Putin Warns Ukraine’s Use of Long-Range Weapons Would Put NATO ‘At War’ with Russia

The lamest meme you've posted yet. You've won no hearts, or minds. You should be fired. Post newly single Ukie bitches, with tits out, willing to to step in as 1950s wives.... And you might have something. Outside that..? No one but politicians, and investors gives a shit.

oh come on. NATO installed a bunch of pro-EU, pro-NATO puppets in eastern europe, and you fall for it like a snowman in the spring sun.

Anybody that echos
putlers threats is either an appeaser or a coward. Either way they should be ignored....
oh come on. NATO installed a bunch of pro-EU, pro-NATO puppets in eastern europe, and you fall for it like a snowman in the spring sun.
Eastern Europe spent 40+ years under the Stalinist-Communist heel.

When the Soviet Union died in the early 1990s those countries bolted from under Moscow's boot-heel at the speed of light.

Those countries installed their OWN people into positions of power... people who know Russian for what it is.

A self-serving Imperialist collective of individually gullible, servile, head-in-the-sand serfs.
And what if they are not?
What if they are not "what"? Stopped? If that's what you mean, Eastern Europe can kiss goodbye to their independence.

And that's just not going to happen again. NATO was designed to prevent that and is fully mission-capable and ready.

Phukk the goddamned Russians... ditto for those Western chicken$hits who crap their pants every time Putin threatens.

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