The suppressed news story that elected Biden

“Based on these commitments, the anti-corruption benchmark is deemed to have been achieved,” the European Commission report found. “The progress noted in the fifth report on anti-corruption policies, particularly the legislative and institutional progress, has continued.”

At the same time, the EU commissioner for migration, home affairs and citizenship issued a public statement on Dec. 18, 2015, praising Shokin and other officials for making “enormous progress” on reform, according to a report by John Solomon from Just the News.

“I congratulate the Ukrainian leadership on the progress made towards completing the reform process which will bring important benefits to the citizens of Ukraine in the future,” then-EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said. “The hard work towards achieving this significant goal has paid off. Now it is important to keep upholding all the standards.”
. "Commission Progress Report: Ukraine meets criteria for visa liberalisation"

You missed a bit of what was said.

"I am very pleased that Ukrainian citizens with a biometric passport will soon be able to travel to the Schengen area for short stays without a visa. I congratulate the Ukrainian leadership on the progress made towards completing the reform process which will bring important benefits to the citizens of Ukraine in the future. The hard work towards achieving this significant goal has paid off. Now it is important to keep upholding all the standards. "

What part of the liberalization of their visa program was Shokin praised for?
Pretty simple. My tax dollars... part of the $1 billion for Ukraine, that Biden brags about..
Remember this about Biden and Ukraine?
Biden said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.
Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,” Biden told the Council on Foreign Relations event, insisting that President Obama was in on the threat.

The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.
From 2013 to 2018 Hunter Biden and his firm earned about $11 million via legal work, as board member for a Ukraine firm,Burisma.
He was not investigation Burisma and the crimes associated with the founder of Burisma occurred long before Hunter was offered a job.

Loan guarantees are not paid by tax dollars unless they default like Saddam did when Ronnie Raygun gave him the same type loan guarantees when he was president. The foreign aid loan guarantee program is controlled by the president.
"Commission Progress Report: Ukraine meets criteria for visa liberalisation"
What does visa liberalization have to do with Shokin's corruption investigation?

You missed a bit of what was said.

Well that wasn't hard, being as it had nothing to do with my link.

You toss crap against the wall and hope it sticks?

538 now projects Trump winner of 2024 election

Fake news
What does visa liberalization have to do with Shokin's corruption investigation?

Well that wasn't hard, being as it had nothing to do with my link.

You toss crap against the wall and hope it sticks?
You tossed this linguini up against the wall and posted no link to back it up.

“I congratulate the Ukrainian leadership on the progress made towards completing the reform process which will bring important benefits to the citizens of Ukraine in the future,” then-EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said. “The hard work towards achieving this significant goal has paid off. Now it is important to keep upholding all the standards.”

The praise was for the modernization of their visa program, not cleaning up the endemic corruption in Ukraine. I posted the entire quote which included "I am very pleased that Ukrainian citizens with a biometric passport will soon be able to travel to the Schengen area for short stays without a visa."
He was not investigation Burisma and the crimes associated with the founder of Burisma occurred long before Hunter was offered a job.

Loan guarantees are not paid by tax dollars unless they default like Saddam did when Ronnie Raygun gave him the same type loan guarantees when he was president. The foreign aid loan guarantee program is controlled by the president.
What does a Federal loan guarantee have to do with Burisma investigation?

Prove it with your substantiation!
What does a Federal loan guarantee have to do with Burisma investigation?

Prove it with your substantiation!
The Obama loan guarantees was our leverage being used to persuade the Ukrainians to remove the alleged corrupt prosecutor who was stalling the Burisma investigation.
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It was from my previous post that you attempted to comment on.

I gave you credit for having some smarts........looks like that bit me in the ass.
What bit you in the ass was you posted a partial quote from the EU praising their visa reforms, not praising Shokin for cleaning up the prosecutors office. But that's what Solomon does for the Fake News profession.
What bit you in the ass was you posted a partial quote from the EU praising their visa reforms, not praising Shokin for cleaning up the prosecutors office. But that's what Solomon does for the Fake News profession.
You idiot, my quote stated, that for teir efforts in cleaning up corruption, the EU gave Ukraine citizens visa free travel in the EU.

In fact, the Dec. 18, 2015, progress report, obtained by the New York Post, says that the European Union was satisfied that Ukraine had achieved “noteworthy” progress, including in “preventing and fighting corruption,” and thus was eligible for visa-free travel in Europe.

The European Commission noted that Shokin had just appointed the head of a specialized anti-corruption prosecution office, which it described as “an indispensable component of an effective and independent institutional framework for combating high-level corruption.”
The new office would help the newly established National Anti-Corruption Bureau combat corruption, the report noted, and urged Ukrainian leadership to ensure that both bodies were “fully operational” by the first quarter of 2016.

Off med day there, dude?
You idiot, my quote stated, that for teir efforts in cleaning up corruption, the EU gave Ukraine citizens visa free travel in the EU.

In fact, the Dec. 18, 2015, progress report, obtained by the New York Post, says that the European Union was satisfied that Ukraine had achieved “noteworthy” progress, including in “preventing and fighting corruption,” and thus was eligible for visa-free travel in Europe.

The European Commission noted that Shokin had just appointed the head of a specialized anti-corruption prosecution office, which it described as “an indispensable component of an effective and independent institutional framework for combating high-level corruption.”
The new office would help the newly established National Anti-Corruption Bureau combat corruption, the report noted, and urged Ukrainian leadership to ensure that both bodies were “fully operational” by the first quarter of 2016.

Off med day there, dude?
It was too little too late. Shokin had already fallen from favor that the Obama Administration had lavished on him soon after his appointment, and they decided he was not going to be a force for combatting corruption.

"The specialised anti-corruption prosecution office should become operational as a matter of top priority; it is an indispensable component of an effective and independent institutional framework for combating high-level corruption. On 30 November, the General Prosecutor appointed the head of the specialised anti-corruption prosecution."


Your own link says it's a toss up right now.
We still have the Geritol Bowl (the debate on the 27th) coming up, also Trump's sentencing in July, and his other ongoing felony trials.
My only prediction is that a LOT is probably going to change between now and November.
So far it's a jump-ball.
Your own link says it's a toss up right now.
Says that at the start of their forecast, which was end of May. Polling since then gives Trump a slight edge............probably why Biden was lost in inner space while in the EU recently.
My only prediction is that a LOT is probably going to change between now and November.
Oh I agree. Moves to get SCOTUS involved sometime around July11. Will be rightwing lawfare attacks on undemocratic moves.
Biden said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.
Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,” Biden told
You and I have a serious problem with this statement from VP Biden, JoeB and BlindBoo, as well as a litany of other liberals will defend this to their grave…
You and I have a serious problem with this statement from VP Biden, JoeB and BlindBoo, as well as a litany of other liberals will defend this to their grave…

I've got no problem with it.

Shokin was corrupt.

The IMF thought so.
The EU Thought so.
Republicans in Congress thought so.
and eventually, the Ukraine Rada thought so.

If I fault Biden for anything, it was for taking the credit when his role was probably more minimal.
Shokin was corrupt.
Gets praised by the EU for anti-corruption progress......
Republicans in Congress thought so.
and eventually, the Ukraine Rada thought so.
The whole G-7, the IMF, the EBRD [the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development], everybody was united that Shokin must go, and the spokesman for this was Joe Biden.”
The EU Thought so.
The European Commission praised Ukraine’s Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin for his efforts to fight corruption in a December 2015 progress report published nine days after then-VP Joe Biden demanded his ouster.

The report flies in the face of Biden’s claims that the European Union joined his demands that Shokin be removed for being corrupt and obstructing anti-corruption reforms.
The report flies in the face of Biden’s claims that the European Union joined his demands that Shokin be removed for being corrupt and obstructing anti-corruption reforms.

The IMF thought so.
However, none of the European bodies cited ever called specifically for Shokin’s removal or even mentioned his name.
You and I have a serious problem with this statement from VP Biden, JoeB and BlindBoo, as well as a litany of other liberals will defend this to their grave…
Why do you skip the part in that interview, or discussion, where the Vice President talks about when he was challenged by the group of Ukrainians who said he didn't have the authority to do withhold the loans. Remember he told them to call the president and find out if he did or not? Unlike with Benedict Donald's withholding aid, this was not a Congressionally approved package of military aid that Obama was using as leverage, it was the foreign loan guarantee program run by the executive. President Obama certainly had the power to do that and to delegate that negotiating authority to his Vice President. The Neo-GOP always tries to equate the two but they are not the same. Not by a long shot.

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