Ukranian's view of American presidential debate

The difference is Ukraine was never created with a untied people. It wasn’t ever a naturally formed nation.
Horseshit, comrade. Pure horseshit.

Ukraine is a sovereign nation and is recognized as such by EVERY other nation on Earth.

I've seen your kind of limp-wristed commie faggots before. Back during the Reagan years when he put MX missiles in Europe, your gutless brethren were screaming like women he was going to start WWIII.

Here's another dictator and his cult mocking surrender monkey appeasers like you and Trump:

^ This is from a poster who for years had Stalin beating up Hitler in his avatar.

Also same poster that supports Putin's imaginary war against Nazis in Ukraine.

THAT is the poster that now plays stupid when someone explains imperialist land-grabs were bad when Hitler did and still just as bad when his beloved Putler is doing it.
Lol. I never had an avatar like that. Do you have dementia? Lol.

Who are you referring to? It’s not me dummy.

What do you know about Blackrock in Ukraine dummy?

It's an investment company that togather with Chase has raised $15 billion (GASP!) Ukraine rebuilding fund.

Thats who you think will own Ukraine? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

China holds trillions of American I-OWE-U notes - you know what they own here? Jack shit in terms of actual control of this country.
Seeing that you're seemingly not pals with Antoshka anymore kind of elevates you in my opinion. Somewhat like the enemy of your enemy is ... .;) Really, the asshole is tiresome. But then again, isn't basically any other democrap?
Well, thanks, but wouldn't say it flatters me too much.
Horseshit, comrade. Pure horseshit.

Ukraine is a sovereign nation and is recognized as such by EVERY other nation on Earth.

I've seen your kind of limp-wristed commie faggots before. Back during the Reagan years when he put MX missiles in Europe, your gutless brethren were screaming like women he was going to start WWIII.

Here's another dictator and his cult mocking surrender monkey appeasers like you and Trump:

Just because it was recognized by other nations, doesn’t mean if was formed naturally.

Iraq was recognized as a legit nation as well, yet it split Sunnis, Shia, and Kurds up and group a bunch of people that hated each other into the same nation. Resulting in decades of war.

And no, I wasn’t opposing Reagan back in the day. The USSR was run by evil Marxists. Ukraine is a product of that regime, which is why I don’t respect its Bolshevik borders.

What happened to letting people vote for how they want to be governed? No one asked the people in Eastern Ukraine SSR what they wanted, they were just thrown into the “Ukraine” nation state.

Then when the West helped overthrow the Ukrainian government in 2014 they decided they didn’t want to be a part of the new Kiev Regime installed by the US. They voted to become independent. But people like you hate that kind of democracy, when people don’t vote the way you want them to. So then Kiev started dropping bombs on them, which started a civil war.

But you don’t want to acknowledge these facts. You want to pretend they never happened. You want to pretend that Ukraine was just a wonderful little country minding its own business, until evil Russia decided to invade it. When reality is Russia got involved in that civil war because it involved ethnic Russians, who speak Russian and identify as Russians. But again, you don’t care. A man can identify as a woman and you’d defend that, but you refuse to accept a man in eastern Ukraine that speaks Russian is actually “a Russian”, so you want to drop bombs on him.
Horseshit, comrade. Pure horseshit.

Ukraine is a sovereign nation and is recognized as such by EVERY other nation on Earth.

I've seen your kind of limp-wristed commie faggots before. Back during the Reagan years when he put MX missiles in Europe, your gutless brethren were screaming like women he was going to start WWIII.

Here's another dictator and his cult mocking surrender monkey appeasers like you and Trump:

Lol. It was progressives, libs, and Ds screaming about WWIII when Reagan did that. You know? fuckers just like you. However, now you’ve morphed into a right wing fanatic warmonger, because the establishment directed you to.
What dumb bullshit.

Ukraine is internationaly recognized soveregn country. Putin signed and ratified border agreement with Ukraine in 2004. If Russia felt like it had ANY legitimate claim to Ukranian territories they obviously wouldn't do that.

Here is Putin in 2008, reiterating that Ukranian sovereign borders are not in any dispute:

I guess you also think that it would be ok for GB to invade Israel since it's territory once belonged to them and Israel is not a "naturally formed nation" :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Yup, and those came with conditions, which were broke when the Ukraine government was overthrown in 2014 and the new Ukraine government refused to honor the Crimea agreement they previously had. Russia never agreed to allow the Ukrainian government to wage war on the ethnic Russians living there.
Lol. It was progressives, libs, and Ds screaming about WWIII when Reagan did that.
Yes, exactly my point!

I warned REPEATEDLY in 2016 that Trump would lead his cult into the far left cave.


Yes, exactly my point!

I warned REPEATEDLY in 2016 that Trump would lead his cult into the far left cave.


Lol. Read my entire post.

The D Party IS the war party now and while you opposed war years ago as did many in the D Party, now you support it because they told you to.
Yup, and those came with conditions, which were broke when the Ukraine government was overthrown in 2014 and the new Ukraine government refused to honor the Crimea agreement they previously had. Russia never agreed to allow the Ukrainian government to wage war on the ethnic Russians living there.
Cite those conditions in borders agreement bullshit peddler

Crimea was invaded in Feb 2014 well before any significant violence in Ukraine began.

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