The suppressed news story that elected Biden

Firing Shokin wasn’t high on anyone’s agenda except the father of a Burisma board member

And the US Senate, icnluding Republicans.

And the IMF...

And the EU

And the Ukrainian Rada

so man, Biden manipulated all these people into wanting to get rid of Shokin to protect his son's business dealings that Shokin wasn't even investigating!!!
And the US Senate, icnluding Republicans.
You believe 3 Republican Senators makes a statement?

The IMF, The EU and RADA okay, did they ever get Zlochevsky? Did they ever get anyone?

Nada, nothing, so much for taking on corruption in Ukraine…

But that guy, what’s his name, uh, uh, uh, oh yeah The Big Guy, used a $1BB dollars to shut down ALL INVESTIGATIONS INTO BURISMA!!!!!!

Oh and you think the IMF, the EU and RADA didn’t know what VP Biden did? Wake up…
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You believe 3 Republican Senators makes a statement?

Um, yeah, it shows that both parties were fine with getting rid of Shokin because they knew he was corrupt.

The IMF, The EU and RADA okay, did they ever get Zlochevsky? Did they ever get anyone?

Shokin didn't get him, either. The point was, they weren't going to dump more money into Ukraine as long as a corrupt character like Shokin (who had also served in two previously corrupt administrations, including the one that was overthrown in 2014) was gone.

But that guy, what’s his name, uh, uh, uh, oh yeah The Big Guy, used a $1BB dollars to shut down ALL INVESTIGATIONS INTO BURISMA!!!!!!

It wasn't the Billion dollars that was the issue, it was the 17 Billion the IMF wasn't going to approve unless Shokin was gone!

Oh and you think the IMF, the EU and RADA didn’t know what VP Biden did? Wake up…

Yes, they did, and they heartily approved.
That the executive uses those foreign loan guarantees as leverage to get those foreign country to do what we want, rather than what Russia wants.
That is the legal definition of a quid pro quo.

I support it as long as the president doesn't use it to attack the leading candidate from opposition party with bull shit lies and phony investigations to personally help his own re-election purposes.
Or evidence of wrong doing by the guy doing the quid pro quo.
That is the legal definition of a quid pro quo.

Or evidence of wrong doing by the guy doing the quid pro quo.
That is how foreign policy works, unless you think the President should give those foreign loan guarantees to countries unconditionally (which isn't going to happen)? The difference and what makes Benedict Donald's quid pro quo corrupt is that he was using the already appropriated Military aid package passed by Congress as leverage against the Ukrainian president to aid his re-election campaign by attacking the Democrats with phony allegations and phony announcements of a non existence investigation by Ukraine.

The foreign loan guarantee program is administered by the executive branch and Obama had the authority to make demands on the recipients.
That is how foreign policy works, unless you think the President should give those foreign loan guarantees to countries unconditionally (which isn't going to happen)?
You're saying our government isn't any better than the Mexican government then.

The difference and what makes Benedict Donald's quid pro quo corrupt is that he was using the already appropriated Military aid package passed by Congress as leverage against the Ukrainian president to aid his re-election campaign by attacking the Democrats with phony allegations and phony announcements of a non existence investigation by Ukraine.
President has absolute authority...............just like Biden holding back the JDAM'S already appropriated to Israel.
The foreign loan guarantee program is administered by the executive branch and Obama had the authority to make demands on the recipients.
Not in the same aspect that Biden did, he publicly admitted to a quid pro quo.
Um, yeah, it shows that both parties were fine with getting rid of Shokin because they knew he was corrupt.
So you believe 3 Republicans and 5 Democrats represent the sentiments of their party and constituents? No wonder you’re a liberal…
Shokin didn't get him, either.
He was in office for 14 to 15 months, do you honestly believe that was long enough to have any real impact, I can’t wait to hear your response.
The point was
The point was Zlochevsky was bribing everyone he could and The Big Guy didn’t want his gravy train to stop…
It wasn't the Billion dollars that was the issue, it was the 17 Billion the IMF wasn't going to approve unless Shokin was gone!
I like how a Billion dollars is nothing in your opinion, the fact that VP Biden bragged about it years later is evidence he was complicit with what happened, his successor as General Prosecutor didn’t get anything done with corruption in Ukraine either, wonder why….turn on the lights, you might get the picture…
Yes, they did, and they heartily approved.
You’re talking about organized criminals that are in lock step with Washington, is it really that hard for you to understand?
So you believe 3 Republicans and 5 Democrats represent the sentiments of their party and constituents? No wonder you’re a liberal…

Nobody cared about Shokin until the Orange Shitgibbon started regurgitating whacko conspiracy theories he read on the net.

He was in office for 14 to 15 months, do you honestly believe that was long enough to have any real impact, I can’t wait to hear your response.
Shokin had previously held the job under the two previous corrupt presidents. He also blocked prosecutions of those who shot demonstrators during the Maiden REvolution.

The point was Zlochevsky was bribing everyone he could and The Big Guy didn’t want his gravy train to stop…
Well, it would be nice if you had proof of that.

Your last "witness" turned out to be a Russian Asset.

I like how a Billion dollars is nothing in your opinion, the fact that VP Biden bragged about it years later is evidence he was complicit with what happened, his successor as General Prosecutor didn’t get anything done with corruption in Ukraine either, wonder why….turn on the lights, you might get the picture…

Ukraine has a GDP of 189 Billion. 1 Billion isn't going to make or break them. $17 Billion the IMF was threatening to hold up if they didn't sack Shokin would.

You’re talking about organized criminals that are in lock step with Washington, is it really that hard for you to understand?
The only Criminal is Convicted Felon Donald Trump.
You're saying our government isn't any better than the Mexican government then.
If they have conditional foreign loan guarantees..... :dunno: Nice curveball though.
just like Biden holding back the JDAM'S already appropriated to Israel.
Was he trying to force Netanyahu into announcing an investigation into Trump and Republican corruption in Israel before releasing those bombs?
Not in the same aspect that Biden did, he publicly admitted to a quid pro quo.
Just because Benedict Donald's corrupt quid pro quo was exposed, doesn't mean that every quid pro quo is corrupt. We don't give foreign aid away unconditionally.
Nobody cared about Shokin until the Orange Shitgibbon started regurgitating whacko conspiracy theories he read on the net.
You avoided the question, you can’t answer a straight question
Shokin had previously held the job under the two previous corrupt presidents. He also blocked prosecutions of those who shot demonstrators during the Maiden REvolution.
What he previously did is irrelevant, again it’s a legitimate question and you spin off into the deep end, drowning
Well, it would be nice if you had proof of that.

Your last "witness" turned out to be a Russian Asset.
Don’t you know that’s what they were investigating him for

Who was a Russian asset?

More avoiding the questions
Ukraine has a GDP of 189 Billion. 1 Billion isn't going to make or break them. $17 Billion the IMF was threatening to hold up if they didn't sack Shokin would.
Who cares what their GDP is, compared to what? They’re like 58th out of what a 160, $1BB is a significant enough to get him fired
The only Criminal is Convicted Felon Donald Trump.
When you weaponize the DOJ to go after your political opponents, the book isn’t closed yet, remember that
You avoided the question, you can’t answer a straight question
No, I didn't.
What he previously did is irrelevant, again it’s a legitimate question and you spin off into the deep end, drowning

Um, he refused to prosecute people who murdered protesters... the public didn't like him.
So, let's review.
The Public hated him.
The Rada hated him.
The EU Hated him.
THe IMF Hated him.

But, no, no, it's all Biden's fault for being too giddy after he was fired.

Don’t you know that’s what they were investigating him for
They've been flopping around for five years trying to "Get" the Bidens, and all you found was Hunter was stoned out of his mind when he filled out a form.

Who cares what their GDP is, compared to what? They’re like 58th out of what a 160, $1BB is a significant enough to get him fired

Except it wasn't. He was fired because he was corrupt and failed his country

When you weaponize the DOJ to go after your political opponents, the book isn’t closed yet, remember that
I don't worry about that. At the end of the day, most things you can charge politicians in happen in Blue States. Why? BECAUSE NOTHING HAPPENS IN THE RED STATES!

Looking at the buffoonery that Comer has engaged in, I'm just not that worried about what happens when Joe leaves office in 2029.
Nobody cared about Shokin until the Orange Shitgibbon started regurgitating whacko conspiracy theories he read on the net.
You already claimed Shokin was axed prior to the Trump presidency.

What is it now, Joe?
You already claimed Shokin was axed prior to the Trump presidency.

What is it now, Joe?

You are right. He was axed before Trump got there. Everyone agreed at the time he should have been axed. -Democrats, Republicans, Europeans, the Ukrainians themselves. Absolutely no one thought it was a bad idea, except maybe Shokin himself.

Then Trump started reading crazy conspiracy shit on the internet, and instead of just letting the professionals at the State Department explain it to him, he decided to shake down Zelensky by withholding weapons until Zelensky got him some dirt on Biden.

This is what his first impeachment was about.

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