothing but bitch about it.

No.... I bitch about the government. There's a difference there.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the democracy for which it stands?

A republic is a representative government that is constrained/guided by a charter or constitution. i.e. we can vote on representatives who can then create/change laws based on what the constitution allows. typically constitutions preserve personal freedoms and rights, protecting you from politicians who would like to have those rights revoked. aka, preventing an individual or government from becoming all powerful and ruling as they please regardless of individual rights and freedoms.

Direct democracy is not necessarily bound by constitutions or charters. The majority makes the rules in those situations. If the majority wants it and they have a chance to vote on it, it may become standing law regardless of how it might infringe on perceived personal rights and or freedoms. It can become very scary based on who is in power and what the mindset of the majority is when there isn't a constitution to act as a buffer.

China considers itself a democracy. We are a Republic.

Although you elaborated that's pretty much what I told him.
Or do they just not understand what's at stake? After all, this ex-democrat gets it as everybody else with common sense does.
First of all, it's not that they just npt understand but they really don't care. They love to give "you" free stuff! Why? Once you accept the fact, that you don't have to pay any student loans, or anything, they have you under their control. They love to dictate how you should live your life. Why? Because, once they have you under their control, it's like Moma telling you over time and again to "clean up your room" and how you should live your life. We have all been through it when growing up. It's called Parenting.

The Government is your parent. You do what you are told, or your "free stuff" will be taken away. And we all 'end up sitting in the corner without any lunch or dinner'.

Second, it has always been about "Power". Absolute Power corrupts absolutely. The more Power they can grasp, the more they can dictate to others...but scam you with free stuff! By inticing you with free stuff! (But we know, there is no such thing as "FREE STUFF".)

All this nonsense fell under the Obama Administration. Obamacare, and many others...Obama knew how to control the masses. He was the perfect "Scam Artist".
You poor sheep.
Jan. 6 was a Nancy Pelosi set-up event, with infiltrators dressing up as protestors, Capitol police unlocking doors and leading tours through the White House, no National Guard that Trump suggested, and if the bitch had gotten her way, manned machine guns to mow the protestors down, with her daughter filming the whole set-up...

If the intent was to overthrow our democracy, they would have shot their way in with all the guns they were carrying. :uhoh3:
Oh...and you have "evidence" of this?

Of course not, gomer...You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect.

And if these folks were really Democrats, then why the fuck does Trump talk about freeing them if he becomes President again???

MAGA Imbecile.
Oh...and you have "evidence" of this?

Of course not, gomer...You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect.

And if these folks were really Democrats, then why the fuck does Trump talk about freeing them if he becomes President again???

MAGA Imbecile.
They don't need actual evidence. They just need "reports" and rumors and theories provided by Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, various MAGA websites, and the rest of their isolated, insulated informational ecosystem.

That's all they need. That's The Truth for them. They take it from there.
Leftists hate themselves.

Hating this whole country is just their way of turning their self-loathing outward instead of dealing with their feelings of worthlessness.
Oh...and you have "evidence" of this?

Of course not, gomer...You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect.

And if these folks were really Democrats, then why the fuck does Trump talk about freeing them if he becomes President again???

MAGA Imbecile.
Lots of it, Jethro.
There are videos of cops changing into Trump clothing. Fake Trumpsters inciting the protesters to break into the building. Cops unlocking doors, cops pretending to arrest their own. Google it.
Here, I'll start you out on your quest for the truth...

And that is why Pelosi refused any "help" from the National Guard. Peaceful wasn't what she was aiming for.
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Lots of it. There are videos of cops changing into Trump clothing. Cops unlocking doors, cops pretending to arrest their own. Google it.
Here, I'll start you out on your quest for the truth...

Then why the fuck does Trump talk about releasing them from prison, if they are really Democrats?

You've got nothing but lies, imbecile.
Then why the fuck does Trump talk about releasing them from prison, if they are really Democrats?

You've got nothing but lies, imbecile.

None of the Democrats were actually arrested, you moron. Did you not see the video of the cop's arrest pretence and then letting the man out of his handcuffs?
Not even the lying cop, that shouted he was being shot at and then murdered Ashli Babbit, was charged.
None of the Democrats were actually arrested, you moron. Did you not see the video of the cop's arrest pretence and then letting the man out of his handcuffs?
Not even the lying cop, that shouted he was being shot at and then murdered Ashli Babbit, was charged.
I'm not watching your MAGA goober video, dude. Only traitor imbeciles like you believe this dumb shit.

And Babbit was a radicalized QAnon stupid bitch who got what she deserved.

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