It's Spreading: Three Cats Found Mutilated, Cut in Half with Paws Cleanly Chopped Off, No Blood at the Scene in Houston, Texas

Yeah, so?

Take these vaccines and you won't get Covid

Stay home, stay safe

6 feet of distance

We learned from you, sweetheart. It doesn't have to be true. Just truthy, sorta....and politically useful.

You don't like it now, now you're mad?

By the time I was allowed to get the vaccine, and even before that, I knew the COVID vaccine did not stop receivers from getting covid, and only greatly improved ones chances of not dying from it, when you caught it, if you were at risk....

Good enough for me! Good enough for my family!
We have a Somalian community relocated here. Same type situation where the town had lost a great deal of its population to paper mills closing, the economy was in the ground, homes boarded up...., land dirt cheap....we didn't have a factory to give them jobs....but they bought land and became farmers...

Mainers in the community went through a struggle accepting the Somalians, we had a bit of racism on display as well with putting a cut off pig's head in their holy Mosque... Schools initially over crowded, all the normal issues...

But now, it is a thriving and accepted community, with new stores and foods and artistic talents...

They saved the town from extinction.
6,000 in your whole damn state
.Wheres that link? If you refuse to back up your claim with any link, I can only assume YOU are lying to discredit Trump
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finger pointing is us less and accusation with no proof of anything is wrong. It just invites distrust and hatred.

The article says they do not know if an animal did this or a human

For humans to do this then it begs the question why. A satanic ritual maybe

for food unlikely

for the thrill of it maybe

and if it was another animal then it depends on what was left behind.

If parts missing then maybe it was another animal maybe or a ritual

cats are pretty fast and whomever did this had to ability to catch them.

surprise that no video has appeared if it was in a neighborhood
If it was Trump's illegals you loons would be impeaching him again.
In many (most?) cases, yes. Trump jeopardizes the Military Industrial Complex and the Big Business Oligarchy. In other words, he's the roadblock to that massive flow of money landing in the pockets and bank accounts of the string-pullers.
He doesn't threaten the military industrial complex, silly one! :cuckoo:

Trump has approved selling Saudi Arabia HUGE amounts of Military type weaponry....And other countries too!

Don't be fooling yourself in to believe Trump isn't a huge supporter of the Military Industrial Complex!
That's not the link I'm asking for. Link to prove your claim in post 94
Post #11,
From your link....

“Earlier this week, a Houston SPCA Animal Cruelty Investigator responded to the East End after a cruelty report was filed with the animal rescue organization that two deceased cats were dismembered. After an initial investigation, it is believed this was caused by an animal attack, possibly coyotes, as the area where the incident occurred has a very high population of feral cats.

Houston SPCA was made aware of a third similar incident. Based on the current facts gathered, it is believed that this too was caused by an animal attack. The case will remain open pending further investigation, if warranted.

The Houston SPCA encourages the community to file a report for suspected animal cruelty at 713.869.7722 or”
The link is the original link in the op.

How sickening! It's now apparent that this country should be sterilized of all third world illegals after Trump takes office. The Haitians need to be targeted first along with the Venezuelan gangs.

Probably the work of a dumbass Trump Humper, trying to make a story.
How sickening! It's now apparent that this country should be sterilized of all third world illegals after Trump takes office. The Haitians need to be targeted first along with the Venezuelan gangs.

Hmmmm... I thought you told me, you were a Christian?? Do you follow Christ or do you follow Trump? Your user name, says it all!
How sickening! It's now apparent that this country should be sterilized of all third world illegals after Trump takes office. The Haitians need to be targeted first along with the Venezuelan gangs.

Thank God for websites like this one, and X - that have free speech. Otherwise lefty would simply deny this is happening, sweep it under the rug, or call it a conspiracy theory. Your country is under attack.
finger pointing is us less and accusation with no proof of anything is wrong. It just invites distrust and hatred.

The article says they do not know if an animal did this or a human

For humans to do this then it begs the question why. A satanic ritual maybe

for food unlikely

for the thrill of it maybe

and if it was another animal then it depends on what was left behind.

If parts missing then maybe it was another animal maybe or a ritual

cats are pretty fast and whomever did this had to ability to catch them.

surprise that no video has appeared if it was in a neighborhood

I heard somewhere that most of those lucky rabbits foot things they sell are actually cat paws.

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