The laptop again.

That's not what happened. A quote from the letter said
"We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement—just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case."
The laptop did have all the classic characteristics of Russian disinformation. That is undeniable and is exactly what the letter said.
Lol. Of course that’s what happened. Now you’re just being disingenuous. Most you always be disingenuous?

You ignorantly don’t know Don and K are in agreement on most things, just like a Trumper. You’re no different.
No it doesn't.
No one, including you, has ever provided ANY PROOF. none.

Shokin was corrupt and NOT prosecuting Burisma.
Rudy and Trump made up a story that Biden wanted Shokin fired because he was prosecuting Burisma, which there is NO PROOF. Your only standing is some 1:08 edited video that proves nothing.

So, how about you provide the proof that Shokin was indeed prosecuting Burisma.
If true, there would be documentation. So find it and post it.
Hey moron, can you quote anyone here saying that Shokin was prosecuting Burisma?

Shokin could not prosecute Burisma owner (and Biden crime family benefactor) Mykola Zlochevsky because he fled the country and his whereabouts were unknown you fucking ultra-pathetic willfully ignorant fool.

Shokin himself has said that he wanted to prosecute Zlochevsky and question all of Burisma's board members, including Hunter Biden.

Shokin's PGO raided Zlochevsky's mansion in February of 2016.

“The PGO filed a petition to court to arrest the property of the ex-Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, Mykola Zlochevsky, from which arrest was withdrawn, and other property he actually uses, namely housing estate with a total area of 922 square meters, a land plot of 0.24 hectares, a garden house with a total area of 299.8 square meters, a garden house in the territory of Vyshgorod district, a garden house of 2,312 square meters, a land plot of 0.0394 hectares, a Rolls-Royce Phantom car, a Knott 924-5014 trainer,” reads the report.

The PGO clarifies that the court satisfied the petition on Feb. 2.

“Thus, none of the objects of movable and immovable property, which was seized under the previous court ruling, has not been excluded from Zlochevsky’s property,” the press service said.

Zlochevsky is suspected of committing a criminal offense under Part 3 of Article 368-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (illicit enrichment).

The next month Biden had Prosecutor General Shokin fired and replaced with Yuriy Lutsenko, a corrupt politician who had recently got out of prison and did not even have a fucking law degree. Ukraine actually had to change the law that required the Prosecutor General to actually have a law degree and actually have experience as an attorney in order to install Quid Pro Quo Pedo Joe's puppet into the PGO.

You couldn't make this shit up!
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This is in politics because whether you believe the laptop proves Biden of nefarious behavior has become an issue divided on political lines. It's not about the election because Biden isn't running for anything.

Even now, it's often claimed the laptop proved Biden got rich by breaking the law while Vice president. However, I find no indication that the laptop actually proves such, and I don't recall anyone actually presenting such proof. I have seen lots of innuendo. I am aware of Biden supposedly talking to his son's coworkers, but no proof of illegal behavior. I talk to my kid's coworkers all the time, but that doesn't prove I am involved with them in a business sense. Would someone show the actual proof that Biden Broke laws as proven by that laptop. Innuendo or coincidence are not proof.
This just in.

Potato dropped out of his race for re-election.
Hey moron, can you quote anyone here saying that Shokin was prosecuting Burisma?
Well Yes, Yes I can.
Here ya go.
Spin Away Muhammed.

You're so EASY.

The FBI FD-1023 form was created on June 30, 2020 based off information from a highly-paid informant and brought to the attention of Republicans by a whistleblower. It details a $5 million each 'arrangement' between then-Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and an oil executive - identified as Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky - in exchange for getting a Ukrainian prosecutor who had a probe open into the company fired.

At the time, Shokin had opened an investigation into Burisma, which the company knew 'would have a substantial negative impact on Burisma's prospective IPO in the United States.'

Biden at the CFR...You have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor (who's investigating my son) or you're not getting the billion dollars

Shokin was investigating Burisma - Hunter's "employer"). Biden demanded that the president fire him. a few hours later he was fired,
You weren't asked to blubber out idiot conspiracy theories.

You were asked to back up your side's crazy claims that the laptop somehow proved Biden's guilt.

And you're pissing yourself and running instead.

There is no dispute - real world
No it doesn't.
No one, including you, has ever provided ANY PROOF. none.

Shokin was corrupt and NOT prosecuting Burisma.
Rudy and Trump made up a story that Biden wanted Shokin fired because he was prosecuting Burisma, which there is NO PROOF. Your only standing is some 1:08 edited video that proves nothing.

So, how about you provide the proof that Shokin was indeed prosecuting Burisma.
If true, there would be documentation. So find it and post it.
So you're claiming that the Idiot-in-Chief wanted his crackhead son's employer prosecuted (and for Hunter to lose that cushy job)?

Are you retarded?
That's not what happened. A quote from the letter said
"We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement—just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case."
The laptop did have all the classic characteristics of Russian disinformation. That is undeniable and is exactly what the letter said.
And then all you Useful Idiots have spent years screeching that the laptop is definitely proven Russian disinformation.
Thread summary:

The Trump cultists are still unable to provide any evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden. Not even the tiniest bit.

And they're all lying about that, loudly and proudly.

Why do the Trump cultists all lie in such an inept manner?

1. The party orders them to lie.

2. The rest of the cultists are lying, and they always go along with the herd.

2. They're weird and creepy pervs who literally get a sick sexual thrill from lying.
And then all you Useful Idiots have spent years screeching that the laptop is definitely proven Russian disinformation.
The disk image cetainly was.

And we joy in rubbing that fact in you commiesucking faces. We were right, sucks to be you, loser.

Nobody is forcing you to suck off Russia, so why do you do it?
Thread summary:

The Trump cultists are still unable to provide any evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden. Not even the tiniest bit.

And they're all lying about that, loudly and proudly.

Why do the Trump cultists all lie in such an inept manner?

1. The party orders them to lie.

2. The rest of the cultists are lying, and they always go along with the herd.

2. They're weird and creepy pervs who literally get a sick sexual thrill from lying.
you ever seen the pictures of hunter And the porn.. hahahahahahaha

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