Extortion: Gangs from Venezuela are doing their thing in Colorado.

We as a country.

Because US policy shifted in 1998 when the United States Congress passed and President Bill Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act after Iraq terminated its cooperation with UN weapons inspectors the preceding August. The act made it official US policy to "support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power",
Because US policy shifted in 1998 when the United States Congress passed and President Bill Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act after Iraq terminated its cooperation with UN weapons inspectors the preceding August. The act made it official US policy to "support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power",

And that accomplished nothing. Other than many dead and billions pissed away.
And that accomplished nothing. Other than many dead and billions pissed away.

At least we killed more of them than they killed of us. And Iraq finally had free and fair elections.

Why do you hate democracy?
You don’t see Venezuelans doing that here either.

I see you didn't mark the OP's thread with a "fake news" or "disagree."

That must mean you agree that gangs from Venezuela are doing their thing in Colorado.

Better go back to page 1 and do that so someone won't think you're full of shit. :laughing0301:
That even one of "us" died means we lost.

Iraq is no different today than they were before a single American lost their life there.

Do you think freedom is "free" or something? If unchecked, Iraq would have become another terrorist training ground like Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Yemen, Jordan, Libya, Afghanistan, West Bank, and Gaza.
Do you think freedom is "free" or something? If unchecked, Iraq would have become another terrorist training ground like Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Yemen, Jordan, Libya, Afghanistan, West Bank, and Gaza.

BLah, blah, blah. We heard it over and over. How's that search for the WMD going?

Iraq is unchanged. Afghanistan is unchanged. Syria is unchanged.
BLah, blah, blah. We heard it over and over. How's that search for the WMD going?

Iraq is unchanged. Afghanistan is unchanged. Syria is unchanged.

Saddam Hussein was gassing his own citizens and had nuclear ambitions.

Did you miss the memo or something?

Now getting back to the OP, this is about Venezuela, not Iraq.
Saddam Hussein was gassing his own citizens and had nuclear ambitions.

Hussein was targeting the very same people we targeted when we invaded.

Did you miss the memo or something?

Now getting back to the OP, this is about Venezuela, not Iraq.

In the big picture it's about how we feel this crazy need to intervene where we do not belong.
Hussein was targeting the very same people we targeted when we invaded.

In the big picture it's about how we feel this crazy need to intervene where we do not belong.

Then write a letter to Biden/Harris stating that, and ask Ukraine to send us back all that equipment and money we gave them. In case you hadn't noticed, it isn't we MAGA Republicans supporting that war.
Then write a letter to Biden/Harris stating that, and ask Ukraine to send us back all that equipment and money we gave them. In case you hadn't noticed, it isn't we MAGA Republicans supporting that war.

No, they support the war in Gaza.
No, they support the war in Gaza.

Actually Biden/Harris' policy is to convince Israel to back down and for the creation of a "two state" solution. They're wishy-washy on the issue because they don't want to piss off and lose the votes of the Muslim population and leftist Palestinian-supporters.

They're trying to be all things for all people, and that's not going to fly. At least with Trump, I know exactly what I'm getting, because he states his policies out front where everyone can see them.
Actually Biden/Harris' policy is to convince Israel to back down and for the creation of a "two state" solution. They're wishy-washy on the issue because they don't want to piss off and lose the votes of the Muslim population and leftist Palestinian-supporters.

They're trying to be all things for all people, and that's not going to fly. At least with Trump, I know exactly what I'm getting, because he states his policies out front where everyone can see them.

LOL. Trump says whatever is convenient at any particular moment.
LOL. Trump says whatever is convenient at any particular moment.

I don't care what he says. It's what he does that matters to me, and I have no problem with the way he led the country while he was President. The fact is, we were much better off then.

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