Lets see the left try to explain...

Biden did not cause global inflation. You twist up your brain to defend everything trump does as good. But trumps spending started the cycle that created the inflation. Peope had money to spend which raised demand, but due to COVID demand far exceeded supply so prices rose. When you talk about somebody being senile, try explining how the man who despite having the best medical facilities and doctors on earth, managed to make America, with 5 percent of the worlds population, the world leader in COVID deaths and infections.
Of course he did when he shutdown drilling and closed the keystone pipeline and spent billions of dollars in relief we didn't need... The global inflation was due to other nations doing what Biden Harris did... spending money we don't have... and forgiving debt... you act as if its something that just happened and our white house had noting to do with it... if that's the case why is it still over 4%?... just stop...
Biden did not cause global inflation. You twist up your brain to defend everything trump does as good. But trumps spending started the cycle that created the inflation. Peope had money to spend which raised demand, but due to COVID demand far exceeded supply so prices rose. When you talk about somebody being senile, try explining how the man who despite having the best medical facilities and doctors on earth, managed to make America, with 5 percent of the worlds population, the world leader in COVID deaths and infections.
Of course he did... printing and spending money and the war on fossil fuels... if Joe did nothing after winning in 2020 you may get away with that lie... but he undid everything Trump did seemingly out of spite only....
Of course he did... printing and spending money and the war on fossil fuels... if Joe did nothing after winning in 2020 you may get away with that lie... but he undid everything Trump did seemingly out of spite only....
Trump left a huge mess. We pump more fuel now than we did during Trump. Stop pretending about the trump presidency. Trump was a failure. If he had been so great, he'd be president now.
Of course he did when he shutdown drilling and closed the keystone pipeline and spent billions of dollars in relief we didn't need... The global inflation was due to other nations doing what Biden Harris did... spending money we don't have... and forgiving debt... you act as if its something that just happened and our white house had noting to do with it... if that's the case why is it still over 4%?... just stop...
He didn't shut down anything but an unfinished pipeline that would ship a bunch of tar sands out of the country. The global inflation was due to demand and shortages caused by COVID. Inflation is under 3 percent. Stop reading that right wing junk and get some real news.
Trump left a huge mess. We pump more fuel now than we did during Trump. Stop pretending about the trump presidency. Trump was a failure. If he had been so great, he'd be president now.
When Trump left office covid was on the decline and the stock market was going back up... jobs were coming back... Biden fucked up everything man... all the speed of the recovery just stopped and we were right back in the Obama days of pain....
He didn't shut down anything but an unfinished pipeline that would ship a bunch of tar sands out of the country. The global inflation was due to demand and shortages caused by COVID. Inflation is under 3 percent. Stop reading that right wing junk and get some real news.
Biden shut down a pipeline that is greatly needed today... and then he signed off on Russia's Nord stream two... why?...
People are not better off than they were under Trump pre covid stop playing word games....
Yes were are, and whatever we went through was due to COVID. So you can't ignore COVID and trump incompetence in managing that crisis. Pre covid, trump was living off an economy he inherited. Just like if he gets elected, he'll suddeny start talking about his amazing turn around and idiots will believe him, when the reality is that Trump would have inherited the economy Biden/Harris created that you idiots claimed was no good.
Yes were are, and whatever we went through was due to COVID. So you can't ignore COVID and trump incompetence in managing that crisis. Pre covid, trump was living off an economy he inherited. Just like if he gets elected, he'll suddeny start talking about his amazing turn around and idiots will believe him, when the reality is that Trump would have inherited the economy Biden/Harris created that you idiots claimed was no good.
The polling says you are wrong on that... people are not better off today than they were under Trump even with covid...
Prices are still out of control... we here are getting our 4th electric rate hike in a year and a half... insurance costs are causing homeowners real grief... and no one can afford the things we could under Trump...
When Trump left office covid was on the decline and the stock market was going back up... jobs were coming back... Biden fucked up everything man... all the speed of the recovery just stopped and we were right back in the Obama days of pain....
BS. First off, Trump dismantled the pandemic response team that woud have handled the pandemic. Obama created what ended up to be a decade of job growth before the pandemic hit, as well as creating the rising stock market that trump inherited. But the racism allowed you to deny what Obama actually did and give credit to the white boy for doing nothing.

Ahhh, I don't particularly care what they have to say. We know whatever it is it will be double talking BS.

Not to mention you can put all of them on ignore except for maybe one of them. They parrot exactly what they're told to say and so they all sound the same.

She has flipflopped so many times even the best political spinners can't make that look good. And she had parroted so many of Trump's more popular positions--directly contradicting her positions just a few months ago--that he jokingly said he was going to have to send her a MAGA hat.

But the woman is a full blown Marxist who honestly thinks government, i.e. government controlled by people like her, can run people's lives so much more effectively than they can do for themselves. The goal is therefore totalitarian government.

Trump's goal is, as much as is reasonably possible, to put the power back with the citizens of the United States.
BS. First off, Trump dismantled the pandemic response team that woud have handled the pandemic. Obama created what ended up to be a decade of job growth before the pandemic hit, as well as creating the rising stock market that trump inherited. But the racism allowed you to deny what Obama actually did and give credit to the white boy for doing nothing.
None of that is true... I was not born yesterday... I lived through it all...
The polling says you are wrong on that... people are not better off today than they were under Trump even with covid...
Prices are still out of control... we here are getting our 4th electric rate hike in a year and a half... insurance costs are causing homeowners real grief... and no one can afford the things we could under Trump...
The polling in the gateway pundit is not something I give much creedence to. The fact is that prices would be the same if Trump was president. And if Trump was to get elected, the prices are not going to go down. Again, if Trump was everything you have made up, he would be president right now. As it stands in reality, Trump should not even be on a Presidential ticket. And if he is elected, you can forget about America being respected on the world stage. Trump will not be able to talk to any other world leader about the rule of law. So it's just time you manned up and stopped sucking Trumps dick. He is not a leader, and he is certainly not what this nation should have as a president.
Yes were are, and whatever we went through was due to COVID. So you can't ignore COVID and trump incompetence in managing that crisis. Pre covid, trump was living off an economy he inherited. Just like if he gets elected, he'll suddeny start talking about his amazing turn around and idiots will believe him, when the reality is that Trump would have inherited the economy Biden/Harris created that you idiots claimed was no good.
No, not really....a majority of the country say they are worse off

More than half of voters say they are worse off under Biden: poll​

She has flipflopped so many times even the best political spinners can't make that look good. And she had parroted so many of Trump's more popular positions--directly contradicting her positions just a few months ago--that he jokingly said he was going to have to send her a MAGA hat.

But the woman is a full blown Marxist who honestly thinks government, i.e. government controlled by people like her, can run people's lives so much more effectively than they can do for themselves. The goal is therefore totalitarian government.

Trump's goal is, as much as is reasonably possible, to put the power back with the citizens of the United States.

BS. Harris has not parroted shit from Trump. Trump is the totalitarian, but he promises you a white nation so here you are.
The polling in the gateway pundit is not something I give much creedence to. The fact is that prices would be the same if Trump was president. And if Trump was to get elected, the prices are not going to go down. Again, if Trump was everything you have made up, he would be president right now. As it stands in reality, Trump should not even be on a Presidential ticket. And if he is elected, you can forget about America being respected on the world stage. Trump will not be able to talk to any other world leader about the rule of law. So it's just time you manned up and stopped sucking Trumps dick. He is not a leader, and he is certainly not what this nation should have as a president.
I don't use the gateway pundit.... like it or not Kamala is losing this race...
BS. Harris has not parroted shit from Trump. Trump is the totalitarian, but he promises you a white nation so here you are.
When did Trump promise a "white nation"? link

Harris did parrot trump, in particular the no tax on tip policy

So why you got to lie?

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